
美 [fərˈɡet]英 [fə(r)ˈɡet]
  • v.忘记;遗忘;忘记做(或带、买等);不再想
  • 网络忽略;忘却;忘掉

过去式:forgot 过去式:forgat 过去分词:forgotten 现在分词:forgetting 第三人称单数:forgets

forget past,forget thing,forget point
easily forget,completely forget,quickly forget




1.[i][t]忘记;遗忘to be unable to remember sth that has happened in the past or information that you knew in the past

做某事to do sth

2.[i][t]忘记做(或带、买等)to not remember to do sth that you ought to do, or to bring or buy sth that you ought to bring or buy

不再想stop thinking about sth

3.[i][t]不再想;不再把…放在心上to deliberately stop thinking about sb/sth

4.[i][t]不再考虑…的可能to stop thinking that sth is a possibility


5.[t]~ yourself(举止)不得体to behave in a way that is not socially acceptable


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Bicolor 双色的 Forget 忘记 mini-umbrella 迷你伞 ...


遗字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 遗体〖 remainsofthedead〗 遗忘〖 miss;forget〗 遗闻〖 hearsayleftover〗 ...


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... forged adj. 的过去时和过去分词 forget 忘记,忽略 prev 1-10 of 83 next frost 霜,冰冻,冷漠 ...


谖的意思,谖怎么读_在线字典 ... 同本义〖 cheat〗 忘记,忘却,遗忘〖 forget〗 谖 xuān ...


英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 49. fly 飞;飞行 51. forget 忘记;忘掉 52. get 变得;得到 ...


lol游戏名字大全-起名网 ... 深呼吸 Deep breaths 一宿遗忘 Forget ≈ 痴人说梦 Stupid-▲ ...


急!首字母填空!_百度知道 ... sight 视线 forget 忘了 alone 单独 ...

This time tell me really very effective, I will be very easy to forget that this is the week. 这样的日子告诉我果然很有效果,我会很容易的忘记今天是星期几。
No matter where you are, don't forget how much I love you. 不管你在哪里,不要忘了我有多么爱你。
Yes, they may seem to have more 'authority' than people down the line, but never forget, no one enjoys absolute power. 是的,他们似乎有更多的权力的人比下来,但不会忘记,谁拥有绝对的权力。
I don't recall what Mother and I did in New Orleans, but Ill never forget what happened one of the times I got on the train to leave. 至于我和母亲在新奥尔良做了些什么,我已经不记得了,但有一次我登上火车准备离开时的情景,是我一辈子也忘不了的。
He always thought that she would slowly forget about him over time and come to terms that it was all over between them. 他一直以为,随着时间的流逝,她会慢慢把他忘掉,接受他们之间分手的结局。
The kind of love, that encourages people all around the world forget about the fear and fight for the freedom of our friends no matter what. 这样的爱,鼓励人们在世界各地忘记恐惧,争取朋友们的自由。
We get so wrapped up in deadlines, clients, costs and all the rest that it's easy to forget to search for creative solutions. 我们平日中被截止日期、客户、成本以及其他各种因素重重包裹,以至于轻易便忘记了去寻找富有创造力的新解决方法。
Even, I think, we copy our way to reproduce, you know what I mean, and something of -- oh no, forget it. 我认为,我们甚至抄袭自己的生殖方式,你知道我的意思,还有其他的—喔,不,算了。
He meant to be pleasant, to forget her presence, to live in the atmosphere of youth and pleasure which had been restored to him. 他愿意和颜悦色,忘记她的存在,生活在他重新焕发的青春和欢乐的气氛中。
You want me to go back to that house? Forget it! Wild horses couldn't drag me within 50 miles of that place again! 你想让我重回那间屋子?休想!就算是野马也不能把我拽到离那间屋子50英里内的地方。
Among all the learned men and Samanas, of which I knew many, there was one of this kind, a perfected one, I'll never be able to forget him. 在所有的智者之中,其中有许多是我所熟知的,只有一个人在这方面堪称完美的典范,我永远无法将他忘怀。
It was a sound which did not make _her_ cheerful; she wondered that Edmund should forget her, and felt a pang. 这嬉笑声却没法让她开心,她奇怪埃德蒙居然忘记了她,心里不禁一阵酸楚。
" However, the " auntie " was not so easy to be fooled and replied, " Why didn't you forget to take your schoolbag with you? 那位大妈倒也不客气,回复我说:“你怎么没忘带你的书包来呢?”
Is the season of growth rings in the hearts of people, said one said the flow of light, and finally forget the always Unable to get rid of. 季节是人心中的年轮,一曰一曰流动的光芒里,终于忘不了的和总是放不下的。
Don't forget to turn all the lights off before you come up to bed. 你上楼睡觉之前,不要忘记把所有的灯都关上。
As another example: he took advantage of his memory, remembering names, do not forget for a long time. 又如:他利用自己的记忆力,记住别人的姓名,长时间不忘。
It's easy to forget that when he arrived at the club he was just 21 and his best years are well and truly ahead of him. 很容易忘记他来的时候才21岁,而他最好的职业生涯才刚刚开始。
There are many friends but the best is you To forget me that's up to you To forget you I will never do. 凡星无数但月亮是你朋友无数但知己是你忘了我取决于你忘里你我不可以
I lock my love and give the only key to you, but you forget it in the corner where wind can't reach, so I become a man without love. 我锁住爱,把唯一的钥匙交给你,你却将它遗忘在风吹不到的角落,于是我成了没有爱的人。
For today, forget about sectors and trying to map economic and monetary policy out of Beijing. 今天,不需考虑行业,尝试从北京的经济和货币政策去理解。
The pack of this item is 12per inner carton and 72 per shipping case; please do not forget that this item must be with Black screws. 此类物品共装成72大箱,每箱内装有12个纸箱,请不要忘记把黑色螺钉与物品装在一起。
This is something of a chore, particularly if you have a large number of fields to deal with, and is quite easy to forget to do it. 这种事情有点烦杂,特别是当您有大量的字段要处理时,很容易忘记做这件事。
I'd like to say how much I love you, and I hope we never forget. 我多想告诉你我有多爱你,并希望你我永不相忘。
Take a deep breath and try to forget anyone or anything that's around you and just focus in on God for a minute. 做个深呼吸,忘记你身边的所有的人和事情,只是专注于神,这样一分钟。
The violence is indeed excessive, but everyone seems to forget that the situation is not the same as in Tunis and Egypt. 暴力事件确实是过度,但每个人都似乎忘记这种情况的不太一样突尼斯和埃及。
Many buyers forget that the cost of money is just as important to the bottom line as the new car price. 许多买家都忘记了一点:金钱的成本和车价对于最后总价都是一样重要。
I would never forget her smile, or the way her eyes shone as if we were the same age. 我永远不会忘记她的微笑,我永远不会忘记她的眼神,那种我们小孩才有的眼神!
You can try to work immediately after contact with body fluids, with a strong effort to let you forget this feeling of nausea. 您可以尝试工作,体液后,立即联系,具有强大的努力让你忘记这恶心的感觉。
I shall never forget the tactful patience with which he persuaded him to take nourishment. 我什么时候也忘不了他劝说他增加营养的那种耐心和手腕。
It's easy to forget that learning values and character at home is as important as any schoolwork or extracurricular activity. 在家里时,人们很容易忘掉学习的价值观和良好性格的重要性,这和他们进行作业练习以及课外活动是一样重要的。