
美 [ˈwɪtnəs]英 ['wɪtnəs]
  • n.证人;目击者;见证人;连署人
  • v.见证;当场看到;是发生…的地点(或时间、组织等)
  • 网络证据;证明;目睹

复数:witnesses 现在分词:witnessing 过去式:witnessed

examine witness,call witness,question witness,lead witness,discredit witness
key witness,poor witness,reliable witness


n. v.

目睹者person who sees sth

1.[c]目击者;见证人a person who sees sth happen and is able to describe it to other people

法庭上in court

2.[c]证人a person who gives evidence in court

签名of signature

3.[c]见证人;连署人a person who is present when an official document is signed and who also signs it to prove that they saw this happen


be (a) witness to sth

目击,看见(某事发生)to see sth take place

bear/give witness (to sth)

为…作证;证明to provide evidence of the truth of sth


历届奥斯卡获奖影片 ... Out of Africa 走出非洲 提名 Witness 证人 Prizzi's Honor 普里兹家族的荣誉 ...


世纪环球在线—公映影片 ... 少年派的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi 目击者 Witness 致命替身 Goust Double ...


见字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 见长〖 growperceptibly〗 见证witness;evidence;testimony;clearproof〗 见证人〖 eyewitness …


在职硕士英语词汇_百度文库 ... typical 典型的,有代表性的 witness 目击者;见证人 ultimate 最后的,最终的 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... withstand vt. 经受,承受 617. witness n. 目击者;证据 withdraw v. 收回,撤销 619. ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... withstand 抵抗,反抗 witness 目击者;证人;证明 word-processor 文字处理器 ...


高二英语词汇表 ... upside down 颠倒着;倒转着 witness vt. 目睹;目击;为……作证 n.证据;目击者 keep in mind 记住 ...

And yet, Realizing the Witness, you notice somehow that the body-mind activity goes on. 可是,证悟了观照者后你奇妙地注意到身心的行动还在进行着。
And all bore witness to Him and marveled at the words of grace proceeding out of His mouth, and they said, Is not this Joseph's son? 众人都称赞他,并希奇他口中所出的恩言,又说,这不是约瑟的儿子么?
As a witness of her generosity, her blog lists and links to a number of fellow translators and language-related blogs. 她的博客开列并连接了大量译界同仁以及与语言相关的博客,这足以见证她的慷慨大度。
This was a beautiful thing to witness as she really was mostly at peace with her journey "home" . 这是一件很美丽来看到的事物,因为她真的对她回家的旅程保持着平静。
When Leona Helmsley, the tyrannical hotel tycoon, drafted her will, the witness who signed it must have been a bit surprised. 当性格暴烈的酒店业大亨利昂娜-赫尔姆斯利(LeonaHelmsley)起草遗嘱时,签字的证人一定有点吃惊。
To set up a specialized agency of the witness security protection after the protection period should be extended to up to remove the hazard. 须设立证人安全保护的专门机构,保护期限应延伸至事后保护,直至危险消除。
So far it has always been you being around me, witness my growth, bring me to the heaven, singing and seeing. 这一路都是你陪在我的身旁见证我的成长带我一路飞翔一路歌唱看清这世界的摸样
China was just beginning to remake its economy, and I was in the first Senate delegation to witness this evolution. 那时中国正准备重塑她的经济,我正是第一个见证该变化的参议院代表团成员。
Your goal is not to get rid of your thoughts, but rather to witness each thought as it comes and goes, like clouds passing in the sky. 你的目标不是要去消除那些想法而在每个想法来来去去时目击它们,就好像天上飘过的云。
But a stumbling witness is often more credible than a too-slick one. 但一个不善辞令的见证人,往往比一个说话圆滑的人更可信。
Your gold and silver is cankered ; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. 你们的金银都长了锈;那锈要证明你们的不是,又要吃你们的肉,如同火烧。
It used my real name, and I'm in the Witness Protection Program. What's the name of the company? 用到的是我的真名,我在目击人保护计划下。这家公司的名字是什么?
"Not here. No son should have to bear witness to his mother's shame. " Ser Kevan's voice was harsh. "Cover her up. " “不在这里。哪个儿子都不该承受目睹他母亲受辱这种事。”凯冯爵士的声音非常刺耳。“把她盖起来。”
And he said unto them, The LORD is witness against you, and his anointed is witness this day, that ye have not found ought in my hand. 撒母耳对他们说,你们在我手里没有找着什么,有耶和华和他的受膏者今日为证。
To make this fact plain to her and to witness her resigned acceptance of it had been intolerably painful to him. 要使她明了这一事实并看到她顺从地接受这一事实对他来说是极其痛苦的。
Wary of widespread fraud, Mr. Kwong said he had turned down numerous offers from immigration lawyers to be a witness in asylum cases. 邝治中对猖獗的欺诈行为感到担忧,他称自己拒绝了移民律师让他为避难案件作证的大量请求。
A caddy retracted his statement, and the only other witness admitted that he might have been mistaken. 一个球童收回了他的话,唯一的另一个见证人也承认他可能搞错了。
IN 1918, Edith Wharton stood in front of a crowd of American soldiers and told them she would get out of her grave to witness for France. 1918年,伊迪丝·华顿(EdithWharton)面对一群美国士兵说道,她将走出自己的坟墓,前往法国,亲证历史。
Well, regarding Lemuria, there did not remain many on the surface to witness their creation. 奥,关于利莫里亚,没有很多人在地表留下来见证他们的创造。
Callista did not want to see history repeated and witness the deaths of these three. 卡莉斯塔不希望历史重演,也不忍看到三人的死亡。
"Well, you'd be the only witness there was, " said Casey, "if there was any. Was any one in the house but you that you know of, ma'am? " “那么,您就是这里唯一的目击证人了,”凯西警官说,“如果说有目击证人的话。您家里还有其他人吗,夫人?”
One witness, Macarena Railef, said the force of the quake was overwhelming even far from its epicentre. 一个目标证人,MacarenaRailef,说这个地震力连震中很远的地方也影响到了。
"We were completely shocked, " said the witness, who declined to be identified by name. 这位拒绝透露姓名的目击者表示:“我们十分震惊。”
the magistrate sits behind a raised bench and the witness box is usually to one side ( left or right ) , near the front of the court. 裁判官坐在高案之后,证人席通常在其左面或右面,接近法庭的前面。
His account of the incident approximates to that of the other witness. 他对该事件的报告和其他证人所报告的情况接近。
And he said, For these seven ewe lambs shalt thou take of my hand, that they may be a witness unto me, that I have digged this well. 21:30他说,你要从我手里受这七只母羊羔,作我挖这口井的证据。
It's one thing for a witness to swear on a Bible to tell the truth before a jury in a courtroom. 证人在法院里对着《圣经》起誓要对陪审团讲出真相是一回事;
Four armed deputies surrounded Camillo Stela and escorted him through a door near the front of the courtroom that led to the witness room. 四个武装法警簇拥着卡米罗·斯特拉,护送他穿过审判庭前端的一扇边门,走进证人室。
David desired that God would receive all the glory in his deliverance and that it might be a witness for God. 大卫心想,上帝会在拯救他的过程受到赞美,以及那也是为上帝作的见证。
I insist that the district attorney has no right to prejudice the minds of the jury by flattering estimates of the sincerity of the witness. 我坚决认为地方检查官没有权力可以过份估计证人的诚意,使陪审团有所偏袒。