
美 [flaɪt]英 [flaɪt]
  • n.飞行;班机;逃走;(尤指乘坐飞机的)旅行
  • v.(熟练地踢、击或掷)使(球)在空中飞行
  • 网络航班;迫降航班;航程


take flight,book flight,catch flight,Miss flight,change flight
domestic flight,maiden flight,same flight,international flight,smooth flight


n. v.

空中航行journey by air

1.[c](尤指乘飞机的)空中航行,航程a journey made by air, especially in a plane


2.[c]航班飞机;班机a plane making a particular journey


3.[u]飞行;飞翔the act of flying

物体的运动movement of object

4.[u](物体的)飞行,飞行方向the movement or direction of an object as it travels through the air

台阶of steps

5.[c]一段楼梯;一段阶梯a series of steps between two floors or levels

逃走running away

6.[u][sing](从危险或困境中的)逃避,躲避the act of running away from a dangerous or difficult situation

鸟群;机群group of birds/aircraft

8.[c](一起飞行的)鸟群(或机群)a group of birds or aircraft flying together


in the first/top flight

名列前茅;佼佼者among the best of a particular group

put sb to flight

迫使逃窜to force sb to run away

take flight

逃走to run away


航空频道_新浪网 ... 航空高管 Executives 飞行 Flight 模型 Models ...


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... as...as... 像...(一样) flight 航班 earth 地球 ...


迫降航班迫降航班 (Flight) 上映: 2012-11-02(美国) 导演: 罗伯特·泽米吉斯 主演: 丹泽尔·华盛顿 国家: 美国 由丹泽尔· …


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... time-table 时刻表 flight 班机 rear stalls 戏院正方后座 ...


Esp词汇资料 ... peron'o: 露天台阶(出来) flight 航程 of steps 步行; ...


[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... flicker 闪烁 flight 飞,航班,逃走 fling 抛,掷 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... adventure n. 冒险;奇遇 flight n. 楼梯的一段 reception n. 接待 ...

