winter games

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winter gameswinter games

winter games


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Ski jumping was one of sixteen events to be included in the first Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix in 1924. 1924年在法国夏蒙尼举行的第一届冬季奥运会上,跳高滑雪是当时比赛设置的六个项目之一。
The first Olympic Winter Games took place in 1924 in Chamonix, France. It had a modest participation of only 293 athletes from 17 countries. 第一届冬奥会于1924年在法国夏蒙尼召开,当时只有17个国家的293名运动员参加。
The tradition ought to be replaced by the creation of a permanent site for both the Summer and Winter Games. 我们应当抛弃这种传统,为夏季和冬季奥运会创造一个永久的“家”。
Although he competed at the 1992 Winter Games, he missed the 1994 Olympics and did not enter a World Cup race for two years. 随后因为伤病的原因,他错过了1994年的利勒哈默尔冬奥会和接下来两年的世界杯。
American speed-skater Joey Cheek - who won a gold and a silver medal at the 2006 Winter Games - is involved with a group called Team Darfur. 美国速滑选手乔伊.齐克是赢得2006年冬季奥运会金牌和银牌的运动员,他参加了一个叫作达尔富尔团队的组织。
The 2002 Olympic Winter Games are just a memory now here in Salt Lake City, Utah in the western United States. 2002年的冬季奥运会如今在美国西部犹他州的盐湖市仅仅成为了回忆。
When the 1984 Winter Games were awarded to Sarajevo, it was assumed that this record would, sadly, be broken. 但是当1984年冬奥会举办权授予给南斯拉夫萨拉热窝时,人们都担心这个纪录也许会被打破。
If I write about Li Hua, want to apply for the Asian Winter Games when a volunteer application letter. 写关于假如我是李华,想申请当一名亚洲冬季运动会志愿者的申请信。
The first eight days of the Winter Games in Vancouver have had plenty of controversy. 温哥华冬奥会头八天的比赛工作安排招致了很多争议。
In the same year, the first Paralympic Winter Games took place in Sweden. 同年,第一届残疾人冬季奥运会在瑞典举行。
Lenovo was a sponsor and sole provider of IT equipment to the 2006 winter games in Turin. 联想曾是2006年都灵冬奥会赞助商和唯一的IT设备供应商。
Asian Winter Games and the Asian Games scheduled to be held in the same year, so far a total of 4 sessions. 亚洲冬季运动会原定与亚洲运动会同年举行,迄今共举办了4届。
Now the World University Games and World University Games in sub-World University Winter Games are all run held every two years. 现在世界大学生运动会分世界大学生运动会及世界大学生冬季运动会,皆为每两年举行一次。
And if you're more of a winter games fan, Deca lets you compete in cooler favorites like figure skating and curling. 如果你是冬季奥运迷,德卡公司让你参加较凉快的比赛,例如花式溜冰。
Norway has won more Winter Games medals than any other nation. 挪威比任何其他国家获得的冬奥会奖牌都要多。
News accounts throughout the world have zeroed in on the striking juxtaposition of the Downtown Eastside with the Winter Games. 世界各地的新闻都将目光聚集在与冬季奥运会市中心东区并列突出的该地。
Before its appointment as the site of the XVII Winter Games Lillehammer was a town of 20, 000 inhabitants, hardly known outside Norway. 在被选为第十七届冬奥会场地之前,利勒哈默尔只是一个人口仅二万的小镇。在挪威之外几乎没有知道。
Japan hosted its second Olympic Winter Games in1998, in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture, part of this heavy snowfall region. 1998年,日本在长野县的北部第二次主办了冬奥会,那里正是降雪充沛区的一部分。
The Olympic Games, or Olympics, are an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and comprising summer and winter games. 奥运会,是一个国际性的多媒体体育赛事以每四年改选一次,并包括夏季和冬季奥运会。
You can find the rings on many items and souvenirs made for the Games dating back to the 1924 Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix (France). 从1924年夏慕尼(法国)冬奥会开始,你可以在各种奥运会相关的物品和纪念品上找到五环。
Commitment: anything for the Asian winter games provides the best service. 承诺:愿为亚洲冬季运动会提供最佳服务。
The Olympic Winter Games. Games consist of the Both take place every Games of the Olympiad and four the Olympic years. 奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。
The Olympic winter Games have to include skiing, ice-skating, sledging, puck and winter sports. 冬季奥运会必须有:滑雪、滑冰、雪橇、冰球和现代冬季两项。
The Olympic Games, are an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and comprising summer and winter games. 奥运,是一个国际多体育赛事正在发生的每四年并组成的夏季和冬季运动会。
Initially, the Summer Games and Winter Games are in odd-numbered years and held since 1981 to be held in the same year. 后来,冬季运动会和夏季运动会辨别在双数和双数年举行,从1981年起改为在同一年举行。
This torch is then carried by a relay of runners to the site of the Summer or Winter games. 之后这支火炬由跑者接力送至夏季或冬季比赛地点。
The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years. 奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举行一次。
Eight years ago, before the Salt Lake City Winter Games, there were high hopes that he would win multiple gold medals. 8年前,在盐湖城冬季奥运会之前,人们对米勒赢得多面金牌抱以厚望。
The official mobile phone game of the Olympic Winter Games, Torino 2006 is the ultimate multi-discipline sporting challenge. 奥运会的冬天游戏的官方行动电话游戏,托里诺2006?是终极的多训练喜好运动的挑战。
She started curling because her parents played the sport and because Denmark had just won silver at the 1998 Olympic Winter Games in Nagano. 她开始卷曲,因为她的父母打高尔夫,因为丹麦和刚刚夺得1998年冬季奥运会在长野冬奥会银牌。