
美 [rɪtʃ]英 [rɪtʃ]
  • n.富人;有钱人
  • adj.富有的;富裕的;富庶的;富饶的
  • 网络有钱的;丰富的

比较级:richer 最高级:richest

rich family,rich country,rich person,rich source,rich uncle


钱多with a lot of money

1.富有的;富裕的having a lot of money or property

2.富庶的;富饶的producing a lot of wealth so that many of its people can live at a high standard

丰富多彩full of variety

3.非常有趣的;丰富多彩的very interesting and full of variety

含有;提供containing/providing sth

4.~ (in sth)大量含有(或提供)containing or providing a large supply of sth


5.油腻的containing a lot of fat, butter, eggs, etc. and making you feel full quickly


6.肥沃的;丰产的containing the substances that make it good for growing plants in


7.强烈的;深的;低沉的;美好的;宜人的strong or deep; very beautiful or pleasing


8.华丽而昂贵的expensive and beautiful


9.(informal)(表示某人所作的批评是无稽之谈,因为他们本身也有同样的问题)used to say that a criticism sb makes is surprising and not reasonable, because they have the same fault


仁爱英语八年级下册单词_百度文库 ... unhappy 不快乐的;伤心的 rich 有钱的;富有的 silly 傻的;愚蠢的 ...


小学英语反义词大全 ... fail 未通过;不及格 rich 富裕的 push 推 ...


仁爱英语八年级下册单词_百度文库 ... unhappy 不快乐的;伤心的 rich 有钱的;富有的 silly 傻的;愚蠢的 ...


九年级上册英语单词表外研版_百度知道 ... include 包括 Rich 丰富的 congratulation (常复)祝贺 ...

Now ye are full, now ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings without us: and I would to God ye did reign, that we also might reign with you. 你们已经饱足了,已经丰富了,不用我们,自己就作王了。我愿意你们果真作王,叫我们也得与你们一同作王。
A chit like that would scarcely presume to give herself airs with the Rector of her parish, however rich she might be. 那样一个黄毛丫头不管多么富有是不大敢对其教区教区长摆什么架子的。
he was so rich that he never has less than ten servants and a million dollars at his disposal. 他太富有了,身边从未少国十个仆人,还有一百万现金随意支配。
Sure enough, one evening Rich received a phone call saying there had been a death at the elderly couple's house. 果然不出所料,一天晚上Rich接到电话通知老夫妇中的一位在家里去世了。
One of the best things about being rich is the security of knowing you can buy your way out of any problem. 变成有钱人最好的事情之一就是你可以买到任何问题的出路。
We can argue all day about where to draw the line and say to rich and poor: you cannot make this deal, even if it benefits both of you. 关于如何划分贫富的问题,我们可以争论个不休。你无法进行此项交易,哪怕它对双方都有利。
Rich Chinese people traveling abroad have grown accustomed to it, while many in the country did not experience the things followed. 富裕起来的中国人对出国旅游已经逐渐适应起来,同时许多在国内没经历过的事情也接踵而至。
He said the tour yielded rich fruits in the following six aspects. 这次访问在以下六个方面取得了丰硕成果。
After all, this was one of the few rich countries that skipped the global house-price boom. 毕竟,德国是少有的几个跃过全球房价暴涨潮流的国家之一。
But as a whole, rich countries aren't much happier than poor ones, at least among countries with enough income to meet basic needs. 但是总体上,富国并不比穷国幸福,至少对那些拥有足够收入能够满足基本需求的国家来说,的确如此。
Next week, African leaders will consider plans to ask rich countries for $67bn a year from 2020. 本周,非洲各国领导人将考虑从2020年起向富裕国家每年要求670亿美元的计划。
They add that this policy trade-off is often unfairly portrayed as transferring income from the poor to the rich. 他们还说,这样的政策取舍结果往往被认为导致收入不公平地从穷人向富人转移。
Chief Executive Rich Noll said the company is in talks with its retailers on how to handle pricing for the second half of 2012. 该公司首席执行长诺尔(RichNoll)说,公司正和零售商就如何处理2012年下半年的定价问题进行磋商。
Sweden is one of the few rich European countries for which globalisation has been a benefit, not a threat. 瑞典是很少的几个受益于全球化而不是受到全球化威胁的欧洲富裕国家之一。
People all sympathized with her as she was married to a rich man and she loved a laborer on the farm. 人们都同情她,因为她嫁了个有钱人,可是她爱的是农场的一个工人。
That this likelihood is, nevertheless, falling suggests that rich women's lives may be more stressful than they used to be. 尽管存在这种可能,但是数据的下降说明富裕女性目前所受的压力要比以前大得多。
The king once more complimented the marquis upon his rich possessions. 国王又一次对侯爵所拥有的财产大加赞扬。
Most of them missed a great many boats for few ever went home as soon, or did not arrive there as rich, as they expected. 大部分的人错过众多的船班,其中有些能快速回到家;或是回到家时没有当初他们预期的那麽富有。
As recently as the early 1990s, India was as rich, in terms of national income per head. 就在20世纪90年代初期,就人均国家收入而言,印度与中国一样富裕。
If I had a rich father, I didn't have to work so hard and only give out a helpless sigh before the high house price. 如果我有一个大款老爹,那么我就不用这么辛苦工作,望房兴叹了。
To be flaunting or not, the rich second generation indeed donate a great amount of money to the poor children. 富二代们拥有者巨额继承财产,对金钱已经麻木。那些没钱人的生活更不了解。
Newspapers printed stories that said it was easy to become rich. All you had to do was pick up the gold from the ground. 报纸大量发表有关淘金的故事,这些故事说,到那淘金是很容易致富的,你到了那个地区后,你所有做的一切就是拾起地上的黄金。
She was curious of the thick detail of London, which had always loomed large and rich to her. 伦敦的风土人情使她向往,在她的心目中它始终是一个繁华热闹的都市。
It's said the tennis is nobles' or riches' sport, will I become a rich? At least, I don't dream for it till now. 都说网球是贵族运动,也不知道我会不会成为一个有钱人。至少现在我还没有这种梦想。(四月十六)
Is it the mighty power of banknote? Why would the rich second generation be so welcome among the singles? How do you think of it? 钞票就是力量吗?为什么会有如此多的女大学生抢嫁“富二代”,你如何看待?。
The atmosphere of the room was almost oppressive for the rich odours of perfumes in bottles whose gold stoppers had not been replaced. 香水瓶的金塞子都不曾塞好,房间的空气里充满了强烈的香气,香得几乎咄咄逼人。
Society-civilized society, at least-is never very ready to believe anything to the detriment of those who are both rich and fascinating. 社会,至少文明社会,从来就不怎么愿意相信有损既富有又英俊的人的流言。
Arguing that the country's businessmen had got rich improbably quickly, he said they now had to help out. 这个国家的商人们几乎一夜暴富,梅德韦杰夫认为现在是他们伸出援手的时候了。
If only we had a bit of beef and some potatoes, this soup would be fit for a rich man's table. 如果我们有牛肉,土豆位,这将是汤适合富人的餐桌。
Some worry that this marks a first step in the secession of the county's rich, mostly white north from its poorer, mostly black south. 有些人担心这标志着富尔顿县富大多数相对贫穷的北部白人聚集区域和大多数黑人聚集的南部富裕退步的第一步。