
美 [efai]
  • n.繁殖力指数;例如;场电离;长英质指数
  • 网络财务会计;芬兰(Finland);流动注射(Flow Injection)




财务会计FI)和管理会计(CO)两个模块组成的财会子系统是整个解决方案中重要的部分。通过财会子系统内不同模块之 …


DHL | 按发件人参考信息跟踪 | 简体中文 ... ET 埃塞俄比亚 FI 芬兰 FJ 斐济 ...

流动注射(Flow Injection)

  流动注射(FI)与 ETV-ICP-MS 联用(FI-ETV-ICP-MS)测海水中的 Cu、Cd、Pb、Bi、Se(IV)  其它联用技术,象悬浮雾化 [248] …

污染指数(fouling index)

污染指数 (SDI) 值,也称之为 FI(Fouling Index) 值是是水质指标的重要参数之一。它表征了水中颗粒、胶体和其他能阻塞各种 …

场电离(Field Ionization)

...击电离(EI) 化学电离(CI) 场解吸(FD)和场电离FI) 快原子轰击(FAB) 软电离 电喷雾电离(ESI) 大气压化学电离(APCI) 大气压 …

In an age of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, flashing lights might seem like going back to sending messages with an Aldis lamp. 在这个Wi-Fi和蓝牙横行的时代里,使用闪光可能有点像回到用奥尔迪斯手提信号灯发送信息的年代。
One of the most well-known when the number of mobile suits, the long-lasting sci-fi image, known as Japan's national essence. 其中最知名的当数机动战士,这一长久不衰的科幻形象,被誉为日本国粹。
But few understandhowtheir narrowly defined jobs fi t intothe overall picture of what the company is trying to accomplish. 但是很少有人了解他们的狭义上的工作是如何融入公司正在努力实现的大局之中的。
Never Let Me Go might technically be sci-fi, as it seems to be set in the future, but really there's not much sci-fi about it. 《别让我走》可能在技巧上有些科幻,因为故事场景设定在未来,但实际上整个故事并没有科幻色彩。
AT&T recently said it costs 70% less to transmit a bit of data on a Wi-Fi network than on its mobile phone network. AT&T公司最近表示在Wi-Fi网络上传输数据比在手机网络上要便宜70%。
Depending on the typeface used, the sequence f and i is often replaced with a single fi glyph, depending on the font chosen. 根据所使用的字体的不同,f和i序列通常都会使用一个fi字形代替,这要取决于我们选择的字体)。
I wonder how much she actually heard and how much was garbled by my weak Wi-Fi, her beautiful face often contorted into a mess of pixels. 我想知道她那边实际上听到的是什么样子,到底被我这里微弱的WiFi信号毁掉多少,正如她那美丽的脸庞经常变成一堆像素杂点一样。
It turns the laptop, when connected to the internet, into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot that up to eight others can use to access the web. 这项技术能把与互联网相连的笔记本变成便携Wi-Fi热点,最多可为8位用户提供网络接入。
Materials and Methods: Images obtained with NTHI from 64 patients were compared with that of fundamental imaging(FI)technique. 材料和方法:采用自然组织谐波成像与基波成像(FI)对64例患者的颈动脉硬化斑块进行对比分析。
In this Sci-Fi epic, Tom Cruise is trying to solve the case of a murder he's destined to commit. 在这部科幻史诗里,汤姆克鲁斯要阻止他命中注定要犯的一宗杀人案的发生。
Most of the time, I use the iPad at home where Wi-Fi is plentiful, reliable and (most importantly) unlimited or as close to it as needed. 大多数时间,我都在家里使用ipad,家里的Wi-Fi无处不在,并且非常稳定,而且没有限制(这才是最重要的),或者更接近它的要求。
Next, if your Android phone Wi-Fi is running on your network, you can use your computer to call up the tiny cloud. 接下来,如果您的Android手机Wi-Fi正在网络中运行,那么可以使用您的计算机来呼叫微型云。
But they would have it a lot of the time - when they're in a Wi-Fi equipped home, office, coffee shop, etc. , where it's generally free. 不过,他们大部分时间是可以享受这些的,比如当他们在一个装有Wi-Fi的家里、办公室、咖啡馆等地的时候,在这些地方Wi-Fi通常是免费的。
