
美 [fɔɡ]英 [fɒɡ]
  • n.雾;困惑;迷惘
  • v.(使)雾气笼罩;使迷惘;使困惑
  • 网络浓雾;光纤陀螺(fiber optic gyro);雾化效果

第三人称单数:fogs 现在分词:fogging 过去式:fogged

heavy fog,thick fog,dense fog


n. v.

1.雾a thick cloud of very small drops of water in the air close to the land or sea, that is very difficult to see through

2.迷惘;困惑a state of confusion, in which things are not clear

Unity 脚本类总索引 ... fogStartDistance 雾开始距离 fog haloStrength 光晕强度 ...


关于颜色的英语单词_百度文库 ... breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 ...

光纤陀螺(fiber optic gyro)

...测斜仪 1 仪器简介 光纤陀螺数控连续测斜仪是基于光纤陀螺FOG)捷联惯性测量技 术和光纤通讯技术的新一代测斜仪器, …


Cube Engine 引擎_百度知道 ... frames rate is king( 帧数为王) fog( 雾化效果) flip double buffered( 反转双缓存) ...


构词法_互动百科 ... (television + broadcast) 电视广播 (smoke + fog) 烟雾 (news + broadcast) 新闻报道 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... foam 泡沫,起泡沫 fog 雾气,雾 fold 折叠;合拢;抱住 ...


摄影英语词汇(转) ... focusing travel 对焦移限 fog 灰雾,雾化 fog filter 雾化滤片 ...

