
美 [fɔrs]英 [fɔː(r)s]
  • n.力;力量;武力;部队
  • v.强迫;用力;使发生(尤指趁他人尚未准备);强作笑颜
  • 网络强制;迫使;原力

复数:forces 现在分词:forcing 过去式:forced

use force,come force,increase force,carry force,force surrender
powerful force,great force,moral force,brute force,dynamic force
probably force


n. v.

暴力行动violent action

1.[u]武力;暴力violent physical action used to obtain or achieve sth

力physical strength

2.[u]力;力量the physical strength of sth that is shown as it hits sth else

强大效力strong effect

3.[u]强大效力;巨大影响the strong effect or influence of sth

具有力量的人╱事物sb/sth with power

4.[c]力量大的人(或事物);影响大的人(或事物)a person or thing that has a lot of power or influence


5.[u]权力;效力the authority of sth

一群人group of people

6.[cspv](为某目的组织起来的)一群人a group of people who have been organized for a particular purpose


7.[cspv]武装部队;部队a group of people who have been trained to protect other people, usually by using weapons

8.[pl]兵力,武装力量(陆海空三军)the army, navy and air force

9.[pl]武装力量the weapons and soldiers that an army, etc. has, considered as things that may be used


10.[sing]警察部门the police force


11.[c][u]力an effect that causes things to move in a particular way

风of wind

12.[c][ususing]风力;风力等级a unit for measuring the strength of the wind


bring sth into force

(使法律、规则等)开始生效,开始实施to cause a law, rule, etc. to start being used

come/enter into force

开始生效;开始实施to start being used

force of habit

习惯力量if you do sth from or out offorce of habit , you do it automatically and in a particular way because you have always done it that way in the past

the forces of nature

(尤指造成损害的)自然力;大自然的力量the power of the wind, rain, etc., especially when it causes damage or harm

in force

大量;众多in large numbers

join/combine forces (with sb)

(同…)联合;(与…)合作to work together in order to achieve a shared aim

建筑学常见英语词汇 ... 质量 mass force 米 meter ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... defeat vt 击败;战胜 force n 力量;暴力 peaceful adj 和平的;平静的;安宁的 ...


强字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 强买强卖〖 buyorsellundercoercion〗 强迫force;compel;coerce〗 强求〖 insiston;impose〗 ...


强字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 强直〖 tetanus〗 强制force〗 强中〖 persistenterection〗 ...


迫字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 迫切〖 pressing〗 迫使force〗 迫视〖 watchintently〗 ...


珍妮莉亚·狄索莎_百度百科 ... 终极武器 Velayudham 武力 Force 橙色 Orange ...


原力原力Force),是星际大战系列作品中的核心概念。原力是一种作品中虚构的、超自然的而又无处不在的神秘力量,是所 …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... defeat vt 击败;战胜 force n 力量;暴力 peaceful adj 和平的;平静的;安宁的 ...

