
美 [fri]英 [friː]
  • adv.免费;脱离束缚
  • v.释放;使摆脱;解除(或去除、清除);使可用(于某目的)
  • adj.能随自己意愿的;随心所欲的;不受限制的;不受约束的
  • 网络自由;自由的;免费的

比较级:freer 最高级:freest 过去式:freed 现在分词:freeing 第三人称单数:frees

free time,free space,free trade,free access,free flow
free woman,free prisoner
completely free


不受控制not controlled

1.能随自己意愿的;随心所欲的not under the control or in the power of sb else; able to do what you want

2.不受限制的;不受约束的;言行自由的not restricted or controlled by anyone else; able to do or say what you want

非囚犯not prisoner

3.自由的(不是囚犯或奴隶)not a prisoner or slave


4.未拴住的;非关在笼中的not tied up or in a cage

不用付款no payment

5.不收费的costing nothing

无阻碍not blocked

6.无阻碍的;畅通的clear; not blocked

没有without sth

7.~ from/of sth不含有害物的;不受…伤害(或影响等的)not containing or affected by sth harmful or unpleasant

8.没有…的without the thing mentioned

未固定;未缚住not attached/trapped

9.~ (of sth)未固定的;未缚住的not attached to sth or trapped by sth

未使用not being used

10.未使用的;空着的not being used

不忙not busy

11.~ (for sth)没有安排活动的;空闲的without particular plans or arrangements; not busy

乐于给予ready to give

12.~ with sth随便给出的ready to give sth, especially when it is not wanted


free and easy

随便;无拘束;轻松;自由自在informal; relaxed

get, have, etc. a free hand

可以全权处理;有自主权to get, have, etc. the opportunity to do what you want to do and to make your own decisions

get, take, etc. a free ride

白白得到好处(因他人已代付款)to get or take sth without paying because sb else is paying for it

its a free country

(有人建议不应做某事时用于回答)这是个自由的国家used as a reply when sb suggests that you should not do sth

theres no such thing as a free lunch

(表示白得东西是不可能的)没有免费的午餐used to say that it is not possible to get sth for nothing


自由软件强调的是自由Free),而不是价格。具体来讲,自由软件赋予用户下面4个自由度:1. 出于任何目的,运行软件的自 …


英语字根表 - 豆丁网 ... lev=light 轻的 liber=free 自由的 libr,lib=book 书籍 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... fox n. 狐狸 free a. 自由的,空闲的;免费的 fresh a. 新鲜的 ...


小学英语反义词大全 ... mend,repair 修理 free 空闲的 sell 卖(出) ...


2012年中考英语高频词汇_百度文库 ... follow vt. 跟随,结果是 free v. 释放 freedom n. 自由 ...



