
美 [ʃɪft]英 [ʃɪft]
  • n.转移;改变;变换;转换
  • v.转移;改变;转向;推卸
  • 网络移动;移位;转变

第三人称单数:shifts 现在分词:shifting 过去式:shifted

big shift,fundamental shift,dramatic shift,massive shift,important shift
make shift,shift blame,shift balance,shift gear,shift emphasis


v. n.


1.[i][t]转移;挪动to move, or move sth, from one position or place to another


3.[i]改变;转向to change from one state, position, etc. to another

4.[t]改变观点(或态度、做事方式等)to change your opinion of or attitude towards sth, or change the way that you do sth


5.[t]~ responsibility/blame (for sth) (onto sb)推卸,转嫁(责任)to make sb else responsible for sth you should do or sth bad that you have done

去除污迹remove mark

6.[t]~ sth去除(污迹等)to remove sth such as a dirty mark

销售商品sell goods

7.[t]~ sth销售,出售(尤指销路不好的商品)to sell goods, especially goods that are difficult to sell

车辆in vehicle

8.[i]换(挡)to change the gears when you are driving a vehicle


shift your ground

(尤指讨论时)改变立场to change your opinion about a subject, especially during a discussion

(the) shifting sands (of sth)

变幻莫测;变化无常used to describe a situation that changes so often that it is difficult to understand or deal with it


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... transport vt. 运输,运送 shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22. vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23. ...


英雄联盟 - 搜搜百科 ... 施放技能 ALT + Q / ALT + W / ALT + E / ALT + R 移动 SHIFT + 移动并攻击沿路目标 SHIFT + ...


移位(shift)命令中,$@ 保留剩下的命令行参数 10、Example 9-7.


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... concern n. 感兴趣的事;关心的事 shift vi. 转变,转移 attractive a. 有吸引力的 ...

键名 电源开关 数字键区 多位键 切换shift) 慢放键 快进键 倒放/暂停键标识 按此键将执行开机、关机操作。


② 工作中主轴需要变速(Shift)时,必须先停车。不准用正、反操作紧急停车,以免损坏 车床。


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... route 路径;路线 16. shift 换班;轮班;值班 16. seat belt 安全带 17. ...


