look forward to

  • na.盼望
  • 网络期待;期望;期盼

第三人称单数:looks forward to 现在分词:looking forward to 过去式:looked forward to

look forward tolook forward to

look forward to


初中英语介词有哪些_爱问知识人 ... say hello to 向……问好
look forward to 盼望,期待
go on strike 罢工


初中英语介词有哪些_爱问知识人 ... say hello to 向……问好
look forward to 盼望,期待
go on strike 罢工


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... admire 赞美;钦佩;羡慕 look forward to 期望;期待;盼望 lunar 月的;月亮的;阴历的 ...


高一人教版英语必修3的重点短语_百度知道 ... as an honour to 作为纪念…… look forward to 期盼 day and night 昼夜 ...


五星级酒店英语大全!_百度文库 ... tax extra 另加税金 look forward to 期待,希望 receive 接待,接见,欢迎 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... look for 寻找,寻求;指望 look forward to 盼望,期待;预期 look in 顺便看望,顺便访问 ...


美国口语常用词汇-给力英语网 ... 57. in that spirit 基于同样心意 58. look forward to 期待着... 59. pumpkin pie 南瓜派 ...


“期待”的英文怎么说?_百度知道 ... 7. expect:v. 预期,盼望,期待 8. look forward to:vt. 展望(期待) 3. hope for: 希望, 期待 ...

To live as he had in a council house all his life, with nothing to look forward to but a gold watch and a pension? 难道要我像他那样生活,一辈子住在政府出资建造的房租低廉的房子里,除了退休时能得到一块金表和一份退休金,还有什么盼头?
So far you will hopefully see that you have so much to look forward to and absolutely nothing to fear. 迄今为止你们将有幸明白自己有这么多可以去期待的美好事物,根本没有什么需要去恐惧担心。
It's a really fun and uniting activity that we all look forward to. Let me explain these two ideas a little more. 我们都很期待这个非常有趣和团结的活动,下面我来具体说明一下这两个想法。
So it was a good set of meetings, and I look forward to briefing the ROK Government and also the incoming ROK government. 所以说,上述一系列会谈情况良好,我期待着向本届韩国政府和即将就职的新政府通报情况。
We take this opportunity to contact you, and look forward to working with you to establish trade relations with China. 我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
Your job is what I am the cause of the long-awaited, I look forward to working with you and share weal and woe, create brilliant! 贵公司的这份工作正是我期待已久的事业,我渴望能与贵公司休戚与共,共创辉煌!
I look forward to your comments on this post, and if I've missed anything, let me know. 期待您对于这篇文章的评论,如果我遗漏了什么,请告知我。
However, India can at least look forward to hosting him in the new year. 不过,印度至少可期待明年能好好招待巴菲特。
Look forward to working with you to seek a more brilliant and splendid tomorrow. 期待与您携手谋求更辉煌、灿烂的明天。
Well, I understand English much better than I speak it at the moment. But I study at home and I look forward to learning more on the job. 嗯,目前来看我的英语理解能力比我的口语能力要好得多。不过我仍然在家中自学,而且我希望这份工作也能够给更多我学习的机会。
I look forward to working closely with you in the year ahead, across the full range of challenges facing our community of nations. 我期待着在未来的一年与你密切合作,克服我们国际社会所面临的各种挑战。
Your aunt and I are very proud of you and look forward to seeing you as soon as she feels the baby can travel safely. 你姑姑和我很为你们骄傲,并期待尽快与您的孩子,她觉得能安全旅行。
I look forward to working with you in the years ahead as you begin the next 60 years of your historic journey as a nation. 在你们国家即将开始下一个六十年的历史性的旅程之时,我期待与你们一起工作。
thank you for the kind words contained in your letter . we look forward to many years of mutual prosperity. 谢谢您信中的体贴之言,期望我们共同繁荣若干年。
A few days later, he began to actually look forward to the wolf's presence. 几天后,他开始其实是期待着狼的存在。
We welcome you to contact us for immediate inquiry anytime and look forward to work with you! 我们期待与您的合作,欢迎随时与我们联系询问。
Well , that is all for this tour. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your next visit. Good luck and bon voyage. 嗯,那都是为了这趟旅程。谢谢您的关注。我期待着你的下一个目的地。祝你好运,祝您一路顺风。
In any case, like a person will not be changed , although not every day, but each time the school or to be able to look forward to see you. 不管怎么样,喜欢一个人是不会变的,虽然不能每天见面,但是每次去学校的时候还是期盼能够看见你。
The Vice President was one of the first U. S. senators to visit China back in 1979, and we look forward to welcoming him back. 副总统是1979年访问中国的首批美国参议员之一,我们期待着欢迎他回来。
In other words, if you take only one big vacation a year, then it's over and there's nothing to look forward to until next year. 也就是说,如果每年你只休一次长假,休完之后,知道来年,你都不会再有所期待。
and I belong to the fourth called "fend for themselves" type, can only look forward to come across the eyes was Ugutsu hook to the girl. 而我是属于第四种叫“自求多福”型,只能期待碰到眼睛被牛屎勾到的女孩子。
We are pleased to be your trustworthy partner and look forward to co-operating with you to expand our mutual business. 我们希望能够成为您的合作伙伴,期盼通过精诚合作来扩展双方的互利互惠,来实现双赢。
All staff sincerely welcome your visit this enterprise inspection and guidance, look forward to working with you to create brilliant! 全体员工热诚欢迎您莅临本企业考察和指导,期待与您共创辉煌!
If you're one of those who need to show everything you were up to during the holidays at 1080p, then MSI is the company to look forward to. 如果你正打算将节假日里经历的点点滴滴用1080P的高清分辨率展现出来,也许你应该看看微星(MSI)公司的产品。
Message me with any questions. Thanks, and look forward to working with you! 消息有任何疑问,我。感谢,并期待着与您合作!
We Sincerely look forward to cooperating with you, and also cordially welcome each customer to visit us! 我们真诚期待与您的合作,亦热忱欢迎您的光临指导!
In the last three-and-a-bit weeks, there should be eight more, which gives us something to look forward to every few days. 而在最后的三个多星期,我们要跑过八个州,我们每隔几天就会有了新盼头。
I thought it was fine. Are we going to have to look forward to another four years of whingeing about the Olympics? (哈哈哈这大哥比较安心)我觉得不错,是不是我们不得不面对著另外四年关于奥运会的抱怨?
Look forward to see you in the show, thank you for your attention and wish you & your family all the very best. 期待在展会上与您见面,谢谢你的关注并祝愿你及家人幸福安康。
The end of a year is a good time to look back, reflecting on achievements, and to look forward, to see what we still need to accomplish. 年终岁未是回顾往事的良好时机,回顾取得的成就,展望未来,并考虑我们仍需完成的任务。