
美 [fɔrk]英 [fɔː(r)k]
  • n.叉;岔路;耙;路的岔口
  • v.分岔;用叉子叉起食物;用叉举起;在路或河道的岔口转弯
  • 网络餐叉;前叉;分叉

第三人称单数:forks 现在分词:forking 过去式:forked



n. v.

1.餐叉a tool with a handle and three or four sharp points (called prongs ), used for picking up and eating food

3.(道路、河流等的)分岔处,分流处,岔口,岔路a place where a road, river, etc. divides into two parts; either of these two parts

4.叉状物a thing shaped like a fork , with two or more long parts

日常生活英语单词_百度文库 ... knife 刀 fork spoon 勺子 ...


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... knife( 刀子) 18、 fork( 叉子) 19、 spoon( 勺子) 十二、(23-24) 1、 ...


酷词公园,看图学英语 - n词酷 ... Wine Glass 酒杯 Fork 餐叉 Knife 餐刀 ...


首页-双轮汇自行车工作室-淘宝网 ... 整车 Complete Bike 前叉 fork 车架 Frameset ...


分字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 分餐〖 separatelyeatbydishes〗 分叉fork〗 分岔〖 branchout〗 ...

《Friends》词汇表A ... sauce n. 沙司, 酱油, 调味料 fork n. 叉, , 叉形物, 餐叉 cranberry n. [植]酸果蔓的果实 ...


项目的派生Fork)和拉拽请求(Pull Request)构成了 GitHub 最独具一格的工作模式,对提交代码的逐行评注及 Pull Reques…


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... forget 忘记,忽略 fork 叉,分岔 former 以前的,在前的 ...