上档键可以输入大写,两个上档键shift)。继续追问: 1到0和加、减这些也不能用   这种故障为键盘的“卡键”故障,不仅仅是 …

In this sort of situation it's tempting to try to get your friend to shift to the punctuality equilibrium. 在这种情况下,试图让你朋友转向准时的均衡状态,似乎是有吸引力的。
He works all day long at saturday and his mother tooks a night shift. 他周六工作一白天他妈工作一整夜。
Authentic adult actions are those which help us shift us out of a child state to a more expansive and adult sense of ourselves. 像成人般那样行事就是一种能帮助我们摆脱儿童心理状态并能够让自己更成熟地看待自己的方法。
I keep trying to call her, just start she said to, and so on, at the end, her attitude will shift. 我不停地打电话给她,刚开始她说要等等,到了后来她的态度就转变了。
And in a interesting shift it looks as if the IMF will take a broader role in the Europeans big solution. 与此同时,我们发现了一个有趣的转变,国际货币基金组织似乎即将在欧洲大型解决方案中发挥更广的作用。
Even so, it is unclear how much momentum the shift to inland growth really has. 即便如此,我们仍不清楚这一内陆发展的转变,其后劲到底有多足。
About this time, there was a major shift in the material culture of Scandinavia, reflecting increased contact with the Romans. 大约在这个时候,有一个重大转变,物质文化的斯堪的纳维亚半岛,反映增加接触罗马。
The threat of 15 damage from a simple shift should make your opponent think twice before trying to shuffle around the Captain. 单一的迅移产生15点伤害威胁会让你的敌人再三思考是不是要离开上尉身边。
Lyushnya admits that this preternatural environment can be nerve-wracking, especially when he's the only one working the night shift. 卢沙恩亚承认这种异常环境会让人神经崩溃,尤其是他一个人值夜班的时候。
This sudden movement of the core of the Earth, dragging the crust with it, takes place in the span of an hour, the hour of the shift. 地球的核心拖着地壳突然移动起来;该情况发生在一个小时的时间范围内---也就是极移的那个小时。
Historically, such a large, fast shift in unemployment was a reliable indicator of a recession. 从历史上看,如此庞大、快速的失业率上升是经济衰退的一个可靠指标。
As to what kind of events lead up to the pole shift, we have detailed the last weeks, thoroughly. 至于是什么时间导致进入了极移,我们已经在“最后几周”里彻底详细叙述过了。
Lonergan's concept of economics differs radically from that of contemporary economists and represent a major paradigm shift. 龙纳根的经济学概念,完全不同于当代经济学家认为,代表了重大改变。
Democratic strategist Doug Schoen said Obama's shift in tone reflected a battle that turned out to be tougher than he thought it would be. 民主党战略专家道格・绍恩(DougSchoen)表示,奥巴马态度的转变反映了这场争论比他预想的要激烈。
In Europe, fund managers and analysts said the focus had begun to shift from sovereign debt worries to US and Chinese economic data. 在欧洲,基金经理与分析师表示,人们关注的焦点已经开始从主权债务担忧,转向中美的经济数据。
Canon reps told us that this camera represents a paradigm shift, where the content is separated from its media. 佳能的销售代表告诉我们:这台摄像机是一个划时代的转变,其内容和媒体完全分开。
For the next four days he tried to break or shift the rock as he waited for help. 这四天他试图打破或转移你的磐石,他等待着帮助。
China now stands ready to absorb some of that surplus saving to promote a shift toward internal demand. 而如今,中国愿通过吸收一些剩余储蓄的方式来促进中国经济由外需型经济向内需型经济的转变。
It is similar to how the sound of a train's whistle seems to shift as it recedes into the distance. 这个现象与当火车向远处后退时的汽笛响声类似。
The Queen, hoping to represent the west, is trying to negotiate with China, carving up the new world that will present after the Pole Shift. 女王,希望代表西方,正与天朝交涉,瓜分极移之后将会出现的新世界。
As I said a moment ago, the sudden shift from joy to pain usually creates quite a psychological shock. 正如我前面所讲的,突然从欢乐变成痛苦会导致心理震惊。
Use the arrow keys to move to the start of the next piece of text to be selected. Hold down the Shift key and select the next piece of text. 用箭头键移动鼠标到下一处要选择的文本的起始处,按下Shift键并选择该处文本。
However, not for a week, her son, trying to shift the car secured 6 million, gambled the night, off the phone, missing. 然而,还没过一个星期,她儿子竟将车抵押了6万元,一夜输光,关了手机,不知所踪。
But there's no doubt that economic pressures alone will produce a shift eastward. 不过毫无疑问经济压力将促使东进的转折。
But it is going to be tough. A lot of hard work is needed but we are all prepared to put the shift in. 不过这将是很紧凑的,很多的艰难工作需要完成,不过我们都已经准备好被轮换上场了。
Land use will no doubt continue to shift back and forth between agriculture and forestry as well as other uses in the free market. 土地利用无疑将继续在农业、林业以及自由市场上的其它用途间来回变动。
because he is prepared to put in a shift up front on his own against some of the best - and toughest - defenders in the world. 因为他一直准备在一些最好的以及最坚韧的防守面前给自己的进攻加速?(意思是展现出更强的冲击力?)
Even so, we're going to go out on a limb here to say that this shift will go unnoticed by our media brethren. 即便这样,我们也想冒险说一句,肯定要有变化,只是各位媒体同仁注意不到而已。
The atmosphere would shift in a similar fashion, he said, becoming thicker at the poles and thinner at the equator. 他说,大气层也会同样变化,在两极越来越厚而在赤道则越来越薄。
He said that the US had to make preparations for a shift of American soldiers from Iraq to Afghanistan. 他说美国已经做好准备从伊朗向阿富汗转移兵力。