way of life

  • na.生活方式
  • 网络生活之道;人生之路;生活的方式

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way of lifeway of life

way of life


【资源】英语常用短语 ... water closet 厕所 way of life 生活方式 What a shame to do sth.! …… 多么令人感到可耻! ...


VA -《Maxi Kingdom 26》舞曲大帝国... ... 8. BAD BABYSITTER – 坏褓母 9. WAY OF LIFE生活之道 10. ANOTHER WORL…


心理学专业英语词汇(三) ... way of direct inference 直接推理方式 way of life 人生之路 wayward child 不听话的儿童 ...


...zedecclesiasticalbody),或者生活的方式(way of life)。


他经常说《连线》是一本生活方式(lifestyle)的杂志。不过,他说的生活方式是指“生活道路”(way of life)。


印度经贸资讯网 ... 四、适应的阶段( Fit-in) 五、生活方式的阶段Way of Life) 一、屈从压抑的阶段( Subjugation) ...

It will not be easy for you to change your way of life, but I believe that you have the strength to shape up to it. 改变你的生活方式并不容易,但我相信你有力量面对这个问题。
The Bottom Line Eating out is a way of life in Asia, and can be a wonderful pleasure. 外食是亚洲生活的一部分,而且也可能是一令人惊奇的快乐。
Indeed, your way of life passes by a decisive stage which will enable you to continue by and for what you are with deepest you. 事实上,你的生活方式进入到了一个决定性的阶段,将会让你继续和通过最深的交流来增进彼此间的感情。
He did not know her way of life. 他不晓得她的生存方法。
Nevertheless, as he explains, he has no regrets and remains enthusiastic about his decision to change his way of life. 但他解释到,关于改变他生活方式的这个决定他不会感到遗憾并将保持热情。
Today, digital technology as a result of rapid development, people and way of life has been a revolutionary change. 当代,由于数字化技术的飞速发展,人们生活的面貌和方式都被革命性的改变了。
They still connected thinking with doing and were prepared to alter their way of life as the result of a chain of reasoning. 那时的人仍把思想和行为视为一体,可以随着一连串理性认知的变革,更动自己的生活方式。
Despite years of bloody strife, the Western way of life has continued to encroach on Muslims. 虽然经过了多年的血腥冲突,西方的生活方式依然继续侵入穆斯林。
Al Pacino plays the world weary retired Army Lt. Colonel who through a stupid accident looses his sight and his way of life. 艾尔帕西诺扮演世界厌倦退役陆军中校谁通过一个愚蠢的事故失去了视力和他的生活方式。
He stopped to think over his way of life. 他停下来思考他的人生道路。
The Internet is a way of life for US college students, with research showing them to be one of the most connected demographic groups. 对于美国的大学生来说,因特网就是一种生活方式,研究显示,他们是与网络联系最密切的一个人群。
The indigenous groups say that the laws put their way of life in danger, and amount to nothing less than the theft of their ancestral lands. 土著组织称,这些法律将他们的生活方式置入危险中,无异于盗窃他们祖传的土地。
Surely we all seek a way of life in which conflict has no place. 毫无疑问,我们都在寻找一种生活方式,其中没有冲突的存在。
There is a better way for everything. Find it. ? ? A positive attitude is not a destination. It is a way of life. 积极的态度不是终点。它只是一种生活方式。
Otherwise, he will lose himself in his way of life. 否则,他将失去他自己的生活方式。
His writing was his and his alone, and his way of life was only what he chose to follow. 他的作品是而且只是他一个人的,他的生活方式也是他自己所选择的。
They had love down part. It was more than their flirtatious little games; it was a way of life. 他们爱的至死不渝,这不仅仅是一种略带调情的小游戏,这是一种生活方式。
It was more than their flirtatious little games; it was a way of life. 他们的小游戏已远非调情消遣,那是一种生活方式。
"For me, making films is a way of life, not the means to it, " he said. "And I really enjoy this life. " “对我来说,做电影是生活的一种方式,而不是手段”他说,“而我非常享受这样的生活”
Designer is in fact the main use of such a space, to design a way of life, thus affecting the attitude of the user's life. 设计师实际上是在借用空间这样一个主体,来设计一种生活方式,从而影响使用者的生活态度。
"For the young people it was a time of excitement and hope and the possibility of a new way of life, " Perkins remembers. “对年轻人而言,这是一个充满激情和希望的时代,一种新的生活方式出现在他们面前”,帕金斯回忆道。
In Brazil the beach is not just a place to go for recreation or sport, it is a way of life. 在巴西,海滩不仅仅是娱乐或运动的场所,更是一种生活方式。
Choice of small units is not a question of money, but a lifestyle choice, convenience, fast, stylish, elegant way of life. 选择小户型并不是钱的问题,而是选择一种生活方式,方便、快捷、时尚、优雅的生活方式。
For all their efforts to disrupt the British way of life, such annual conspiracies are instead becoming part of it. 所有恐怖袭击破坏了英国人的生活方式,每年的恐怖袭击阴谋现在正在成为英国人生活的一部分。
Actually, I would like to thank here YinBin seniors, he let me know, still can use this way to think, still can use such a way of life. 其实在这里我要特别感谢尹彬学长,是他让我知道,原来还可以用这样的方式来思考,还可以用这样的方式生活。
He began to talk to them about the forest that they needed to protect, the way of life they needed to nurture. 他开始谈论必须要保护森林,并抚育他们的生活方式。
But if you stop and trace out a way for another to follow, or a design for your own way of life, it will never come near you. 但是如果你停下来,并踩出一条别人可以追随的路,或者设计出你自己的一种生活方式,那么它就永远不会走近你。
On man when he came into life the Father conferred the seeds of all kinds and the germs of every way of life. 而当人诞生之时,我们的在天之父便赐予他各类种子和每一样生命的胚胎。
Bill Gates let computer become a part of our life. It is no exaggeration to say that he changed a generation's way of life. 比尔盖茨让电脑真正成为我们每个人生活的一部分。毫不夸张的说,他改变了一代人的生活方式。
Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way, but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class (kind ) . 每一个生活的事情是适合其生活方式的一般方法,但每个适合特别是它自己的独特的类(种类)。