Moreover uses a repair company's advantage is free from worry, you turn in the money, other basic did not use the tube. 另外用装修公司的一个好处就是省心,你交上钱,其他的基本不用管了。
I lay shivering and gasping in my warm bed for several minutes, trying to break free of the dream. 我身在床上不停地发抖和大口大口喘气了好一会儿,试图甩掉梦境的惊骇。
The child looked terrified and it was a relief to see him let free with nothing more than a warning not to return. 男孩吓坏了,当看到站长只是警告他不要再来后就放走他,我松了一口气。
We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men. We could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. 我们坐着,喝着啤酒,阳光就照在我们肩上,感觉像个自由人,能为自家的屋顶铺沥青。
I watched Ray's fingers dance across the strings as if they were himself, running free. 我看见他的手指在琴弦上跳动,好像他自己就是手指一样自由的奔跑。
Some are free; others are as much as $18 a month, depending on how much data is encrypted. 有些是免费的,有些每月需要18美元,这取决于有多少数据是加密的。
The men train their flashlights over the dark harbor, but they do not see Kim free herself from the rope under the water. 搜寻金姆的人用他们的手电筒对着漆黑的海港照来照去,但是在他们看不到的水下,金姆从绳子中挣脱了出来。
By then Britain had already adopted the German model of a central bank free from political influence and determined to fight inflation. 那时英国已经采用了不受政治影响的德国央行模式,并决定对抗通胀。
For China to move to the next stage requires two things, they said: the free flow of information and the rule of law. 他们说,中国迈向下一个阶段需要两个条件:信息的自由流动和法治。
Unable to keep her mind free of distracting thoughts, she still managed to focus most of her attention on her major business. 尽管做不到心无旁骛,她还是设法把主要精力放在正事儿上。
The only question now is whether Los Angeles will meet his desire and bring him in as a free agent. 现在唯一的问题是:洛杉矶湖人是否愿意满足他的愿望,把他从自由市场中签走。
Any candidate can spend as much of her own money as she pleases because this counts as free speech. 任何候选人都可以自由花费她自己的财产,因为这被当作是言论自由。
Since the service is free, SK Communications did not retain financial information of its users in most cases. 由于该网站服务免费,因此SK通讯在多数情况下没有留存用户的财务信息。
Placing a child in a day nursery is coercive and tyrannical and a violation of the child's free and natural disposition. 把孩子放在托儿所是强制性的独裁行为,违反了孩子的自由和自然的性情。
He said the free availability of Landsat data is going to encourage greater understanding of land use. 他说,地球资源观测卫星数据的免费使用将鼓励对土地使用更多的了解。
If all of these exercises are done properly, they sooner or later free the woman from her inhibitions and thus allow her to reach orgasm. 如果所有这些练习都完全做完了,他们或迟或早会把女方从性抑制中解脱出来并由此而让她得到性高潮。
He made all free men living in Athens and Attica citizens, giving them the right to vote as part of a democratic society. 他让所有生活在雅典和阿提卡的市民都获得了自由,使他们作为民主社会的一部分有权进行投票。
And Panama, with which Costa Rica is wrapping up free-trade negotiations, has itself concluded a similar deal with the United States. 还有巴拿马,当哥斯达黎加还在总结跟这个国家的自由贸易谈判时,人家已经和美国达成了类似的交易。
Officers are using appropriate force to stop protesters but are not trying to contain them, all are free to move away from the perimeter. 警察用适当的武力阻止抗议者,而不是控制他们。他们可自由离去。
Once you sign up for a free iCloud account, you're ready to start exploring the dozens of applications and widgets. 一旦你注册了一个免费的iCloud账户,你就准备开始探索许许多多的应用程序和小工具吧!
I'm trying to ascertain if she joined the SS freely, hmm? Of her own free will. 我只是想确认她加入党卫军是否出于自愿。
It's as if you were a king hoarding gold and a peasant from another country discovered a way to make gold out of lead for free. 这就好比你是管理金子的人,当一个从其他国家来的农民发现了使得金子脱离管制而免费。
The boy had a big smile on his face as if he had just been set free from some sort of prison. 男孩脸上挂着灿烂的微笑,仿佛他刚从某种监狱里释放出来。
In Professor Friedman's view, government had the opposite obligation: to keep its hands off the economy, to let the free market do its work. 在弗里德曼教授看来,政府的职责刚好相反:不要插手经济,让自由市场自行运转。
Still, such a pledge would free him to put the national interest above electoral considerations. 然而,这番许诺会让其从对竞选的考虑之中解放出来,从而让他以国家利益为重。
Instead the body said conditions for free and fair elections did not exist and that it was a matter of deep regret they had been held. 安理会只是说,自由和公正选举的条件不存在,安理会对照常进行决选深表遗憾。
A democratic soul with a free meal ticket, but no power of locomotion, no voice. I felt like a jellyfish nailed to a plank. 我是带着一张免费餐券的民主的灵魂,可是没有机车那么大的力量,没有声音。
Application processes or other processes that you do not bind to a CPU are free to run on any available processor. 没有被绑定到某个CPU的应用程序进程或其他进程,可以无拘束地在任何可用的处理器上运行。
Buyers can sometimes avoid local sales taxes online, and shipping is often free. 有时在网上购物可以避开当地营业税,而且通常免邮费。
He had allowed her to free herself; and in a minute or two the milking of each was resumed. 他让她从他的搂抱中挣脱出去;没有一会儿,各人又都开始挤奶了。