
美 [snæk]英 [snæk]
  • n.小吃;快餐;点心;易办到的事
  • v.吃点心(或快餐、小吃)
  • 网络零食;零食类;小食

复数:snacks 现在分词:snacking 过去式:snacked



n. v.

1.(informal)点心;小吃;快餐a small meal or amount of food, usually eaten in a hurry

2.(informal)易办到的事;“小菜一碟”a thing that is easy to do


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... vitamin n 维他命;维生素 △ snack n 小吃;快餐 stomach n 胃;肚子 ...


woly的主页 - 日记 ... sweet,dessert 甜食 snack 点心,小吃 helping,portion 份,客 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... vitamin n 维他命;维生素 △ snack n 小吃;快餐 stomach n 胃;肚子 ...


首页-西诺迪斯食品专营店-- 天猫 ... 百蔬乐 Bonduelle 零食|Snack 奶制品|Dairy ...


零食类Snack): mint 薄荷糖 cracker饼干, biscuit饼干, 棒棒糖bonbon 茶tea (沏茶 make the tea) 话梅prune candied plum …


台湾公牛 ... Stone+Egg 石头锅饭,盖饭 Snack 小食 Dessert 甜品 ...


生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 自助餐 buffet 零嘴 snack 蜜饯 tutti-frutti ...


记忆英语单词方法 ... scarce adj. 缺乏的, 不足的, 稀有的, 不充足的 snack n. 小吃, 快餐, 一份 statue n. 雕像,塑像 ...

It's a familiar snack, but how much do you really know about getting the seeds from the watermelon to the package at the store? 这是个为人熟知的零嘴,但你对从西瓜取出种子到变成店内包装瓜子的过程到底了解多少呢?
My mother said that she was proud of me, and when she suggested that I work at the snack bar again next year, I did not even shrug. 母亲说她为我感到自豪,当她建议我明年再去小吃部工作的时候,我甚至连肩膀都没耸一下。
The perfect lunch might be a veggies with fish (mmm, nicoise salad, anyone? ), and the best snack an apple with a little cheese. 最佳的午餐可能是蔬菜加鱼类(嗯…,尼思沙拉,有人想吃吗?)
If our cat had just spent all her time running around the garden, I think she would have gone without her snack and ended up very tired. 要是猫费时费力的一直在园子里面奔跑,我想它大半会抓不到猎物并且累得全身发软。
Karen nodded and looked down at her snack, as if that was it, as if that was all she needed to know. 卡伦点点头,低头看着她的零食,好像这样子就可以了,好像她知道这些就够了。
Look in the snack aisle of your local natural foods market for such items, and don't be afraid to ask store personnel for recommendations. 到你附近的天然食品市场的零食货架去找这些东西,不要怕向店员询问他们的推荐。
She had come alone, clutching two suitcases full of warm clothes and snack foods her mother had packed. 她拎着两大箱母亲给她塞的暖衣和零食,孤身一人。
"It'll help you avoid mindless munching, " she said. When you snack throughout the day, it's easy to lose track of how much you've eaten. “这帮助你避免了漫不经心的咀嚼”,她说。当你一整天都在吃零食的时候,很容易记不清你到底吃了多少东西。
She said the typical Qatari student skipped breakfast, then ate a snack and lunch at school. 她说卡塔尔的学生一般是不吃早餐的,他们去学校吃午饭,还要吃块点心。
Disappointed, a bit of searching online helped her discover the Taipei-based Shilin Night Market, a world-famous snack repository. 她当时感到很沮丧,幸好在上网搜索一番后发现了一个举世闻名的小吃聚集地——台北士林夜市。
In short, hiring drivers in Xiamen need you more than a snack, and Xiamen, where the company hiring the driver is not the same. 总之,在厦门招聘司机需要你多用点心,这里和厦门公司招聘司机是不一样的。
IF I go to bed later than usual, I usually have a midnight snack which consists of just a bowl of congee and a salted duck egg. 我晚睡的时候通常会吃宵夜,只要一碗稀饭和一个咸鸭蛋就可以了。
Take the snack wrap, which came about when restaurants started to see a plateau in sales volume of its Chicken Selects. 以快餐卷为例,出现于精选鸡肉销售处于停滞期之时。
If you need a snack before hand, try to give yourself at least an hour, and eat food that you can digest quickly and easily. 在练习瑜伽的时候要保持空腹,如果你真的需要吃些东西,那么给自己一个小时的时间,吃些可以很快而且很容易消化的食物。
Rumours are going around that ConAgra Foods, which produces Snack Pack, is trying to get Justin Bieber to endorse their product for charity. 传言将围绕该康尼格拉食品,主要生产零食包,是试图让贾斯汀比伯认可慈善他们的产品。
People then called it Nanxiang Xiaolongbao and this was the beginning of the long, splendid story of this small snack. 人们称它为南翔小笼,这种小点心漫长辉煌的故事就这样开始了。
Fortunately my husband knows this about me, and if I'm feeling like I'm ready to have a breakdown he knows he needs to make me a snack. 幸运的是,我的丈夫对此有了了解,而当我感觉我该休息时,他就知道他得给我做个小点心。
When you want to go a bit of exploring, you just an old John, and he'll put up a snack for you to take along. 什么时候你想去寻幽探胜了,只要跟老约翰打个招呼,他就会为你配制一份快餐,让你随身带上。
Meese said he was probably angling for a snack. But she had things to do. 米斯说它可能是想来些小点心,但是她有其他的事情要做。
Most snack bars have places for you to take a load off and sit for a while. 大多数的小卖部都有地方让你坐下来休息一会儿。
Perched beside the dusky, heavy-lidded Abdullatif, he looked like an egret about to snack on a lizard. 他站在皮肤黝黑、眼皮松弛的阿布杜拉提夫旁,像一只正要捕食蜥蜴的白鹭。
As I said, it's just like a little snack for him, you know? usually they eat larger snakes like rat snakes, or even cobras. 就像我说过的,毒蛇不过是它的点心。通常它们吃更大的蛇,比如食鼠蛇,甚至是眼镜蛇。
Just as you might have a healthy snack to stop yourself getting hungry, exercise snacks can keep energy levels high. 就像一顿健康的快餐可以阻挡饥饿一样,这种快餐式的锻炼也能保持人体很高的能量。
Note: do not forget to put the mouse in a timely manner, remove from the snack food, otherwise fine being levied in respect of the will! 注意:别忘了把鼠标及时从零食上移开,否则也会挨罚的!
Yogurt is not just a delicious snack with fruits on the bottom, it has great health benefits. 酸奶不仅仅是一种有水果沉淀于其中的美味可口的零食,它还对健康有很大的益处。
You can even carry it in a little box with you to work, and have it when you feel the urge to snack. 你甚至可以带一小罐去工作,当你想吃东西的时候可以吃。
For more of a prepared snack, use the tortilla to make a "sandwich" or even just spread some peanut butter on it for a between-meal snack. 要做更多的加工零食,你可以用玉米饼做成“三明治”,甚至只要在玉米饼上涂些花生酱,餐间零食可就“搞定”了。
On set I would normally love the snack service table, I love potato chips, but I've cut all that stuff out. 一般我会很喜欢快餐表,我喜欢薯片,但我现在都不吃了。
A spermatophylax, which can weigh up to 30 percent of a male's body weight, is essentially like a really good snack attached to their sperm. 精护的本质就像是附在精液上的点心一样,它可以增加雄性体重的30%。
The top floor (pool and snack bar) was kind of a let down, as I was expecting something more from such a large hotel. 顶楼(池和快餐店)是一个失望,因为我期待这样一个大酒店更多的东西种类。