
美 [stɔr]英 [stɔː(r)]
  • v.保存;贮藏;贮存;(在计算机里)存储
  • adj.贮存的;储备的;〈美〉现成的;畜产的
  • 网络储存;积蓄;储藏

复数:stores 现在分词:storing 过去式:stored

store information,rob store,store goods,store grain,store document
video store,same store,nearby store


n. v.

1.[c](大型)百货商店a large shop that sells many different types of goods

2.[c]商店;店铺a shop, large or small

3.[c]贮存物;备用物a quantity or supply of sth that you have and use

4.[pl](某类或作某用途的)商品,物品goods of a particular kind or for a particular purpose

5.[c]仓库;贮藏所a place where goods of a particular kind are kept


in store (for sb)

即将发生(在某人身上);等待着(某人)waiting to happen to sb

set/put (great, etc.) store by sth

(十分)看重,重视(某事物)to consider sth to be important


Show 案例 ... Quick launch bar 快捷栏 Store 商店 SITE MAP 站点地图 ...


经济计量学软件包Eviews快速使用 ... Fetch( 读取), Store存储) Delete( 删除)对象。 ...


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 285 run out of 用完,用尽 286 store v. 储存,贮藏,供给 287 cake n. 蛋糕 ...


...花:弁庆草(livelong sedum) 花语:积蓄store) 从弁庆草将水份储存在叶或茎里,以便於在枯水期或采撷时可以多活几 …


八年级下册英语单词_百度百科 ... 285 run out of 用完,用尽 286 store v. 储存,贮藏,供给 287 cake n. 蛋糕 ...


东兰梦舞 ... 软件 Software 仓库 Store 关于 About ...


... stocking n. 长统袜 store v. 储藏;存贮 straight adv. 一直地 ...


汉化项目 | Magento中文项目组 | 第 3 页 ... "Store View" 店铺界面" "Store:" 店铺:" "Stores: " 店铺: " ...

