
美 [ˈreɪni]英 ['reɪni]
  • adj.阴雨的;多雨的
  • 网络下雨的;雨天;有雨的

比较级:rainier 最高级:rainiest

rainy evening,rainy weekend


1.阴雨的;多雨的having or bringing a lot of rain


save, keep, etc. sth for a rainy day

有备无患;未雨绸缪to save sth, especially money, for a time when you will really need it


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Hopeless 没希望的 Rainy 下雨的 Homeless 无家可归的 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... really 真的;是吗;真是的 rainy 下雨的;多雨的 fantastic 极好的 ...


英语基础单词_百度知道 ... hot 炎热 rainy 雨天 snowy 雪天 ...


雅思官方主页-公共主页 ... partly cloudy 晴间多云, rainy 有雨的, snowy 下雪的, ...


2010年高考英语反义词及相对应词 ... sunset 日落 rainy 下雨天 oppose 反对 ...

Some have touted the holiday season, the beginning of the week or a rainy day as among the best times to try and reel in that low low price. 曾经有些吹捧节日假期,一星期的开始或者下雨天是最好尝试获得那个超低价格的时机。
All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You It was a rainy night When he came into sight, Standing by the road, No umbrella, no coat. 那是一个雨夜他进入我的视线他站在路边没有雨衣没有雨伞。
The dark , rainy evening , the wind , the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power. 漆黑的夜晚,风雨交加,电闪雷鸣,我全然被这种力量镇住了。
Darren: We cannot stay inside all day and watch movies - that's OK for rainy days but the sun is perfect today. 达伦:我们不能整天呆在家里看电影,雨天那样还可以,可今天的阳光太好了。
If the sun in red should set, the next day surely will be wet; if the sun should set in grey, the next will be a rainy day. 太阳落山日头红,次日必定会下雨;太阳下山日发灰,次日下雨也无疑。
So even though its cloudy and rainy outside in my eyes the sun is shining and I am ready to dance. 尽管现在外面乌云密布,阴雨绵绵,但是在我眼里,阳光照射着大地,我要去跳舞了。
When many people hear the word 'hobby' they think of it as a small project that helps to pass the time, on a rainy afternoon. 许多人听到“爱好”这个词的时候,认为只不过是下雨天用来消遣的东西。
The dry season, no one expected that he would be so wet under the rain did not look even a few days of sun, a rainy season completely. 这个干燥的季节,谁也没想到会下这么多雨,雨一下就连着几天没了太阳,完全一种梅雨季节。
When the plants grow out of the meshes, you can take it as a green decoration. When it's not in the rainy season, it still can be useful. 当植物长出铁丝网时,你可以把它当成绿色装饰物。这样,即使不是雨季,它依然能发挥它的作用。
He took a dominant pole position in the Ferrari and, despite chaotically rainy conditions, led for most of the race. 他驾驶着法拉利抢得杆位,尽管那天雨水多作怪,他还是领跑了大半场比赛。
Silly love whatever one rainy day, still I wait for you to appear, I believe, the street, the sun appeared smiling face. 傻傻爱一个人不管雨天,我依然等待你出现,我相信,雨后的街,太阳露出笑脸。
This is the time to take that "taxi for a rainy day" , to catch public transportation, or to call in a favor for a lift home. 这是时间去打一辆“雨天的出租车”了,坐公共交通或者让搭别人的顺风车回家。
It has not been a very wet summer, rainy days have been few and far between. 不是这个季节上市的新鲜草莓很难找。这个夏天不是很湿润,雨天很少见。
It had been a rainy day and the steps leading to the car park were wetter than I realised. 雨下了整整一天,通向停车场的台阶比我想象得要湿滑得多。
The weather here has been a little poor, mostly rainy days, but hey that's the kind of weather we get during this time of the year, right? 这几天天气很糟,大部分都在下雨,嘿,不过每年这个时候我们都是遇见这种天气,是吧?
Summer brings with it typhoons and rainy weather, making a pair of durable and stylish rain boots an intelligent investment. 每年夏天雨季台风来袭的日子,一双耐用又时尚的雨靴,似乎是最值得投资的选择!
When we fly in an airplane above the clouds, we realize that the sun is always shining even when it is cloudy and rainy below. 坚不可摧的存在当我们乘坐飞机、翱翔于云层之上时,我们了解到,即使是云层之下阴霾雨霏,而太阳却总在明亮地照耀着。
the candle lights light up the rainy night . all my tender greetings flows slowly , until they flood in the little river of your life. 烛光点燃的雨夜,润湿温馨的祝福,缓缓地流淌,涨满你生命的小河。
In a sense, medium-term fiscal policy is all about saving for a rainy day. 从某种意义来说,中期财政政策是未雨绸缪。
No matter how much money you raise at the outset, remember to bank some for a rainy day. 不管一开始你筹到了多少钱,记得存起一些以备不时之需。
She fly higher than weather, and she rocks it better, you know me - in anticipation for precipitation, stack chips for the rainy day. 她飞得比天还高,她摇滚的更好,你知道我–期待降水,为雨天下注。
The rainy season usually begins in late April, and there have been a few rains, but some officials are still worried. 雨季一般在四月下半月开始,尽管是下了一点雨,然而当局对此仍感忧虑。
Su was at the head of the queue which had more than 200 Apple fans, who were waiting in the rainy winter night for the latest iPhone 5. 苏在有超过200名苹果粉丝们的队伍前面,他们一直在下雨的冬季夜晚等待最新的iPhone5。
The next day the weather was fine, finally not rainy day, the sun is not very drying. 第二天天气还好,终于不是下雨天,太阳也不是很晒。
love, isn't an umbrella that the rainy day supports for you, but accompany you to be drenched together. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
On a rainy day, shout out the name of the girl or boy that you love and wish her or him happiness if you are not brave enough to him or her. 在一个飘雨的日子里,如果你没有勇气告诉他(她),那就大声喊出你爱的那个女孩或者男孩的名字,并且祝福她(他)幸福。
There is no question of our leaving on such a rainy day . 这样的下雨天我们动身是没有问题的。
July the twenty-seventh. A rainy day. He said goodbye to me for the last time. 号,雨,他对我说了最后一次明天见。
The weather was rainy, and for two days there was no question of tennis. 天气多雨,有两天无法打网球。
'I think it would be useful almost in every country, but especially in rainy England perhaps - I'd love to see it in London. 我想它对任何一个国家来说都会很有用,尤其是在多雨的英国——真希望伦敦也能装上它们。