
美 [ˈhʌniˌmun]英 [ˈhʌniˌmuːn]
  • n.蜜月;(新活动之初的)和谐时期
  • v.(去某处)度蜜月

复数:honeymoons 现在分词:honeymooning 过去式:honeymooned



n. v.

1.蜜月a holiday/vacation taken by a couple who have just got married

2.(新活动之初的)和谐时期the period of time at the start of a new activity when nobody is criticized and people feel enthusiastic

Back in February, we named "Renting a private island in the Seychelles" as one of their "Five best getaways for a royal honeymoon" . 早在二月份,我们(英国广播公司)命名的“最佳的五个皇家蜜月方案”之一就是“在塞舌尔群岛租一个私人岛屿”。
They had enough food and wine, and stayed there for the next five days. It was the honeymoon they had never had. 他们有足够的食物和酒,接下来又住了五天。这段时间成了他们以前没有享受过的蜜月。
That's probably not a message June brides want to hear right now, but at least a few will probably wish they had once the honeymoon's over. 这也许不是六月份的新娘们现在想听到的信息,但一旦蜜月结束,至少有几个可能会希望听到。
Yao and his wife returned to Shanghai on Friday and will leave in the next couple of days to honeymoon in Europe . 星期五,姚明和妻子返回了上海,在接下来的几天,他们将去欧洲度蜜月。
A relationship used to be consummated on honeymoon and a wife's duty was to ensure that her husband remained fulfilled. 在过去,蜜月中的性爱使婚姻关系变得真正完整,让丈夫的欲求得到满足也是做妻子的本分。
When they got back, Jessica immediately 'phoned her mother and her mother obviously asked, 'How was the honeymoon, dearest? 当他们回家后,杰西卡立即打电话给她母亲,她母亲很明显会问道,“蜜月怎样,心肝宝贝?”
I wanted you to tell me to divorce her and you have suggested I act as if I am going on a honeymoon! 我想要你叫我和她离婚,而你却建议我像度蜜月那样行动!
Maradona enjoyed a honeymoon period at the start of his coaching reign before the knives began to be sharpened. 马拉多纳教练生涯初期,矛盾还未激化,他和媒体的关系度过了一段蜜月期。
It has been a long problem for brides to dispose wedding veils after the honeymoon, but now scientists seems to have found solutions. 新娘度完蜜月后该如何处置婚纱这个难题由来已久,现在看来科学家们已经找到了解决办法。
It was a really great day. Me father- and mother-in-law had given us our honeymoon as a present. That was quite a surprise, I can tell ya. 那一天真棒。我的岳父母给我们蜜月作为礼物。那相当令我惊讶,我不得不说。
Might have to move the honeymoon suite To the heartbreak hotel. Wait. Wait. What was she talking about? 可能需要把蜜月套间移至,心碎旅馆了。等等,他说什么?。
Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation. 快乐地度过每一天,如同度过你蜜月的第一天,和假日的最后一天。
If everything had gone to plan Estelle would be about to embark on a flight from her Beijing home to England for her honeymoon. 如果一切按照按计划进行,28岁的品牌经理Estelle原本即将从北京飞往英国度蜜月。
In an impromptu news conference outside the ballroom, a family spokesman said the couple had no plans for a honeymoon cruise. 在舞厅外举行的一次非正式新闻发布会上,家庭的发言人说:小夫妻没有蜜月旅行计划。
The couple said, as well as missing out on a honeymoon, they had not had a holiday in their 11 years of marriage. 麦克齐夫妇说,他们在结婚时就没有度蜜月,而且结婚11年以来也从未外出度假。
You know the honeymoon's over when the groom stops helping his wife with the dishes- and starts doing them himself! 你知道吗,新郎不帮妻子刷碗而开始自己刷碗的时候就意味着蜜月结束了。
The young wife is said to have brought him back with her from the honeymoon quite openly, just as she might have brought back a hat. 他们身边坐着一位贵族成员,据说是年轻的表嫂非常开放地在蜜月时带回来的,仿佛捡回一顶帽子般轻松。
Its honeymoon with Mr Zuma may be over, but it has no credible alternative left-wing candidate to promote in his place as president. 它和祖玛总统的友好合作可能将告一段落,然而目前南非工会大会中尚未有可靠的左翼候选人来担任主席一职。
She got pregnant on her honeymoon, which meant that she was soon "wrapped up in the business of gestating and lactating. " 还在蜜月期她就怀孕了,这表示她很快就要“身陷一个母亲的应尽义务之中。”
He said the honeymoon delay was a 'personal' decision taken by the couple 'weeks ago'. 他表示蜜月延期是威廉夫妇“几周前”作出的“私人”决定。
my husband and i stayed here for a week as the first stage of our honeymoon. 老公和我在这里逗留了一个星期作为我们蜜月的第一阶段。
But with a little hard work, we honeymoon is going to be a dream. 但一点坚苦工作,我们蜜月连同是梦想。
Mason recently went on his honeymoon. Hear him tell Devan about the romantic places he visited with his wife. 梅森最近刚刚度完蜜月。请听他如何向德凡描述他与妻子去过的浪漫之地。
To see a movie in which attractive people fall in love and go on a honeymoon. 看部电影,电影里漂亮的人们相爱然后去度蜜月。
But she has no happy memories of her honeymoon. 但是她对她的蜜月期没有任何幸福的回忆。
Tom Cruise once said of his marriage, "The pair of us are on a permanent honeymoon. " 汤姆有一次说到他的婚姻时说:“我们两人在度一个永恒的蜜月”。
The cost of running away for an intimate wedding and honeymoon typically costs tens of thousands dollars less than a traditional wedding. 逃跑举行私人婚礼、度蜜月的开销一般是几万美金,这比一场传统婚礼花得要少。
She left sobbing as she headed off for her honeymoon in Turkey. 她抽泣着离开去度她在土耳其的蜜月。
Even Kate's wedding may have to pay fees or costume fees honeymoon couple, also depends on the wishes of his parents, Kate. 即使可能要支付凯特的婚礼服装费或夫妇两人度蜜月的费用,也得看凯特父母自己的意愿。
The first morning after the honeymoon, the husband got up early, went down to the kitchen, and brought his wife her breakfast in bed. 度完蜜月后的隔天早上,丈夫起个大早,走到厨房,去拿早餐让太太在床上吃。