However, a small force in small, not able to rescue the children also go on the Shen. 然而他的气力越来越小,最终没能救上孩子,也一同沉了下去。
If you have two or more threads manipulating the state of a control, it is possible to force the control into an inconsistent state. 如果有两个或多个线程操作某一控件的状态,则可能会迫使该控件进入一种不一致的状态。
Do not fiddle all day, force yourself at least one hour a day to make an effort, otherwise you will loose everything. 不要整天瞎混,强迫你自己一天至少一个小时来做一种努力,否则你会失掉一切。
If aphids, thrips or other insects invade your rose bushes, you may be able to force them off with just a strong spray of water. 如蚜虫,蓟马或其他昆虫入侵你的玫瑰花丛,你可以强制只一水之强喷它们赶走。
Clinton also noted that the U. S. -Philippines alliance has been a force for regional security for decades. 克林顿还表示,数十年来美国-菲律宾联盟一直是保证地区安全的力量之一。
But as a teenager she began to focus more on tennis, and was soon a force to be reckoned with. 但在十几岁的时候,她开始将更多的精力放在网球上,并且很快成为了一股不可忽视的新力量。
He said a larger police force will free up NATO and U. S. troops to concentrate solely on military actions to help stabilize Afghanistan. 他说大部分的警力将会摆脱北约和美国军队的束缚,能够单独的集中军事演练保持阿富汗的稳定。
Force is not the only physical quantity which requires the specification of a direction in space as well as a magnitude. 需要表明大小和方向的物理量,不只是力。
So why did you spend so much time and energy trying to force someone who does not care about you to stay with you? 所以为什么,你要花那么多的时间和精力去逼一个不在乎你的人和你在一起?
This might be a naval air base, but apart from the civilian performers this was an all air force affair! 这可能是海军航空兵基地,但除了平民演员,这是一个所有空军事!
But the Air Force found a good home for him with Army Sgt. 然而空军为他找到一个好归宿。
"Why are you . . . " : to be asking others, think there is no fault of their own, how much force to do much heart. “为什么你们……”:在责问别人时,想一想自己有没有什么过失,尽了多少力多少心。
All the armed force was on the side of the kings, and yet the Church was victorious. 所有的武裝力量都在國王這方面,然而教會還是勝利的。
During the Cuban missile crisis, an air force sentry in Minnesota shot at a fence-climbing intruder and sounded the sabotage alarm. 古巴飞弹危机期间,一个载明尼苏达州的美国空军哨兵射杀一名攀爬围墙的侵入者并拉起破坏行动警报。
Now France has put an air force behind its fine words, with military strikes against an Arab leader that would once have been unthinkable. 现在法国用空中军事力量武装自己好听的言辞,同时用军事行动反对一位阿拉伯领导人,曾几何时这是完全想不到的事情。
Initially coming into force as a mechanism to control the industry, the regulations have continued to be a landmine for manufacturers. 这些法规最初是作为控制烟草业的一个机制而开始生效的,但对烟草制造商而言,这些法规已经成为了一颗地雷。
He said: "If economic sanctions do not achieve their goals, they should issue a credible threat of force. " 他说:“如果经济制裁没有达到目的,就应该发出可信的武力威胁。”
Why would any force increase the molecular rotation up and up and up and up to a point that the body burns up? 为什么会有势力一直加速分子转动,让其加速、加速,直到身体猛烈燃烧呢?
Comment author must fill out name and email - Check this box as a way to force spammers to do a bit of extra work. 评论作者必须填写姓名和电子邮件–选中这个框,来迫使spammers做一些额外的任务。
The transfer of surplus agricultural labor force seems to fall into a "trap" set by itself. 农业剩余劳动力转移似乎陷入了自己设下的“陷阱”中。
'I never thought I would be here, but pay cuts force us to be frugal, ' he said. “我从没想过我会住在这里,但是降薪迫使我们得节省”,他说。
Allow him to figure out what he should have done instead, and force him to own up to the consequences of his choices. 让他自己去想他本来应该做什么样的决定的,强迫他去承受他的选择带来的后果。
Having taken so long to reach this point, the WTO will take a great deal longer to force compliance, especially if China does appeal. 要达成一项协议需要非常长的时间,特别是在中国上诉的情况下。
In just a few short years, China's online game industry is growing at breakneck speed, and display a very strong explosive force. 短短几年内,我国网络游戏产业的发展速度惊人,并展现出极强的爆发力。
In terms of the written content, Cult-ure a tour de force skim of ideas, if such a thing is possible. 说到书的内容,《邪•文化》是一本对各种观念进行凝练(如果可能的话)的力作。
He told The Guardian: "The [attorney general's] note fails to clarify the extent to which force might be used to protect civilians. " 他告诉卫报,司法部长的解读没有清楚的说明,为保护平民,可以使用哪些武力。
The long war between the Dark Force and the Light Force comes to anend , the last battle has begun! 长期的黑暗势力和轻型部队的战争即将结束,最后的战斗开始了!
But Air Force undersecretary for space programmes Gary Payton has said the plane programme is not pursuing "offensive capabilities" . 但负责太空计划的空军副部长加里·佩顿说,研制太空飞机计划的目的不在于追求“攻击性能”。
The goal of his project, which he plans to write a book about when he's done, is to force himself out of his comfort zone. 他实行这个计划的目的是为了强迫自己从安逸的生活中走出来。他会把自己的经历写成一本书。
Even so, the effect was to force many would-be makers of electric-vehicles to abandon their efforts, or to adopt inferior solutions instead. 即便如此,影响许多未来的电动车生产商放弃其努力,或者转而采用逊色些的解决方案。