
美 [frut]英 [fruːt]
  • n.水果;果实;成果;结果
  • v.(使)结果实

过去分词:fruited 现在分词:fruiting 第三人称单数:fruits

fresh fruit,wild fruit,tropical fruit,ripe fruit,bitter fruit
bear fruit,pick fruit,grow fruit


Would you give me some fruits? How much are these oranges? 能给我一些生果吗?这些桔子要多少钱?
Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-fiber foods, and oily fish should make up the biggest part of a woman's diet. 水果、蔬菜、全谷类,高纤维食物、和油性鱼类应构成女人饮食的最大部分。
Protagonist is a pink little ants, she had to jump between the branches, up to eat all the fruits, be careful be caught spiders. 主角是一只粉红色的小蚂蚁,她要在树枝间跳跃,直至吃光所有的水果,要小心被蜘蛛抓到。
Yogurt is not just a delicious snack with fruits on the bottom, it has great health benefits. 酸奶不仅仅是一种有水果沉淀于其中的美味可口的零食,它还对健康有很大的益处。
The duckling did not seem the least bit intimidated and for good reason, as Africa's gentle giants eat mostly fruits and plants. 小鸭子看起来一点也不害怕,理由很充分,因为作为非洲“温柔巨人”的大猩猩几乎只吃水果和植物。
Yet, according to the evidence above, the average worker does not seem to be enjoying his fair share of the fruits of economic prosperity. 然而,根据上面的证据,一般的工人似乎并没有享受到其应得的经济繁荣的好处。
"Yes, " she said, "though I wonder if they might not have preferred to have the fruits of men. " “是的,”她回答。“但是我猜他们可能更愿意留着男人的小水果吧。”
Red beans and mungbean not the same, how should I say, it's like grapes and apples are fruits, are a cool nature of a warm fall. 红豆和绿豆不一样,怎么说呢,这就像葡萄和苹果都是水果,一个属于凉性,一个属于温性。
The conference presented the first fruits of research in this area - and discussed how much still needs to be done. 会议上介绍了这个领域目前的研究成果,还讨论了我们未来的工作。
Other plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits) used for perfumery, fresh or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered. 香料用植物及植物之一部份(包括种子及果实),新鲜或干燥,不论是否已切割压碎或制粉。
Zhai want the fruits of her result will not find any Mody, and speak to her she did not answer, perhaps she really angry! 想摘她的果实,结果摘不到么,和她说话她也不回答,也许她真的生气了!
The bottom line: Strive for a potassium-rich diet, which you can achieve by eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and legumes. 基本要点:争取做到饮食中富含钾,你可以多吃各种水果、蔬菜和豆类。
There he was made to stand up to his chin in a little lake, with clusters of luscious fruits hanging over and around his head. 在那里他被迫站定于一小湖中,水没至下颌,无数甜美的水果悬于头顶和四周。
Meanwhile, the fruits of globalisation mean that in many parts of the economy the competition is far more ferocious than it used to be. 与此同时,全球化的成果意味着,许多经济领域的竞争远比过去激烈得多。
The host was quite warmhearted. He treated him to many fruits and told his wife to kill chickens and ducks in the kitchen for the fisherman. 主人很热情,端出许多水果来招待,幷吩咐他的妻子,到厨房里杀鸡宰鸭。
She said she expects to see dairy products mixed with juice, grains, fruits and nuts, all of which PepsiCo markets. 她预计,将会有很多的奶制品和果汁、谷物、水果、坚果进行混搭,而百事公司涉足所有这些类别的产品。
After you have managed your money wisely and given generously, there comes a time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labors. 当你把钱财合理分配并能预期执行之后,你就可以尽情享受你的劳动果实了。
Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and eat fish at least twice a week. 包括要吃大量得新鲜水果和蔬菜以及每周至少吃两次鱼。
Then Lyra took one of those little red fruits. With a fast beating heart, she turned to him and said, "Will. . . " 莱拉从那些水果中挑了一个,然后满脸羞涩,紧张地转过身去,对威尔说,“威尔……”
He would not drink; he would not squander the hard-earned fruits of his labor on alcohol, he had promised himself. 不喝酒,也不把自己辛苦换来的血汗钱挥霍在酒精上面!他曾经这样向自己保证过。
They found no treasure. But the vineyard gave its fruits many times more as it had been well tended. 他们没有发现财宝。但是,由于葡萄园得到了精心管理,园子结出葡萄多了好几倍。
He had begun his lifelong experiments with compulsive diets, eating only fruits and vegetables, so he was as lean and tight as a whippet. 他开始并坚持了一辈子强制性的饮食实验:只吃水果和蔬菜,所以他的样子又瘦弱又结实,像只敏捷的惠比特犬。
Distilled from fermented juices of ripe grapes and other fruits, when a sweetening is added it, then is usually refereed to as a liqueur. 由成熟的葡萄和其他水果的果汁发酵蒸馏而成,加入甜化剂之后,就成为饭后酒
Eat plenty of vegetables, fruit, chicken, fish, cheese and eggs. You can eat as much of your favorite fruits and vegetables as you want. 多吃蔬菜,水果,鸡肉,鱼类,乳酪和蛋类。
This compilation seems a never-ending task; I sometimes wonder if I'll live to see the fruits of my labours. 这项编写工作看来遥遥无期,我有时会想我不知道能否少着看到我的劳动成果。
Just suppose that ten of the thousands of genetically modified vegetables or fruits sold over the next twenty years produce health damage. 只是设想一下,在未来二十年中出售的数以万计的转基因蔬菜或是水果所产生的健康危害。
Whatever the cause, E. coli is now turning up in a growing number of fruits and vegetables including apples, lettuce, and spinach. 不管是哪种原因,大肠杆菌出现在包括苹果、莴苣、菠菜等越来越多的蔬菜水果中。
We both understood that the publishing process would be slow, and I may not be able to see the fruits of my labor right away. 我们都理解作品发表的进度可能会很缓慢,而且我有可能不会立即能得到自己的劳动果实。
Rubus L. was one of the largest number and the most widely distributed wild fruits and medicinal plants resources in Panxi area. 悬钩子属植物是攀西地区数量最多、分布最广的野生水果及药用植物资源之一。
Cherries without their stems are fine if you'll be eating them within a few days, but they don't keep as well as fruits with intact stems. 另外,没有茎的樱桃也是不错的,不过你必须一两天内把他们解决掉,因为这些没有茎的樱桃通常不能保存太久。