The surface southeast wind is a condition for the generation of advection fog, but it contributes to the disappearance of radiation fog. 底层东南风是平流雾生成的条件,却对应于辐射雾的消亡;
It is often a stuttering journey, with cul-de-sacs and fog. And the goal can change as you approach it. 这个过程通常跌跌撞撞,一路上有死胡同,还有迷雾,但在你接近它的过程中,目标也许又会发生改变。
The ship was again lost in a fog bank. This time, no trace of the boat -- or the crew -- was ever found. 在大雾中迷失了方向。这一次,不但是船员,连船也不见了踪影。
The ashes turned into a dense fog which the eagle could not cross. as it was getting dark, the witch could not follow the lovers any more. 骨灰变成了浓雾的雄鹰不能交叉。因为它是越来越黑了,巫婆不能按照爱好者了。
surprise, and I jumped to my feet. A frightening shape had come out of the fog. It was a dog, a. 我则跳了起来。一个可怕的幽灵窜出了浓雾,那是一只猎犬。
After being absorbed, the particles of water unite and form clouds; then they fall down in the form of fog, rain, snow, or hail. 原来,水分被空气吸收以后,空气中的水分子就会积聚成云,然后它们会变成雨,变成雪,变成冰雹降落下来。
It was the fog. She was unable to see her goal. 因为有雾,她根本看不到自己的目标。
You ignore their cries, you think they look like when they get up in the morning with diffuse fog. 你忽略了它们的叫声,你以为它们像早晨起床时弥漫的雾。
Or they can be a simple voice in the head, like the one Tammy heard as she was driving along one night in thick fog. 或者他们也可能是人们脑海里的一个简单的声音,就像泰米在大雾笼罩的夜晚独自驾车时听到的一样。
The data fog is thickening at a time when companies are trying to squeeze ever more out of their workers. 当公司企图增加对员工的压榨时,数据烟雾将增厚。
Real philosophy is as gentle as fog and as quiet as tears; it holds the world as if it were a delicate infant, raw and open and vulnerable. 纯粹的哲学是温柔如雾而安静如泪的;哲学去掌握世界的感觉好像是对待一个脆弱的婴儿,带着原初的开放性同时又小心翼翼。
Curiousness also opens you up to gain understanding of something. And with understanding vague, fog-like fears disappear. 求知欲也会促使你去获得一切你想知道的东西,那么你的含糊的,模糊不清的恐惧也就消失不见了。
Friendship, like the morning fog, like purity, flattery does not get it, friendship can only be faithful to consolidate. 友谊像清晨的雾一样纯洁,奉承并不能得到它,友谊只能用忠实去巩固。
A silence drifts in like a fog. Lots of room for someone to ask someone out on a date. Maybe they could meet for a cup of coffee. 沉默像雾气一般弥散开来。这时是邀请别人约会的最佳时机。或许他们可以相约喝一杯咖啡。
The sound echoed queerly in the fog, and for a moment it was as if poles were falling around them. 那声音在雾霭中古怪回响,一时间有种到处有落篙的感觉。
He took it for a hill looming above a wooded island, or some colossal rock overgrown with moss and ferns and hidden by the fog. 他当它是一座隐于长满树木的岛屿上的小山,或者一块被雾隐藏的长满了青苔和蕨类的巨石。
He looks at me and the blue shadow-smoke drifts over the gate of his teeth like fog over a graveyard. 他看着我,蓝色的烟影从一排排牙齿形成的门中飘出,仿佛墓地上空的迷雾。
Pulling water out of Monterey fog and out of the sweaty air in Atlanta, before it gets into a building, are key technologies. 在水气进入建筑物之前,从蒙特瑞的雾中,和亚特兰大的潮湿空气中把水份分离出来,这是很重要的科技
Otherwise it would be almost impossible to see anything on the road in such a mixture of fog and exhausts. 如果不这样,尾气就会和雾混合在一起,那就休想看清前方的路了。
The children are like two beacons of light flashing through their day, which would otherwise fade within the fog of yesterday and tomorrow. 孩子们就象是在她们这一天闪过的两道光,要不是这光,这一天就会因为昨天和明天的迷雾而黯然失色。
To be a Mark Tapley in a London winter fog is not always possible. 要在伦敦冬天的大雾中总是高高兴兴是不容易做到的。
Ageing resistant: The surface has good acid, alkaline, salt fog resistance. It is suitable to be used in wet and high corrosive environment. 耐候性强:表面具有良好的耐酸、碱、盐雾等腐蚀性,适合各种潮湿、腐蚀性强的环境使用。
The fog was beginning to part, and a mile and a half away the enemy's troops could be indistinctly seen on the opposite heights. 雾霭开始渐渐地散开,莫约在两俄里以外的地方,可以看见对面高地上的敌军。
The plane came down in a forest as it tried to land in fog in Smolensk airport. 飞机试图在大雾中降落在斯摩棱斯克机场时坠毁。
The gray raining season strikes people as misty, the blueberry in the fog is so tempting, and the air seems to be sweet. 烟雨蒙蒙的季节,轻烟薄雾中给人缥缈而隐约的感觉,雾色中的蓝莓格外诱人,空气中仿佛也带着一丝甜香。
It was a spring morning, we came to a mountain, in the misty white fog, I seem to see many small stars. 那是一个初春的早上,我们来到了一座山前,在白蒙蒙的浓雾中,我仿佛看见了无数小星星。
At least as important, despite the fog of gloom sitting over the country, Ireland has much to be proud of. 同样也不可忽视的是,尽管忧愁的迷雾笼罩着全国,爱尔兰还有很多值得骄傲之处。
One of the novel's most beautiful sections involves Grania's efforts to help him emerge from the fog of his pain. 小说中最美的场景,是格丽娅为帮助吉姆从病痛的迷雾中恢复所做的各种努力。
even the fog had been thrown back by the force of the blast , which had cleared a great circle open to the sky. 即使是雾气,也被爆炸所产生的冲击波刮走,在天空中留下一个清清楚楚的大洞。
i rubbed my eyes and followed this gentleman out of the embassy . i stepped into the thin fog of london ' s autumn evening in a daze. 我揉着眼睛,迷迷糊糊地跟着这位先生走出了大使馆,步入伦敦秋夜的薄雾中。