wonderful world

  • 网络美好世界;精彩世界;美妙世界

wonderful worldwonderful world

wonderful world


My eyes adored you_百度百科 ... 09 Young Girl 小女孩 10 Wonderful World 美好世界 01 My Eyes Adored You 永远·挚爱 ...


『RMVB高清收藏』影片 ... 134. 极端行为 Solstice 135. 精彩世界 Wonderful World 136. 加菲猫合集 Garfield ...


林忆莲 -《美妙世界》(Wonderful World)[FLAC] 林忆莲 -《不必在乎我是谁》[APE] 许茹芸 -《我爱夜 新歌+精选》[引进版][320…


晶晶宝宝的主页|wonderful world ... click below link 点以下连接: WONDERFUL WORLD 美好的世界 Crystal's creations 晶晶的 …


注册在簧片(钟表制造)的 22 枚商标 ... 户外气象站 WEATHER STATION 奇妙世界 WONDERFUL WORLD 迪非凡 DIVEN ...


铁佛 - 歪酷博客 Ycool Blog ... Spice Girls 辣妹合唱团 Wonderful world 多麽美好的世界* — Art Garfunkel 亚特葛芬柯 ...


...·F·清英)   Planzet 明岛太志   [完美世界](Wonderful world) (片山诚志)


1978年,他们同詹姆斯·泰勒(JAMES TAYLOR)合作录制了《奇妙的世界》(Wonderful World)。1981年,“Simon & Garfu…

If you are a loyal fan of RPG games, then pick up the phone, in the wonderful world of beautiful NABI made it a living away from home. 如果你是忠实的RPG游戏迷,那么就拿起手机,在精彩美丽的封神世界闯荡一番吧。
I'm only little for such a short time. Please take time to explain things to me about this wonderful world, and do so willingly. 我只有一点小小的要求,请你心甘情愿的花一点点短暂的时间,给我讲解这个精彩的世界里所发生的事情。
I hear babies cry, I watch them grow. They 'll learn much more than I'll never know. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. 我听见婴儿啼哭,看着他们长大。他们将学到许许多多我永不会知晓的东西。我对自己说,这真是一个完美的世界。
Enjoy the wonderful world film was one of my major interests. 欣赏世界各国的精彩电影是我的一大兴趣爱好。
We are let into a wonderful world, we meet one another here, greet each other--and wander together for a brief moment. 我们来到这个美好的世界里,彼此相逢,彼此问候,并结伴同游一段短暂的时间。
If everyone presents a bit of love, the world will become a wonderful world. 只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。
I'm sorry to hear of your sorrow but don't give up hope because we still have the blue sky and this wonderful world. 听到这个消息我很伤心,但你们不要放弃希望因为我们还有一片蓝天和一个美好的世界。
I see skies of blue and clouds of white. The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. 我看到蔚蓝的天空和白色的云朵。明亮赐福的白昼,黑暗神圣的夜晚。我对自己说,这真是一个完美的世界。
I see skies of blue clouds of white. The bright blessed days the dark sacred nights. And I think to myself what a wonderful world. 我看见蓝天白云,白天的光明驱散夜的黑暗,我对自己说这是一个多么美好的世界。
Miss Bessie gave plenty of both, as she immersed me in a wonderful world of similes, metaphors and even onomatopoeia. 贝西小姐既随时督促我,又经常激励我,她让我沉浸在一个由明喻,暗喻,甚至拟声词构成的奇妙世界里。
I see trees of green. Red roses too I see them bloom. For me and for you And I think to myself. What a wonderful world. 我看到树儿的长青,红色玫瑰的热情我看到花儿的绽放,为你我纵情奔放我不禁明了,世界如此美妙。
The is a wonderful world, the woman who love willing to sacrifice for you, but you are willing to sacrifice for your career. 世界很奇妙,爱你的人愿为你付出一切,你却为所愿意付出的事业,献出生命。
Lord Warburton, it's impossible for me to do better in this wonderful world, I think, than commit myself, very gratefully, to your loyalty. 沃伯顿勋爵,在这个美好的世界上,我除了把自己交托给你那颗赤子之心以外,不可能找到更好的出路了。
It's the doorway into a wonderful world for both you and your kids. 无论对于您还是您的孩子们来说,它都是一条通往奇妙世界的通道。
Fantastic melodies enable us to have heart-to-heart communication, and enable us to experience the wonderful world and life as well. 美妙的韵律,能带领我们走进彼此的心灵,感受世界的美好,感受生活的美好。
If you want to live in such a wonderful world, start building it yourself! You can't ask others to be kind and honest if you aren't first. 如果你想生活在这样一个美妙的世界里,那么就开始塑造新的自我吧!如果你不对别人友善、真诚,那你又怎能让别人这样对你呢?
In the end , my family and I would like to send our best and most sincere wishes for your wonderful World Expo . 最后,我和我的家人为你们举办一届出彩的世博会送上最美好、最真挚的祝福。
Someday go the future, when you ride a submarine to the bottom of a sea, you will witness a wonderful world. 有朝一日,你乘坐潜水艇进入海底是,会看到一个奇妙的世界。
Well, it beat the heck out of your foray into the wonderful world of liver. 比你闯入肝脏的神秘世界那次强太多了。
Sponsored by the My Wonderful World campaign. Join us today, and help give kids the power of global knowledge. 由“我奇妙的世界”活动资助。今天就加入我们,帮助孩子获得全球知识的力量。
They were afraid of birth, for they knew that it meant leaving their wonderful world behind. 他们害怕出生,因为他们知道,这意味着他们要永远离开这个美妙的小世界。
I believe Shanghai will carry the success to a higher level in 2010 by presenting the world with a wonderful World Expo. 我相信,2010年,上海能够更上一层,再下一城,为世界奉献一个精彩的世博盛会。
Yes, it's a great experience to travel about and to see the wonderful world around us. And it's relaxing too. 到处旅行,看看我们周围美丽的世界是一个非凡的经历,同时还可以放松。
Debian Jr. does a great job of preparing its young users for a long-term commitment to the wonderful world of open source software. 做了很好的准备工作,让年轻用户长期献身于开源软件的奇妙世界。
Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if all nations lived at peace with one another. 如果所有的国家都能和平相处的话,这世界该多美好啊!
The students and I had a shared expectation that the course would enable them to navigate this wonderful world of technology. 我和学生分享这样的预期:课程将使他们在这个美妙的技术世界中翱翔。
Screaming! Screaming. -All right. Louie Armstrong said "it's a wonderful world. " Strongly agree, or was he high as a kite? 尖叫!尖叫。-很好。路易•阿姆斯特朗说过:“这是一个美好的世界。”完全同意,还是他吸毒吸多了?
Well, I see trees of green and red roses too. I'll watch them bloom for me and you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world. 我也看见绿色的树和红色的玫瑰花。我会看着他们为了你我而绽放。我对自己说,多么美好的世界!
I didn't believe it was possible, but when I made these steps I found myself in a new wonderful world of my dreams turned into reality. 我也曾不相信,但当我迈出这几步以后,我发现自己进入了一个奇妙世界,梦想成真。
One said to the other, "We are sure lucky to have been conceived and to have this wonderful world. " 一个对另一个说:“我们能够被孕育、还有这么棒的地方,实在太幸运了。”