
美 [flu:]英 [flu:]
  • v.fly(飞)的过去式
  • 网络飞行;击飞;飞翔

过去式:flew flown 第三人称单数:flies 现在分词:flying 过去分词:flown 单数:fly

fly plane,fly flag,aircraft fly,fly glass,fly helicopter
fly fishing,fly wing
away fly


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... fly 飞;驾驶飞机;飘 扬 flew ,飞翔 flown 飞行的,飞行 ...


英语好的请帮帮忙???????_百度知道 ... swim - swam 游泳 fly - flew 飞行 see - saw 看到 ...


特殊的过去分词有哪些?_百度知道 ... 打通 cleaved,cleft,clove 击飞 flew 吊死 hung ...


八年级下册英语_百度文库 ... hero n. 英雄 flew v. fly 的过去式 tragedy n. 悲剧 ...


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... fly 飞;驾驶飞机;飘 扬 flew 飞,飞翔 flown 飞行的,飞行 ...


2008-12-23 凌云宏愿  看着球飞进(Flew)球网 观察原图 2008-12-23 凌云(Lingyun)雄心  脱衣纪念检查原图 2008-12-23 凌云宏愿   …


高中英语不规则动词大全 - 新月空中英语 ... found 发现,感觉到,认为 flew 飞,飞翔,逃走 forbade 禁止,不准 ...


有这事,立马(Flew)来去(Come and go)开个户。 2011-10-16 石秀   楼主好德行!