"I saw this and I saw that it was a good fork, " she said. 她说道:“我看到了它,觉得它是一把不错的餐叉。”
The name is a bit misleading, but originally FVWM was a fork of the original TWM window manager and made as a feeble replacement. 它的名字可能会引起误解,但是FVWM最初只是TWM窗口管理系统的一个分支,只是作为TWM的一个简单替代品。
the goose, with knife and fork still in her breast, jumped down from the dish, and waddled along the floor right up to the poor child. 最美妙的是瞅见了——这只背上插着刀叉的鹅从盘里跳了出来,摇摇摆摆地在地板上走着,一直向这个可怜的小姑娘走来。
It's easy to express such problems using fork-join, as you saw in the previous installment. 用fork-join可以很容易地表示这类问题,正如您在上一期中看到的那样。
Neil knife and fork down, wiped his mouth with a napkin: "I do not want to become rude, but you and I will, get out immediately! " Neil放下刀叉,用餐巾擦了擦嘴:“我不想变得粗鲁、但是对你我会、滚出去、马上!”
She may not be perfect, but if it gives me time to relax, I don't mind having the fork on the wrong side of the plate once in a while. 她可能不完美,但是如果这给了我时间放松,我不在意叉子偶尔放在盘子错的一面。
The fork in pic has reference value. . . I originally thought it's used by farmers for insurgence, now it seems to be made by officers. 图中的叉子有参考价值…以前还以为是起义农民用的,看来是官造的了…
If you do not know how to properly use a knife and fork when, to see how others do, follow suit. 如果不知该怎么正确使用刀叉时,就看别人如何做,依样画葫芦。
This link is to the collectiveidea fork of the project, which seems to be the currently maintained stream. 这个是项目的collectiveidea分支的链接,它是当前维护的分支。
To whip an egg is to beat it up in a basin with a fork or machine. 搅打鸡蛋就是用叉子或机器在盆里搅打它。
With the return value of fork in mind, the code can now check to see if it is the parent or child process and act accordingly. 考虑到fork的返回值,现在该代码可以检查确定它是父进程还是子进程,并进行相应的操作。
I was also immediately captivated by the incongruous look of an old piece of lumber sporting a fine headset and supporting a fork and wheel. 我也立即吸引了不协调的外观,一个老片的木材体育罚款耳机和支持叉子和车轮。
He took his knife and fork, and was going to commence eating, when the inclination appeared to become suddenly extinct. 他拿起他的刀叉,正要开始吃,忽然又转念了。
I've stayed late at work and missed the last bus home, so I've had to fork out for a taxi when I'm dangerously close to payday. 加班加得太晚了,没赶上回家的末班公车,所以我只好花钱打的了,好在马上就该发工资了。
Tyrant held on. A plastic fork cut into the cake just above his head. A bite-sized piece of cake disappeared. 泰伦紧抓着盘子,一支塑胶叉插进蛋糕里,正好插到他头上不远处,然后一口大小的蛋糕不翼而飞。
" Ira deferred fork: " Ready to argue with you, next year in Moscow, all of these injuries take place, and I win. I bet? 她暗下决心:“准备好了和自己斗争吗,明年的莫斯科,所有的伤病都已经发生了,但是明年的莫斯科世锦赛我一定会赢的,我敢打赌。”
He first noticed it a second ago, when he put his hands in his pockets, looking for a mint, and instead found the sharp prongs of the fork. 爱德华刚刚才发现这把叉,他在口袋里找薄荷糖没找着,却摸到了叉的尖头。
Fork splits the process flow into two or more alternative paths, enabling two or more tasks to be performed in parallel. Fork将处理流程拆分为两个或多个可选路径,使两个或多个任务能够并行执行。
After all, Ed's idea of exercise has always been nothing more effort-making than lifting a fork to his mouth. 究竟,埃德的活动理念不断没有更多的精神比搬起叉使他的嘴。
The next day the sun rose white-hot above the ridgeline, turning the Middle Fork into an undulating strand of emeralds. 第二天,当白热的太阳从山脊上升起时,中叉河变成了一缕波状的绿宝石。
No more pushing that last bit of food onto your fork with a knife or piece of bread. 用了他设计的盘子,你不必费力地用刀叉或面包想办法把盘子上最后一丁点食物弄进你的嘴里。
Today was such a bad day! My bike was suddenly broken and I had to fork out 50 yuan to have it repaired. 今天太倒霉了!我的自行车突然坏了,花了我50块钱才修好。
I leaned against the tree trunk as you sat on the fork, opened your red lips, and in a low voice began to sing the Song of Mei Niang. 我倚一颗树干而立,你则端坐在一个树杈上,轻启朱唇,低声吟唱《梅娘曲》。
McGrady dropped his fork. He and his girlfriend bolted from the restaurant. "I don't know if I paid the bill, " he said. 麦迪扔掉了他的叉子,他和他的女友闪电般地窜出餐厅。“我想不起来我当时是否买单了”,麦迪回忆说。
To overtake the sun, er lang shen haste makes waste, a mishap, the front of that mountain carrying-pole eye is shouldering the fork. 为追上太阳,二郎神忙中出错,一个闪失,前边那座山的扁担眼被担叉了。
His appetite for inventions went back to his childhood, when he had devised a fork and spoon that could fit into a penknife. 他对于发明的喜好可以追溯到童年时代,他那时曾设计过一款能放进折叠刀的叉子和勺子,差一点就申请到专利。
My parents who are doctors always ask me to wash my hands before every meal even if I am going to eat with a knife and a fork. 我的父母是医生,他们总要求我每顿饭前洗手,即使是用刀叉时也会这么要求。
When a steak, for instance, is brought up for the head cook's inspection, he does not handle it with a fork. 举例说,要检查牛扒是否煮好时,他才不会用叉子,却只用手。
Gateway form using decision, fork, merge, and joins is often more readable for models that only model control flow. 网关形式使用decision、fork、merge和join元素,对于只包含控制流的模型而言,此形式通常更易于理解。
The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. 叉子本是一种古老的农具,几个世纪以来,从没有人想到用它来吃东西。