
美 [ful]英 [fuːl]
  • n.傻瓜;蠢人;弄臣;奶油果泥
  • v.愚弄;欺骗;说蠢话
  • adj.傻的;愚蠢的
  • 网络傻子;愚人;笨蛋

复数:fools 现在分词:fooling 过去式:fooled

poor fool,young fool,complete fool,damn fool,utter fool


1.[c]蠢人;傻瓜a person who you think behaves or speaks in a way that lacks intelligence or good judgement

3.[u][c]奶油果泥,蛋奶果泥(甜食)a cold light dessert (= a sweet dish) made from fruit that is cooked and crushed and mixed with cream or custard


act/play the fool

装傻,扮丑相(以逗人笑,但往往惹人恼怒)to behave in a stupid way in order to make people laugh, especially in a way that may also annoy them

any fool can/could…

任何人都能;容易得很used to say that sth is very easy to do

be no/nobodys fool

精明机智;不易上当to be too intelligent or know too much about sth to be tricked by other people

a fool and his money are soon parted

傻瓜口袋漏,有钱留不住;蠢人不积财a person who is not sensible usually spends money too quickly or carelessly, or is cheated by others

fools rush in (where angels fear to tread)

(智者却步处)愚者独敢闯people with little experience try to do the difficult or dangerous things which more experienced people would not consider doing

make a fool of sb

愚弄某人to say or do sth deliberately so that people will think that sb is stupid

make a fool of yourself

出丑to do sth stupid which makes other people think that you are a fool

more fool sb (for doing sth)

蠢极了;犯傻used to say that you think that sb was stupid to do sth, especially when it causes them problems

(theres) no fool like an old fool

糊涂莫过老糊涂;老糊涂最糊涂an older person who behaves in a stupid way is worse than a younger person who does the same thing, because experience should have taught him or her not to do it


我的小傻瓜(Fool)你知道吗我好想你我的小傻瓜(Fool)你知道吗我的唯一我喜欢听你叫着我小宝贝我喜欢哭着听你心痛的责备我 …


大小说家 林宥嘉专辑 大小说家mp3下载 在线试听 ... 勉强幸福 Fools' Bliss 傻子 Fool 拾荒 Vulture ...


Esp词汇资料 ... mistifik'i:to hoax 欺骗, fool 愚弄 = mist.if.ik, 愚弄 哄骗 (有隐秘之事) ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Foolish 愚蠢的 Fool 愚人 Interest 使产生兴趣 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... food n. 食物,食品 fool n. 傻子,蠢人 foolish a. 愚蠢的,傻的 ...


转载 四个字母的英文单词 - 豆丁网 ... food n. 食品,食物 fool n. 笨蛋,傻瓜v.玩弄,愚弄 foot n. 脚,足;英尺;底部 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... break down 停止运行;出故障 fool 白痴;欺骗 costume 成套服装;戏装 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... cycle n 周期;循环 fool n 愚人;白痴 take in 欺骗;摄取 ...

