
美 [wɪtθ]英 [wɪdθ]
  • n.宽度;广度;某一宽度的材料;(游泳池两长边之间的)池宽
  • 网络幅宽;的宽度;门幅


width measure



1.[u][c]宽度;广度the measurement from one side of sth to the other; how wide sth is

2.[c]某一宽度的材料a piece of material of a particular width

3.[c](游泳池两长边之间的)池宽the distance between the two long sides of a swimming pool


jquery实现居中弹出层代码_jquery_脚本之家 ... height: 高度 width: 宽度 speed: 渐显时间 默认0 ...


服装英文大全_风一样的男子A - 阿里巴巴博客 ... 重量---- WEIGHT 幅宽---- WIDTH 匹长---- PIECE LENGTH ...


div style常用属性 - Nimitz - 博客园 ... 1、Height: 的高度。 2、Width: 的宽度。 22、font-size: 指定文本的大小。 ...


协孚_江苏昆山协孚人革制品集团有限公司 ... 厚度/ Thickness:0.60±0.05--2.50±0.10mm 门幅/ Width:137±2cm 规格/ SPECIF…


产品组合决策_百度百科 ... 4、黏度( Consistency) 2、广度Width) 3、长度( Length) ...


英语词汇-数学词汇_专业词汇 ... whole number 整数;完整数 width 阔度 without loss of generality 不失一般性 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... wide 宽阔的;广泛的 width 宽度;宽阔 wife 妻子 ...

It cannot be less than runway width and must be strong enough to support the airplane without structural damage. 它的宽度不能窄于跑道,硬度也必须能够支持飞机以免结构损坏。
In a shoe store, shoes of medium width turn over quickly, but a pair of narrow shoes may not be sold FOR years. 在鞋店里,中型鞋卖得特别多特别快,可是一双窄型鞋也许好几年也卖不掉。
This is not usually specified for a switch card, but the limitation is usually a function of the trace width and connector ratings . 虽然开关卡的技术指标并不明确显示,但是电流限值通常是走线宽度和连接器额定值的函数。
Draws an arc representing a portion of an ellipse specified by a pair of coordinates, a width, and a height. 绘制一段弧线,它表示由一对坐标、宽度和高度指定的椭圆部分。
The key question of this research is half the width of the band, the center wavelength stability and thickness of the monitor. 解决的关键问题是通带的半宽度,制备工艺的稳定性和膜厚监控的准确性。
The top of its window is positioned along the bottom of the property entry, and its width matches that of the property entry. 其窗口的顶部位于该属性项的底部,其宽度与该属性项的宽度相匹配。
We deal with the latest film types to produce the best fit and contour for your product and can wrap up to a maximum 12 " width. " 我们处理最新的薄膜,为您产品制造最适合的轮廓,最大可达12英寸宽度。
Makes it possible for you to specify absolute top position, absolute left position, Z-index, height, and width for an element. 使您能够指定元素的绝对顶端位置、绝对左边位置、Z索引、高度和宽度。
A view has a location, expressed as a pair of left and top coordinates, and two dimensions, expressed as a width and a height. 视图具有位置,用左上角的坐标表示,以及两个尺寸,宽度和高度。
The width of the box containing the buttons is the total width of the buttons plus the padding between them. 分组的宽度包含按钮间的填充空间和按钮的宽度总和。
The size of a view is expressed with a width and a height. A view actually possess two pairs of width and height values. 视图的大小以宽度和高度表示。一个视图有两对宽度和高度值。
Set the size of the control to a width of 500 and a height of 400 by watching the size information as you resize the control. 在调整控件大小时注意该控件的大小信息,将该控件的宽度设置为500,高度设置为400。
I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well. 我不要在走到人生尽头时,才发现我只活了它的长度,我也要活著过它的宽度。
For those of you who have not been following our Development Diaries, combat width is a measure of how much space a division takes up. 如果没有看过我们前面的开发日志,那么这里解释一下作战正面:是一个衡量一个师占多少地方的度量(白熊:大概一个省堆兵有上限了吧)。
Both the larval head capsules width and the length of the body can be the standard of instars separation. 认为苹果蠹蛾幼虫头壳宽度和幼虫体长都可作为分龄标准。
However, in practice, to obtain the full benefits of the fan gate design a greater width is often used. 可是在实际上,为了得到设计扇形浇口的全部好处,常常使用更大些的宽度。
This means that if it was magnified to the size of the solar system, it would still appear spherical to within the width of a human hair. 这意味着,如果将其尺寸放大到太阳系大小,它仍将是一个误差不超过头发丝粗细的圆。
Bounds , whether the control is top level, whether the control is fixed width or auto size, and any adornments the control might have . 边界、控件是否为顶级控件、控件是否为固定宽度或自动大小以及控件可能具有的任何修饰。
MeasureIt! allows you to draw out a ruler that will help you get the pixel width and height of any elements on a webpage. “量量它!”让你通过掂拿一把尺来检测出网站上的任何元素的像素高宽。
The portico at the front of the temple was twenty cubits long across the width of the building and twenty cubits high. 殿前的廊子长二十肘,与殿的宽窄一样,高一百二十肘。
Fills the interior of an ellipse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by a pair of coordinates, a width, and a height. 填充边框所定义的椭圆的内部,该边框由一对坐标、一个宽度和一个高度指定。
About a quarter of the way from the bottom of a sheet of paper, draw a line across the width of the page. 一张纸从下往上的四分之一处,画一个页宽长度的直线。
Luckily, Mobile Safari has a mechanism for you to specify exactly what width you want used to display your site. 幸运的是,MobileSafari为您准备了一种机制来精确指定显示站点所需的宽度。
So that visitors perceive content as being easy to navigate, the navigation is often structured with blocks of the same height and width. 导航区通常都是具有相同高度和宽度的区块,因此访问者感觉内容能被轻松引导。
Full-backs are key for your width in a diamond formation. Was that the attraction of getting Ashley Cole? 在菱形阵型中,后卫对宽度有决定性的作用。是因为这个原因才买了阿什利科尔么?
By-Edition-cots and print-edition-pressure is too large, also a similar sound, at this point can be examined to determine ink width. 靠-版-胶辊与印-版-不张力过不小,同样会爆发近似的响不韵,这时可以堵住查抄墨杠宽度来鉴定。
It is usually used for docks of framework type and ships due to the small size of its bottom width. 由于底部宽度尺寸小,一般适用于框架式码头和船舷安装使用。
Every woman should know that she can't change th length of her calves , the width of her hips, or thd nature of her parents. . . 每个女人都应该知道她无法改变她小腿的长度,她臂部的宽度,和她父母的本性…
I try to gauge the width of the door to see if my sofa can pass through it. 我试着估算这个门的宽度,看我的沙发可不可以过得去。
If the leader should fill all space on a line, the max length of the leader should be at least as large as the width of the column. 如果前导字符需要在一行中填充空格,那么前导字符的最大长度至少与列的宽度相同。