Put a bit of sci-fi in your writing or(else)the teenagers won't be interested in it. 在你的作品中加一点科幻,不然青少年就不会感兴趣。
He knew that he had a good shot(4) at winning the Dinoco 400, and if he did, he would be the fi rst rookie in history to do it. 他知道自己赢得岱诺可400拉力赛的机会很大,如果他真的赢了,将会成为历史上第一个获得冠军的新人。
Do you think we'll continue to see more cerebral types of sci-fi movies coming out of Hollywood? 你觉得我们会看到好莱坞出品更多的大脑科幻类的电影吗?
A primitive version of that concept had been floating around the sci-fi world since the advent of Star Trek in the sixties. 那个概念的原始版本自从60年代的星际迷航出现就一直在科幻世界里流行漂浮着。
wi-fi - if you've got wi-fi at home, give it a good password. Otherwise it allows intruders in with few barriers to overcome. 无线网——如果家里的电脑使用的是无线网,最好设置一个可靠的密码,否则,黑客不费吹灰之力就能进入你的电脑。
Richard: That would be easy if you were playing a real character, but impossible if you were in a sci-fi flick. 理查德:如果你饰演的是一个真人,那容易,但是如果你演的是科幻片,那就不可能了。
Equally, the material is strong enough to be used for sci-fi-style pedestrian bridges within the building. 同样,这种材料也足够坚固,可以建造大楼内颇具科幻风格的行人天桥。
He tried remind himself that his father believed in all this "serving God and country. " That "Semper Fi" was more than a gung-ho motto. 他努力提醒自己,他父亲所相信的这些“为上帝和国家服务”“永远忠诚”不是仅仅一个狂热的座右铭。
From the perspective of someone who . . . fi with a dog, it will seem as if this child has an attitude of reckless abandon. 从别人的角度(张轶注:此处英文缺失)……和狗,看起来似乎这个小孩的态度是奋不顾身。
ESO Like something out of a sci-fi movie, a laser seems to trigger lightning in this European Southern Observatory photo taken in Chile. 欧洲南方天文台:像科幻电影里的某些场景,激光似乎触发了欧洲南方天文台拍摄在智利所拍摄到的闪电。
Up to now, the concept of spacetime travel by way of black hole can only be regarded as subjects of sci-fi and not a serious science. 所以到目前为止,利用黑洞时空穿梭等概念只可以被视为科幻作品的题材,而不属于认真科学研究的范畴。
Barely a year after she set up the FI Group, later called Xansa, she gave birth to her only child, Giles. 就在她创立Xansa公司的前身FI集团的一年后,Stephanie诞下了她的独子Giles。
This was the experience of a CEO running one of the largest hi-fi manufacturers in the world. 如下是管理一家全球最大高保真音响企业之一的CEO的经历。
The MiFi gets its Internet signal from a 3G cellphone network and converts it into a Wi-Fi signal that up to five people can share. MiFi将从3G手机网络获得的互联网信号转换为Wi-Fi信号,最多可供5人共享。
NM: (In Sci-fi) never say never . . . but there is a tiny part of me that kind of prefers she does stay (dead). (对于科幻剧)永远不要说永不…但是对于我来说不是那种喜欢不死人的。
Nokia says that for any phone to run on a GSM, 3G, or Wi-Fi network, it would have to license one of its patents. 诺基亚表示,任何运行在GSM、3G或Wi-Fi网络上的手机,都要许可使用一项它的专利。
The key to happiness is not to fi nd a perfect person, but to fi nd someone and build a perfect relationship with him. 幸福的关键不在于找到一个完美的人,而在找到一个人,然后和他一起努力建立一个完美的关系。