wake up

  • na.同“wake”;叫醒;醒来;振作起来
  • 网络唤醒;起床;醒醒

第三人称单数:wakes up 现在分词:waking up 过去式:woke up 过去分词:woken up

wake upwake up

wake up


初中英语短语大全 ... 37. again and again 再三地,反复地 38. wake up 醒来,叫醒 40. look over 检查 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 37. again and again 再三地,反复地 38. wake up 醒来,叫醒 40. look over 检查 ...


字典中 苏 字的解释 ... (1) 更生[ revive] (1) 唤醒;昏迷后醒过来[ wake up] (3) 割草;取草[ mow] ...


小学常用英语 - 豆丁网 ... ride a bike 骑自行车 (wake up) 起床 9 (sing a song) 唱歌 40 ...


王子变青蛙的全部歌曲 - 一听音乐网 ... 迷魂计 Enticing Trick - 183CLUB 醒醒 Wake Up 失去记忆最初的爱 Memory Puzzle ...


越前龙马_互动百科 ... U.S.A( 美国) WAKE UP觉醒) ZEAL( 热忱,热情) ...


打上“醒醒吧”(Wake Up)字体的大巴车停在苹果店门前相关新闻: Galaxy相关报道: 三星动态: 延伸阅读: 版权声明:来 …

England seems to be suffering from a deadly case of deja vu, or perhaps, a wake up call. 英格兰似乎正在经受着曾经的切肤之痛,或者这也许是一种唤醒的召唤。
Going to bed, have to wake up early for my flight to New York. Sweet Dreams everyone! 睡觉去了,明天早班飞机飞往纽约。大家做个美梦吧!
And I wake up in the morning and think it's him because his body's sort of the same. 由于体型的相似,每当我早上醒来我都以为他还在我的身边。
She was regret that told him the nitty-gritty when she wake up to the intention of this man suddenly. 当她突然意识到这个男人的用意时,她后悔告诉他事实真相。
For weeks after the accident I'd wake up thinking it was that Sunday again and that the girls were heading home. 在车祸发生的几周后,我还是往往一觉醒来觉得今天是周日,我们的小女孩们要回家了。
The next day, the children wake up first thing in the bed to find Santa Claus. 第二天,孩子们醒来后的第一件事就是在床头上寻找圣诞老人送来的礼物。
"We have to see this as a wake-up call, " Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in an interview on Monday. “我们不得不将这件事情当作叫醒电话,”周一,教育部长阿恩·邓肯在访谈中说。
Wake up in the morning. Relax for a minute. Tell yourself: "Today I will set a low bar for happiness" . 早晨醒来之后,先放松一下,然后告诉自己:“今天我将为幸福设置一个较低的门槛。”
You'll wake up in the morning with a plethora of new music files on your hard disk that were recorded while you slept. 你起来的时候会发现你硬盘上已经在你睡觉的时候录制了很多音乐了。
This town could use a bit of a wake-up call, don't you think? 这座小镇真是让人有点兴奋,你不觉得吗?
It was too soon to know if his mental capability or his personality would be altered, if he would be paralyzed, if he'd even wake up at all. 但要知道他的智力或性格是不是会因此发生改变,是不是会瘫痪,甚至他是不是会醒过来,还为时过早。
The mattress that allows you to sink into a deep, natural sleep and wake up in the morning without aches and pains is the one you want. 床垫,让您陷入深度,自然睡眠,醒来早无疼痛和痛苦是你想要的。
We get a new chance in life every time we wake up in the morning . It is up to us to seize it. 每天早晨醒来我们都有生命中的一次新机会,能否抓住它取决于我们自己。
We wake up in the morning and press play- everything seems to go according to the previous days and the commonality is numbing. 我们早上醒来,按下播放键一切就像前一天一样,人们都麻木了。
We must wake up to the fact that this kind of animal is in danger of dying out. 我们必须意识到这一事实,那就是这种动物正面临灭绝的危险。
It seemed as if I forgot to wake up that morning and face true reality. 那个清晨,我好像忘记从梦中苏醒,现实已渐行渐远。
Sandwiches but his mother might wake up if he started pulling out bread for sandwiches, she' d want to know why he had to leave so early. 三明治,但是如果他取出面包做三明治,妈妈也许就会知道。她会想这么早他就离家的原因。
"Minnie! What's the matter? Here, wake up, " said Hanson, disturbed, and shaking her by the shoulder. “敏妮!怎么了?喂,醒醒。”汉生被吵醒了,他摇着她的肩膀喊。
You wake up in the morning, think about your day, and want to go right back to bed. 早晨你醒来,想想一天要干的事情,就想借这回到床上去。
I paid medical expenses for the girls, did not expect was waiting for him to wake up and really thought I hit him. 我为女孩付了医药费,没想到的是等他醒来时确以为是我撞了他。
Prodded by some far-sighted diplomats, Australia was one of the first countries to wake up to the economic potential of China. 在一些高瞻远瞩外交官的提醒下,澳大利亚成为最早认识到中国经济潜力的国家之一。
She was the type that would wake up in the morning and immediately start apologizing. 她是这么一种人,早上醒来会立刻开始道歉。
Maybe one of these days I'll tell you how I got my wake-up call, it is an interesting story. 可能这些天的某一天我将告诉你我是如何觉醒的,那是一个有趣的故事。
At the door of his house he realizes it is better not to stand up, since he will almost certainly fall over again and wake up his wife. 到家门口时,他想最好不要站起来,那样会再次摔倒,吵醒他妻子。
I feel very stressed if I cannot get a cup of coffee when I wake up in the morning. 如果我早上醒来的时候不能喝到一杯咖啡,我会觉得有压力。
You won't wake up in the morning dreaming about how to solve it, or go to bed wondering how much it's costing you to ignore it. 你将不会在早晨醒来梦想如何去解决它,不会在上床前思考如果忽略这个问题会造成多大的损失。
We wake up to find that we were dear to each other. Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the trees. 醒来时,才发现我们本是亲密无间。忧伤在我心中沉淀下来,宛如降落在寂静山林中的夜色。
The sooner that investors and policymakers wake up to this, the smoother the adjustment is likely to be. 投资者和决策者们越早意识到这点,所做的调整过程也有可能更平稳。
Water says: The moment when I wake up to you are a fish, I already knew you will swim to my heart. 水对鱼说:当我意识到你是鱼的那一刻,就知道你会游到我的心里。
It was a crazy moment because I wasn't sure if it was an involuntary movement or was she actually trying to wake up. 真是疯狂的时刻,因为不知道这是她的下意识动作还是想醒过来。