first class

  • n.头等座位(或车厢、舱);第一类邮件(在英国投递最快的邮件)
  • adv.乘坐头等座位(或车厢、舱);(英国)按最快投递邮件
  • 网络头等舱;第一战;一等地

first classfirst class

first class

1.头等座位(或车厢、舱)the best and most expensive seats or accommodation on a train, plane or ship

2.第一类邮件(在英国投递最快的邮件)(in Britain) the class of mail that is delivered most quickly


国际航班机票上class中写H是什么意思?_百度知道 ... Economy Class : 经济舱Y FIRST CLASS头等舱F BUSINESS CLAS…


詹妮弗·劳伦斯_百度百科 ... 爱疯了/ Like Crazy X战警:第一战/ X-Men:First Class 海狸/ The Beaver ...


水果英文单词_百度文库 ... filbert 榛子 first class 一等地,甲等的 flat peach 蟠桃 ...


交通工具英语单词_百度文库 ... tourist class 普通舱, 经济舱 first class 一等舱 waiting list 登机票名单 ...


江淮汽车JAC国际服务中心建设管理标准 - 豆丁网 ... 免费保养 Maintenance free of charge 一级 first class 要求 request ...


一等成绩(First Class)  一等成绩通常是大学颁发学位的最高成绩,英国大约有11%的毕业生拿到一等成绩毕业。不同大学和不同 …

Bill: Ah. . . economy. But I thought if I make a " pass " at you, then my boarding pass would pass for first class. 比尔:嗯……经济舱,但我想如果我得到你的允许,我就可升级到头等舱。
Metrics and visualizations help you identify important parts of your code, allowing you to extract them as first-class design elements. 指标和可视化有助于识别代码的重要部分,从而提取出一些设计元素。
Soon afterwards he was hauled out of the first-class section of an Air France flight to Paris. 他从法国航空飞往巴黎的头等舱里拖出来随即就被扣压。
XML's status in databases has changed in the last couple of years from a temporary worker to that of a first class citizen. XML在数据库中的地位在过去两年中已经发生了变化,从“临时工”变成了重要成员。
He did not get an immediate reply but he was elevated to the rank of marquis, first class, a reward for his perceived loyalty to the Qing. 虽未得到立即答复,但清政府授予他侯爵爵位,跻身头等阶层,作为他保护朝庭的奖赏。
How much is the fare for two first-class tickets to Paris? 两张到巴黎去的头等票多少钱?。
The boat must be built a few libraries, respectively, for the first class and second class services. 在船上必须要建造几个图书馆,分别为头等舱和二等舱服务。
The founding principles of the company have never changed - business integrity, first class service and a commitment to people. 公司的原则从未改变,诚信经营,一流的服务和负有责任感。
Apart from being among the longest and widest in the sky, the First Class seat can quickly and easily extend into a full-length bed. 除了拥有所有航空公司中最长最宽的尺寸之外,头等舱座位更能快速轻易地伸展成为一张完整的床。
Hudson was all cook-a-hoop at the news. He had never expected to get a first-class degree. 赫德森听到消息后喜形于色。他根本没想到获得一等学位。
How much quality the first-class firewall has? 一流防火墙有多少成色?
If I could afford a pair of $475 shoes, I thought, I would be sitting in first class. 要是我买得起475美元的鞋子,我想,我肯定会坐在头等舱的。
We want our organization to be a first-class organization so people say, 'I wish I could be a part of that. 我们希望我们的团队是一个一流的团队,让人人都能说,“我希望我能成为其中一部分。”
It had been 40 years since our class graduated from the small midwestern high school, and everyone was enjoying our first class reunion. 那是我们班从中西部一个小地方的高中毕业后40年了,每个人对我们首次班级聚会都很开心。
He appeared to compare the German chancellor to a first class passenger on the Titanic. 他似乎将德国总理比作泰坦尼克(Titanic)上的头等舱乘客。
But she would be telling him as they were flying over the Atlantic in first-class seats. 但是这次她将会在他们坐在头等舱里飞越大西洋的时候这么说。
Here was a woman with a first class degree from Cambridge university talking as if she were a manically smiling children's TV presenter. 这位拥有剑桥大学(Cambridge)一级学位的女士,说起话来就像是一名笑得呲牙咧嘴的儿童节目主持人。
Wind's new first-class talent and world-class technology companies is to respect knowledge, respect talent is all about. 新风公司一流的人才和一流的技术是公司尊重知识,尊重人才的体现。
Class did not listen, do not learn the next lesson, led me to a language test on the faint, the score is naturally the last first class. 课堂不听,课下不学,导致我一考语文就发晕,分数自然是全班倒数第一。
Born in Gibraltar, he grew up in London and graduated from St Martins with a first class degree. 他出生于直不罗陀,在伦敦长大,毕业于中央圣马丁艺术学院。
"That's okay, " she said. "I'm just calling my daughter. She's sitting up in first class. " 她回答道:“那好吧。我只是在与我的女儿通话。她坐在第一排。”
The only restriction on his first-class medical certificate was that he "must wear corrective lenses. " 他非常出色的体检合格证上唯一的限制仅仅是“必须佩戴合适的眼镜”。
The company promises park land, access to first class sports facilities, thousands of jobs and a more vibrant local economy. 公司承诺公园土地建设成为一流的体育设施,这样能够带来成千上万的就业机会,更为活跃的国内经济。
In the movie, Jack is a 3rd class passenger on the Titanic who sneaks his way up to first class with the hopes of never getting caught. 在本片中,Jack是泰坦尼克号上三等舱的乘客,为了避免感冒,他偷偷溜进了头等舱。
"Kenny's man management has always been first class and that's shone through again since he's been back in charge, " Rush said. 肯尼的管理人的能力总是一流的,现在他回来后的表现再次证明了这一点。
The biggest difficulties in gravimetric observations are to get a first class map and the exact location of every measurement. 重力测量中最大的困难就是取得高精度的地形图以及确定每一测点的精确位置。
It's not enough to be graduating from Oxford or Cambridge with a first class degree and to speak four languages. 仅仅以一流成绩从牛津或剑桥毕业、能讲四种语言是不够的。
The company says it has an airline ready to unveil the system in two months time, presumably with devices for business or first class. 该公司表示,已经有一家航空公司准备在两个月后推出这一系统,很可能是专门针对商务舱或者头等舱乘客的。
So don't waste any more time trying to be a second class somebody else and get on with being a first class you! 所以,别再浪费更多时间努力成为一个”二等“的别人了;去做”一等“的你!
The hotel's well-trained staff provide all guests with its first-class service they need for a pleasant and cozy stay at the hotel. 宾馆服务人员训练有素,为每位宾客提供一流服务,使他们在宾馆期间愉快舒适。