as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom. 愚妄人以行恶为戏耍。明哲人却以智慧为乐。
A wise man turns down the current into, a fool to put down when despair - you can put down how much, happiness is how many. 智者把放下当前进,愚者把放下当绝望——你能放下多少,幸福就有多少。
The angry wife said she was blind in choosing him, who said answering a fool according his folly that the sight of her made him sick. 妻子在火头上,说她当初找他真是瞎了眼。他呢,也真够傻的,说他一见她就恶心。
He had an expression of resentment, as if we had made a fool of him. 他显出不满的表情,似乎我们欺骗了他。
Be careful metering in situations like this, as the dark area on the sides of the frame may fool your meter. 在这样的情况下仔细测量环境,如暗区在画面侧面可能欺骗你的公尺。
Then, the fool pointed to his head and said: "Ouch! There is something wrong with my head. " 接着,那傻瓜用手指着头说:“很痛,我的头伤了。”
He's not such a fool as you assumed him to be. 他并非你以为的那种愚人
Remember that the word 'ass' in spoken English also means a fool and is a very mildly impolite word for the human rump. 请记住,ass在英语口语中除了“驴”外还有“傻瓜”的意思,也是对“臀部”的一种虽很委婉但仍不太礼貌的说法。
Actually I wanted to tell him that today was April Fool's Day, but I could not say it out. 我想说今天是愚人节,却一个字也没说出来。
Because he made a fool of me when he stood Godfather to Connie's boy. 因为他在给康妮的儿子当教父时愚弄了我。
We'd had a fleeting good moment--it wasn't often Baba talked to me, let alone on his lap--and I'd been a fool to waste it. 我们有过一段短暂的美好时光--爸爸平时很少跟我说话,更别提把我抱在膝盖上--而我这个笨蛋,竟然白白将其浪费了。
He must be a fool if he does not know what I mean. 如果他不懂我的意思,他肯定是个傻瓜。
"It would be stupid of me to kind of even fool with that, " Odom said. “如果我还去在意替补主力之类的问题,那么我就太傻了,”喇嘛说。
Instead, the animal almost brushed him as it dashed past, his face set and hard, his eyes staring. 'Get out of this, you fool, get out! ' 可是,兔子从他身边冲过,几乎擦到了他身上,他脸色阴沉,瞪着眼睛、“滚开,你这个笨蛋,滚!”
i was now in a relaxed mood and had no desire to see the Englishman make a fool of himself. 我现在心情很放松,并不希望看到那个英国男人出丑。
Don't treat me like a fool; don't take me for a fool; don't make a fool of me. 不要把我当傻瓜看待,或不要愚弄我。
Reading this chapter, you don't fool so much to bend yourself to imitate the actions of these successful men of practice. 读了庄子这篇文章,可别傻到专门去学这些修行有成的人的样子。
These two causes made him answer in a very low and hesitating voice; whereupon a gentleman in a white waistcoat said he was a fool. 这两个原因使他的回答非常低,犹豫的声音,于是在一个白色背心绅士说他是个傻瓜。
Young fool! Didn't you see the sun crystals in here? Don't you know how much they love the light? 小傻子!你没看到这里的太阳水晶吗?你没发现他们有多么热爱光明吗?
Confucius said, "It is better to ask a question and be thought a fool for a day than to keep quiet and be a fool for life. " 孔子曾这样说过,“宁可不耻下问地做一时的傻瓜也不要默默地做一辈子的傻瓜”。
Some fool tried to threaten me with it and I was forced to show him the error of his ways, if you know what I mean. 有个笨蛋想要用它来威胁我,而我迫不得已让他了解了自己的错误,如果你明白我意思的话。
So in that rainy weather on that day, but she did not like a fool, like umbrella along the sky despite the rain soaked their whereabouts. 于是在天气预报说有雨的这天,她并没有带雨伞而是像个傻瓜一样任凭天空中下落的雨淋湿自己。
But, since the herpes virus does not always show its symptoms, prevention is not fool proof. 但是,由于疱疹病毒并不总是表现出症状,预防不是笨蛋证明。
Don't have him for a friend, for he is nothing but a fool. 别和他交朋友,他只是一个傻瓜。
What'd you think of my show, baby? - You made a fool out of yourself. 你认为我的演出怎样,宝贝?-你令你自己看起来像个傻瓜
When a man makes up his mind to become a rascal, he should examine himself closely and see if he isn't better constructed for a fool. 假使有人决心要当流氓,就应当好好的自我检讨一下,看看自己是否更适宜于当蠢才。
But Li is no fool, however infatuated he might be with his sister-in-law, he only pretends to buy into her scheme to consummate his lust. 但厉不是傻瓜,无论怎样被他的嫂子冲昏头脑,他只是假装同意她的计划,以满足他的欲望。
Strange to say what delight we marry people have to see these poor fool decoy into our condition. 说也奇怪,我们这些已婚的人,是多么高兴看到那些可怜虫被引诱进我们的处境啊。
It was fool's gold, of course, but to this day I keep one of them on my desk as a paperweight, engraved "All that glitters is gold. " 当然不是真金,至今我还把其中一块作为我的压书物,上面刻着:“只要是发光的就是金子”。
In an interview with The Atlantic magazine, the top U. S. diplomat accused China "of trying to stop history, which is a fool's errand. " 在接受《大西洋》月刊的采访是,这位美国高级外交官称中国“妄图改变历史”。