"Trendy looks or fashion statements that can be seen as offensive are not always the best investment for a store to make, " she says. “可能被视为具有攻击性的时髦外观或时尚宣言并不总是一家商店的最佳投资选择,”她说道。
Most men hate to shop. That's why men's department is usually on the first floor of a department store, two inches from the door. 大多数男人厌恶购物。这就是为什么男士用品部通常位于百货公司的一层,距离大门只有两英寸。
Our pick: when the brothers, in an attempt to escape the police, take a sharp turn and smash through aisles of merchandise in a toy store. 我们选了一个:当兄弟俩企图逃脱一个警察的时候,一个转弯,一个猛撞,就把玩具店里的商品通道给撞坏了。
By using memcached, you can store the formatted information loaded from the database in a form ready to be used directly on the web page. 通过使用memcached,可以将加载自数据库的格式化信息存储为一种可直接用在Web页面上的格式。
Real name The name used to store a file on disk. For some file systems, this may not be the same as the name used by most file system calls. 实名:用来将文件存储到硬盘的名称。在许多文件系统中,实名同文件系统调用时用到的命名不同。
Within a year, poor sales forced him to close the store, and bad business deals with the shady Baath Brothers left him destitute. 不到一年,他的小店就因业绩惨淡而被迫关门。他跟心术不正的巴斯兄弟作了几笔失败的生意,结果倾家荡产。
The complaint said the two planned to take guns from a store in Jackson, Tenn. , and one of the men had a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun. 控状称,两名嫌疑人计划从田纳西州Jackson的一家枪支商店劫枪,其中一人拥有一支短款12号霰弹枪。
She vaguely knew that there was a store of "seignorial corn, " and that it was sometimes given to the peasants. 她模糊地知道,并且听到人家说,地主家都有储备粮,那是给农民备荒的。
After two years of "no" , she landed an interview at a big retail chain store, for a part-time, minimum wage job; not ideal, but something. 在经历了两年求职被拒后,杰里.牛顿终于在一个大型的零售连锁店找到了一份兼职工作,工资不高;虽然她对这份工作不满意,但总比没有工作强多了。
When a visitor to your online store views the details of a particular book, they also see the reviews of that book on the same page. 当您的在线书店的访问者查看特定图书的详细内容时,他们还可以在同一页上看到这本书的书评。
With the iPad and its App Store, he began to transform all media, from publishing to journalism to television and movies. 通过iPad和应用商店,乔布斯开始改变所有的媒体,从出版、新闻到电视、电影。
Trapani spoke to me even as construction workers around him prepared to open Bulgari's new store on the Avenue Montaigne in Paris. 特拉帕尼跟我说话时,他周围的建筑工人正为在巴黎蒙田大道上的一家新Bulgari店做准备工作。
The disks used to store the data must be connected by a private interconnect (serial cable) or LAN to the servers that make up the cluster. 用于存储数据的硬盘必须通过私有互联结构(串行线缆)或者LAN连接到构成群集的服务器。
A customer buys a pair of sun-glasses in a glasses store. And then she wants to know where a Chinese Tailor's and a cloth store are. 一位顾客在一家眼镜店买了一副太阳镜。之后,她想知道中国的裁缝店和布店在哪儿。
Twenty minutes later, he climbs out and heads back to his office, alert and ready to battle whatever the rest of the day has in store. 二十分钟后,他走了出来返回办公室。此时他十分警觉、做好了应对这一天里出现任何战役的准备。
According to a chart printed in The Times of London, Carole Middleton's father was a builder and her mother a store clerk. 根据伦敦《泰晤士报》(TheTimes)上的一幅图表,卡洛尔•米尔顿的父亲是一名建筑工人,母亲则是商店店员。
Went into a shop, store decoration was also good, with this attitude is far from hook. 走进一间店里,店面装修得还不错,服务态度远远不能与此挂钩。
While on a phone call, I had to stop myself from heading out the front door and continuing my chat as I walked to the corner store. 在接电话的时候,我不得不在大门口折回,转到屋子的一角继续聊天。
The store manager chased him out with a baseball bat and an employee held him in the parking lot until police arrived. 店铺经理用棒球棍将他赶了出去,一个店员在停车场抓住了他,直到警察到来。
He relocated his store to what used to be his warehouse -- a hole in a wall, under a footbridge. 他后来把店挪到了原来做仓库的地方,那不过是过街天桥下面的一个墙洞。
Currently, there is no support for creating additional GTK engines. However, you can visit Themes. org to see what may be in store. 目前不支持创建额外的GTK引擎,但是您可以访问Themes.org以了解未来发展计划。
The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. 女士牵着他的手走进了商店,让店员去取半打棉袜。
Eventually, his parents had to invest more money to help their only son eke out a meager living by running his own electronics store. 最终,王建海的父母不得不再次掏腰包资助儿子开了家电器商店,勉强维持生计。
30 years ago, my grandparents never imaged that they would be able to move into a two-store house decorated with modern facilities. 30年前,我的祖父母根本想不到他们能搬进一栋有现代设施的二层小楼里住。
For nearly a year, I sopped around the house, the Store, the school and the church, like an old biscuit, dirty and inedible. 快一年了,大部分时间我都泡在家里、店铺、学校和教堂里,就像一块旧饼干,又脏又难以下咽。
And her place would be filled up by advertisement. The boss would make an ad to hire someone else to take her place in the store. 她的位置将会通过招聘广告让人顶替。
The only reason why I'm fat is that this tiny body can't store all this personality. 我胖胖的唯一原因就是这么小的一个身体装不下我这么伟大的人格
Soon after that the company announced plans to grow its brand overseas while also opening its first European flagship store in London. 不久之后,该公司宣布,计划增加其海外品牌,同时也开设第一家欧洲旗舰店在伦敦。
His mother worked in a department store and his father was employed as an explosives expert in the mining industry. 阿隆索的母亲在一家百货商店工作,父亲是矿山爆破专家。
CSL says the design of its Central store is a one-off but it does plan to rebrand the rest of its retail locations over the next two years. CSL说,中环店的设计是独一无二的,但公司确实计划在未来两年重新包装其他零售店。