Suddenly, a little vampire bat flew from outside of the woods, with fresh blood full of his mouth. 突然,一只小吸血蝙蝠从树林外飞回来,满嘴鲜血。
To save himself, the crow flew away and went back to stay with the crows, but because of his painted body, they didn't let him in. 为了救自己,乌鸦飞走了,回去和它的同类待在一起,但是因为它漆过的身体,乌鸦们不让它进去。
My partner had a business meeting in Prague and I flew over at the tail end of his week to join him. 我的同伴在布拉格有一场商业会议,在会议快要结束的那周末我飞过去和他会合。
Immediately flew past, far away to see a purple flower on the wind flying. 立刻飞奔过去,远远地就看见一朵紫色的小花迎风飞舞。
When Obama flew to Cairo a few days later to deliver a landmark speech to the Arab and Muslim world, Mubarak did not attend. 数天后,奥巴马总统飞往开罗,对阿拉伯和穆斯林世界发表了一次具有里程碑意义的演讲,穆巴拉克也未出席。
They stepped into a helicopter and flew high in the sky in order that they might have a bird's eye view of the city . 为了对这个城市作一鸟瞰,他们跨进直升机,凌空飞行。
But most lovely of all was the skill with which they flew, their wing tips moving a precise and constant inch from his own. 但是最可爱的还是他们的飞行技术,他们的翼梢始终极精确地与乔纳森的翼梢保持着一英寸距离。
Survivors said the plane jolted so violently while trying to land that luggage flew off the overhead racks. 幸存者叙述说,飞机在试图着陆时颠簸得很厉害,以至于行李突然从舱顶行李架里飞落下来。
He flew far over the forest until he came to the towns of men. . . He went into a town and saw the burning thing. 他飞了很远,来到了人们的镇上。他走进了镇子,看到一个正在燃烧的东西。
He missed the surface altogether, his legs flew up above his head, and he found himself lying on the top of the prostrate Rat. 桨根本没有划在水面。只见他两脚高高翘起,整个儿跌倒在躺倒的河鼠身上。
Since there was no satellite to relay broadcasts across the Atlantic, CBS flew tapes to New York City daily. 由于没有卫星,无法跨越大西洋转播奥运会的盛况,美国哥伦比亚广播公司就每天把录像带空运到纽约市。
The rumors flew , but nobody know how much she blamed herself. 谣言四起,可却无人知晓她是多么的自责。
In late February, I flew to California for a few days to be with Frank Aller, Strobe Talbott, and Strobes girlfriend, Brooke Shearer. 在2月底,我飞到加利福尼亚州,和弗兰克.阿勒、斯特罗布.塔尔博特和他的女友布鲁克.希勒在一起待了几天。
Tess, Edward, and I flew out to the Knolls in San Francisco that summer of '76 and had a great few days with George and his family. 泰思、爱德华和我在76年夏天飞去旧金山的克诺尔家,与乔治及其家人过了几天愉快的日子。
Well, I was making love to her, kissing on her neck and I gave a little bite, then she farted and flew out the window. 我正跟她做爱,亲她脖子的时候咬了她一小口,然后她就放屁,还飞出窗外呢。
HIGH up in the clear, pure air flew an angel, with a flower plucked from the garden of heaven. 在高清晰,纯净的空气注册飞的天使,从天上的花园摘了一朵花。
We flew across the Chilean Altiplano until, like the world had been bleached, there lay ahead of us nothing but white. 我们飞速穿越智利高原,直到天地间一片白茫茫,前面除却白色别无其他。
Mercedes even flew some of its customers and those of competitors to Germany to see early prototypes. 梅赛德斯甚至还让一些顾客以及竞争对手的顾客飞往德国,考察早期的模型。
Change not know his opponent, fragrance swallow medicine, the body immediately Piaochi ground broken window, flew to the sky. 嫦娥知道自己不是他的对手,嫦娥吞下药,身子立时飘离地面、冲出窗口,向天上飞去。
Next he took off on his bicycle and flew down and the sidewalk on wings of joy. 接着他骑上他的自行车,像插上了欢乐的翅膀一样沿着人行道出发了。
My Bangkok gallery sold one of my pieces to a bank for its courtyard's inaugural, and I flew there for the opening. 有一次,曼谷的一家画廊卖了我的一件作品给某银行新建的庭院,于是我飞去参加揭幕。
We flew over the lava flowing into the sea and the moment I saw it I knew I had to come back at night to capture the majesty of it. 我们飞越了熔岩流入大海的场景,在我看这种场景的这一刻,就知道我必须在晚上回到那里,以捕捉那里的雄伟和庄严。
"Thank you, " replied Dorothy, and then the kind Stork flew into the air and was soon out of sight. “多谢你,”多萝茜回答说,于是仁慈的鹳鸟飞到空中去,一会儿就不见了。
He took his airplane off the ground, flew for ten minutes, and then returned to land safely. 他驾驶飞机起飞,飞了十分钟,然后安全着陆。
When the flock flew overhead once more, Wally again tried to lift himself out of the barnyard. But he simply didn't have the strength. 当野鸭群再次飞过时,沃利又试图飞出谷仓,但他就是没有足够的力气飞起来。
As a frog sat at the bottom of a well, a little bird flew over and perched on the well's edge. 一只青蛙坐在井里,一只小鸟飞过来,落在井边上。
While you were on location for Rescue Dawn, you hung from the skids of a helicopter as it flew over the jungle. 在拍摄《拯救黎明》的时候,你用一根绳子把自己挂在直升机上飞过雨林。
"Thank you, " said the merchant's son. So he went back to the wood, seated himself in his trunk, flew up to the ro. “谢谢你,”商人的儿子。于是,他又回到了木材,自己坐在他的箱子,飞上了反渗透。
Dumbledore gave his wand a little flick, as if he was trying to get a fly off the end, and a long golden ribbon flew out of it, 丹伯多拿起魔杖轻轻一场,仿佛他自己想从高台上飞下来一般。一条长长的金色的绸带从魔杖里飘出来,
Throw The right hand flick the ball against a dozen, tennis straight at me, I a flying from my head bent, tennis quickly flew past. 右手挥球猛力一打,网球直冲我飞来,我一弯腰,网球从我头顶快速地飞过去。