
美 [foʊld]英 [fəʊld]
  • v.折叠;包;可叠平(以便贮存或携带);裹
  • n.褶;褶层;折叠部分;褶痕
  • 网络合拢;褶皱;对折

复数:folds 现在分词:folding 过去式:folded

fold carefully


v. n.

1.[t]折叠,对折(纸、织物等)to bend sth, especially paper or cloth, so that one part lies on top of another part

2.[t][i]折小,叠平,可折小,可叠平(以便贮存或携带)to bend sth so that it becomes smaller or flatter and can be stored or carried more easily; to bend or be able to bend in this way

3.[t]包;裹to wrap sth around sb/sth


fold sb in your arms

拥抱;搂住to put your arms around sb and hold them against your body

fold your arms

双臂交叉在胸前to put one of your arms over the other one and hold them against your body

fold your hands

十指交叉合拢交叠to bring or hold your hands together


字典中 揲 字的解释 ... ◎ 揲 shé (1) 折叠[ fold] (3) “舍”的代字。舍亲[ abandon;give up] ...


合字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 合流〖 converge;flowingtogether〗 合拢fold〗 合拢〖 gatherup〗 ...


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... dip, 倾向 fold褶皱 anticline, 背斜 ...


高二英语必修五单词列表_百度文库 ... wedding n. 婚礼 fold v. 对折 sightseeing n. 观光 ...


CATIA软件的10个使用技巧 —— 机械英才网 ... fog 雾 雾 fold 折叠 折痕 Follow 跟随 自动平面视景 ...


列表背单词_轻松背单词 ... running n.赛跑,流出,运转; fold n.折层,羊栏,折痕;v.折叠,包,交叉 NO. 隐藏所有单词 ...

In this case of temporary vocal fold paralysis, there was no invasive procedure to directly damage the nerve. 在这种情况下的临时声带麻痹,没有侵入性程序,直接损害神经。
It would also have been a good idea to fold the EFSF into the new mechanism right from the beginning, rather than letting them coexist. 此外,一开始就把EFSF整合进新机制、而不是让它们共存也是一个不错的主意。
He wrapped his hand in a fold of his cloak, slid the hot iron grill with its load of meat from its brackets, and set it aside. 他先用自己的斗篷包住手,再把滚烫的铁制烤肉架连同上面的烤肉一起从托架上移了下来,放到一边。
So he took the cup and hid it in the fold of his tunic, and they went hurriedly out of the city. 他于是取了那银杯,将它藏在袍子的褶缝里,急如星火地离了这座城。
Results Xingnaojing injection did not interfere with its gel reaction to the bacterial endotoxin when it was diluted 10-fold. 结果醒脑静注射液经10倍稀释时不干扰鲎试剂与细菌内毒素的凝胶反应。
The initiatives announced today should increase that proportion at least seven-fold over the next four years, to 15% or more. 今天所宣布的这两项倡议在未来四年内应使该比例至少增加7倍,达到15%或更多。
It can be right to call with decent hands that have little chance of improving even if you plan to fold if there is a bet on the next round. 即使你打算在下一圈如果有人下注时叠牌,在这一圈时以一手不错但没有多少改进余地的牌跟注也是对的。
How much time would have to pass before Carlyle would consider letting the bin Laden family back into its fold? 凯雷投资集团要过多少时间,才会考虑重新接纳本•拉登家族?
Sign your name and leave a fingerprint at the bottom of a piece of white paper, fold it to a plane then free it out of the window. 在一张白纸右下角签上自己的名字,按上指印,叠成飞机,打开窗户让它飞出去。
All products are fold-style, lightweight, it demolished, and generally with Oxford bags, easy to carry, can be reused. 所有成品都是折叠式样式,轻巧、便拆卸,并普遍配有牛津包,携带方便,可重复使用。
Imagine you're lying on your back in yoga class, getting ready to fold up and over into Paschimottanasana. 想象一下你在瑜伽教室中仰卧下来,正准备进入双腿背部伸展。
What he ought to do, he thought, was to fold up the Marliss Corporation. 他想,现在当务之急是让马里斯有限公司倒闭。
Each ten-fold increase in a woman's blood was linked to a 30 percent decrease in her odds of getting pregnant. 妇女血液中的多溴二苯醚每增加10倍,她们的怀孕几率就下降30%。
They are early people, I'm glad to say, and his eyes seemed to muse over the proper fold for these damp sheep. 我很高兴地说,他们都是些早睡早起的人;他的眼光似乎默默在考虑这些湿漉漉的教徒应该在哪里过夜才合适。
i order you to do so , " the king answered him , and majestically gathered in a fold of his ermine mantle" . “我命令你坐下。”国王一边回答,一边庄重地把他那白底黑花皮袍大襟挪动了一下。
What these results suggest is a two-fold process, sadly reminiscent of the biblical quotation to which the title of this article refers. 这些结果显示的是一个两方面的过程,是对圣经引语沮丧的回忆,如这篇文章标题所示。
Give out a piece of paper. Tell the children to fold the paper so that it makes a card. 发给学生们一张纸,告诉他们将纸折叠起来就能作一张卡片。
At present, the public option may fold into a non-profit option, which is at least a start. 目前,公众的选择可折合成一个非营利性的选择,这至少是一个开端。
Be a god and hold me with a charm! Be a man and fold me with your arm! 做个神,用魔力,迷住我!做个人,用臂膀,搂住我!
I nod and responded the paper that writes full label and telephone digit and cautiously fold to heap up to accept into a schoolbag. 我点头,接过那张写满名字和电话号码的纸,小心折叠起来收进书包。
That seemed promising. I thought , maybe I'll do it inside, and I can even combine the fold outs with the only partially-open book . 我觉得这个不错,值得一试甚至可以和折叠页结合起来用。
He'd like his mom and me to pay him for extra chores, but his suggested pay rate ('I'll fold the clothes for $50') is laughable. 他希望我和太太给他派更多的家务活好让他多挣点钱,但他提出的酬劳实在高得离谱(我叠衣服,你们付我50美元)。
Edison didn't sit down and fold his hands when he gave us the talking machine . Or the electric light. 当爱迪生给我们电灯电话的时候,他可不是单单坐在那里,插着双手。
And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to lie down in, for my people that have sought me. 沙仑平原必成为羊群的圈,亚割谷必成为牛群躺卧之处。都为寻求我的民所得。
So in the case of the smiley faces that I made, I actually fold the DNA into a disk, but then leave two holes for the eyes and the mouth. 在我做笑脸形状时,我将DNA折成一个圆盘,然后留了两个洞作为眼睛和嘴。
The foreskin, a circular fold of skin covering the glans, is often removed. 龟头的起始部位的一环状皮肤皱褶向前伸展盖住龟头,称为包皮,通常被切除。
I was determined to ship him off, even if I had to fold him up and put him in a valise. 我决意把他送上船弄走,哪怕得把他折起来塞进一只箱子也罢。
We have to ask ourselves very seriously what will happen if this two-fold use of knowledge with its ever-increasing power continues. 我们不得不很严肃地问一问自己:假如这种双重地使用威力不断增长的知识的作法继续下去的话,将会发生什么情况呢?
The strike direction of tension fractures developed on a fold is perpendicular to the maximal principal curvatures of the surface. 褶皱面裂缝发育主要为一组张裂系,张裂隙走向与最大主曲率的方向垂直。
Fold the long narrow rectangle in half from bottom to top, so the open end of the pillowcase is now at the top. 将这个狭窄的长方形上下对折,这样,枕头套原本开口的一端就折叠到了上方。