Mr Woodford was smart to take his story public right away, but the fact that he felt he had to take the next flight out speaks volumes. 伍德福德的聪明之处是立刻将自己的故事公诸于世,但他不得不乘坐下一个航班离开,则更能说明问题。
We have been able to create a cavity where the material has been 'sucked out' by an instrument called a flight auger. 我们已能造成一个空洞,用一种叫做飞行螺钻的仪器‘吸出’洞中物质。
The wind that made such waves however, might have been too strong for the pterosaurs to control their flight once airborne. 然而,能产生此种大浪的风可能对翼龙来说过于猛烈,以至于它一旦升空,就无法控制自己。
Its far bright lights would streak across the sky and its sonic ba-boom! would rumble out, regular as a flight to Chicago. 宇宙飞船的灯光从远方呼啸划过天际,巨响轰鸣,和飞往芝加哥的航班并无两样。
In a fraction of a second you consider the right surface, the flight of the ball and his position. 在几分之一秒时间里,你考虑好正确的触球,球的飞行轨迹和他的位置。
Check-in counter is usually closed at least 30 minutes before flight departure. 通常是在飞机起飞前至少30分钟停止办理登机手续。
228 people from Brazil to France on an Air France flight has vanished over the Atlantic after flying into turbulence. 228人搭着法航由巴西飞往法国的班机因为乱流在大西洋消失。
On the flight to Bagram, White House officials said the review will not include any major policy changes. 白宫官员在前往巴格兰的飞机上说,这次审议不包括任何主要政策改变。
If it had failed to do so, the flight to institutions deemed "too big to fail" would have become a Gadarene rush. 如果政府没有介入,流向那些被认为肯定不会破产的大银行的挤兑风波,会一发而不可收拾。
Each of us who knew them, Knew it was not their last fight; For God will take them home, With him, they'll make their last flight. 我们都认识他们中的每一个,知道他们最后一次的战斗;因为上帝将会带他们回家,他们将会与上帝同行,作最后一次飞行。
Fly straight up, as fast as you can. If this fails to shift your reality location, at least you will experience space flight. 尽你所能快地直向上飞。如果这无法转换你的现实场所,至少你会经历到空中飞行。
We're not ready to let go of Spring Break and I'm going to force you, and everyone else on this flight, to remember it with me. 春假别那么快走,我们还没做好准备呢,我现在要让着你,飞机上的所有人,记我一辈子。
He's not ready to leave the nest yet, but it is another step forward in his flight to total independence. 雏儿还没做好离巢的准备,但这对孩子来说,却是向完全独立迈出了一步。
Last night, while on a business trip, I got to the airport in Fuzhou 35 minutes before my flight and had no problem making the plane. 就在昨晚我的一次商业旅程,我在飞机起飞前35分钟才赶到机场,但是并没有造成我航班的延误。
Speed 12 is needed to reach any of these areas on the first round, and in the case of player A, this creature must have Flight as well. 速度12被需要在第一个回合上到达任何地区,并且在运动员一情况下,这种动物也必须有航机。
The first flight of the day to your destination is often the most punctual one, as your plane is already there waiting for you. 前往你旅行目的地的第一架航班通常也是最准时的一班,因为飞机早早就已经在跑道上待命出发。
Chelsea's private chartered BMI flight was unable to leave Aberdeen airport to pick the squad up at Newcastle, so they were stranded. 切尔西的私人包机航班BMI无法离开奥博丁机场,也无法到纽卡去接球队,所以切尔西被困了。
If I could have my life to live over, I would have made my son work for money, make some kind of effort to get a car or a plane flight. 假如我的人生能够重来,我会让儿子自己勤勤恳恳努力工作赚钱买汽车或私人飞机。
"Part of our 'fight or flight' reflexes to keep us alive includes the switch into the REM state of consciousness, " he said. “帮助我们生存的‘挣扎或飘走’反射的一部分包括了意识转变到REM状态。”他说。
Our scenic flight enables you to see the spectacular sights of the Great Ocean Road in less than 3 hours. 我公司推出的此次景色飞行之旅可以让您在不到3个小时的时间里欣赏到大洋路那壮观无比的景致。
Badminton little flying up and down in their midst, like a small white dove in flight. 小小的羽毛球在他们中间上下翻飞,像小白鸽在飞翔。
In flight from her mother, Lessing left home when she was fifteen and took a job as a nursemaid. 15岁的时候,因为跟母亲不合,莱辛离家出走,找了份保姆的工作。
At a given flight height and atmospheric temperature, the surface temperature elevated with the increase of the flight velocity. 在飞行高度和大气温度一定时,表面温度随飞行速度的增大而升高。
I'll have my secretary type the contract for you to sign at once, then I'll drive you to the airport for your flight at. 我会让我的秘书立刻将合同打好给你签名,然后,我开车送您去机场搭七点钟的飞机。
Not many flight instruments existed that could help him find his way. He was alone, fighting against sleep. 在没有很多飞行器械辅助飞行的情况下,他一个人不眠不休。
Wiley Post began to plan another flight around the world. This time he would go alone. 威利.波斯特开始计划另一次环球飞行,这次他要单独飞行。
Civil aircraft as referred to in this Law means aircraft other than those used in flight missions of military, customs and police services. 本法所称民用航空器,是指除用于执行军事、海关、警察飞行任务外的航空器。
One of the greatest joys known to man is to take such a flight into ignorance in search of the knowledge. 在寻找知识的过程中陷入无知,是人类的一大乐事。
In a state of fear the blood rushes to his heart and his limbs to prepare him for flight. 在害怕的状态,血液会迅速流到它的心脏和四肢来使它为决斗做好准备。
I had a genuine sense of weightlessness, as if the car had taken flight. 我有一种真正的失重感,好像车在飞翔。