
美 [fri]英 [friː]
  • adj.能随自己意愿的;随心所欲的;不受限制的;不受约束的
  • v.释放;使摆脱;解除(或去除、清除);使可用(于某目的)
  • adv.免费;脱离束缚
  • 网络更自由;弗里尔;给予自由

比较级:freer 最高级:freest 过去式:freed 现在分词:freeing 第三人称单数:frees

free time,free space,free trade,free access,free flow
free woman,free prisoner
completely free


不受控制not controlled

1.能随自己意愿的;随心所欲的not under the control or in the power of sb else; able to do what you want

2.不受限制的;不受约束的;言行自由的not restricted or controlled by anyone else; able to do or say what you want

非囚犯not prisoner

3.自由的(不是囚犯或奴隶)not a prisoner or slave


4.未拴住的;非关在笼中的not tied up or in a cage

不用付款no payment

5.不收费的costing nothing

无阻碍not blocked

6.无阻碍的;畅通的clear; not blocked

没有without sth

7.~ from/of sth不含有害物的;不受…伤害(或影响等的)not containing or affected by sth harmful or unpleasant

8.没有…的without the thing mentioned

未固定;未缚住not attached/trapped

9.~ (of sth)未固定的;未缚住的not attached to sth or trapped by sth

未使用not being used

10.未使用的;空着的not being used

不忙not busy

11.~ (for sth)没有安排活动的;空闲的without particular plans or arrangements; not busy

乐于给予ready to give

12.~ with sth随便给出的ready to give sth, especially when it is not wanted


free and easy

随便;无拘束;轻松;自由自在informal; relaxed

get, have, etc. a free hand

可以全权处理;有自主权to get, have, etc. the opportunity to do what you want to do and to make your own decisions

get, take, etc. a free ride

白白得到好处(因他人已代付款)to get or take sth without paying because sb else is paying for it

its a free country

(有人建议不应做某事时用于回答)这是个自由的国家used as a reply when sb suggests that you should not do sth

theres no such thing as a free lunch

(表示白得东西是不可能的)没有免费的午餐used to say that it is not possible to get sth for nothing


Whats the World Trade Organization? ... 1.非歧视;( without discrimination) 2.更自由;( freer) 3.可预见;( predictable) ...


在二十世纪初由弗里尔(Freer)和基利安(Killian),分别在1902与1904年发表粘膜下鼻中隔切割成形术'(SMR)的改进方式,自此成 …


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(55) ... freeness 自由 freer 给予自由 freesia 鸢尾草 ...


China, America and the yuan... ... deft 敏捷熟练的; 灵巧的 freer 自由的; 免费的; hinted 暗示, 示意 ...


记者会 @... ... VIP 生日免费享肋眼牛排 开卡立即回馈2500 FREER 侨蒂丝 金喜尽出庆百年 Yahoo! 奇摩超级商城 好运水果季 …




China, America and the yuan... ... deft 敏捷熟练的; 灵巧的 freer 自由的; 免费的; hinted 暗示, 示意 ...

FOR a few dizzying moments, Japan's prime minister, Naoto Kan, looked likely to take his country down the radical path towards freer trade. 一些令人头晕目眩的时刻,日本首相菅直人似乎要带领国家走上一条通往更自由贸易的全新道路。
In France Chagall returned to the illustrations for The Bible which he had begun in 1931, and began painting in a new, freer style. 在法国,夏加尔重新开始早在1931年就已着手进行的为《圣经》绘制插图的工作,这次是一种崭新的、比较自由的风格。
The government-dominated press is becoming a bit freer, with independent weeklies and local radio stations beginning to speak out. 由政府主导的媒体正变得稍稍自由,独立周刊和当地电台开始大胆表达自己的意见。
An air of spontaneous inspiration and a sense of improvisation make it freer in form than a set of variations. 一个自发的空气和灵感的即兴感使它比一组版本的形式自由。
It's very noticeable, I have found, how much freer people are with their observations, their criticisms, of a single parent with children. 我发现,非常明显,人们对一个带着孩子的单亲进行观察和提出批评,这要容易多了。
A few economists have set out to put a value on freer finance in the modern world. 少数经济学家试图衡量现代世界里追求更自由金融的价值所在。
The Eichengreen-Irwin theory says Britain, with its cheaper currency, should have been among the freer traders. 艾臣格林-埃尔文理论认为,英国由于货币价格降低,理应采取自由贸易。
The freer movement becomes, the harder it may also be to impose taxes and regulations on those able to move. 此外,流动越自由,政府就越难以对那些能够流动的对象征收税赋并加以管理。
Freer markets would reduce the corruption, and then the top officials would not need so much authoritarianism. 实行较为自由的市场会减少腐败,从而使高层官员不必如此专制。
For much of the year, proponents of freer markets appeared to be winning with their argument that authorities shouldn't target price levels. 今年多数时间里,支持进一步市场化的人士看来占据了上风,他们认为政府不应设定具体的股市点位。
You also want to make it clear to yourself that you are doing this for you--to make your heart freer and your life lighter. 而且你也应该要清楚地认识到,你是为你自己在做这个事情,为了你的心情更舒畅,为了你的生活更轻松。
This kind of behavior would be difficult in a system with a freer media and an independent judiciary. 在一个媒体更自由而司法权更为独立的体系中,发生这类行为会较为困难。
Allow freer capital flows in and out, to help normalize monetary policy? 允许资本更加自由地出入,以推动货币政策正常化?
He has frequent private meetings with each member of the management team so they will feel freer to be candid with him. 古普塔经常和管理团队中的成员举行私下会谈,如此一来他们在和古普塔坦陈想法时都变更加自由了。
The rationale behind financial deregulation was that freer markets produced a superior outcome. 放松金融监管背后的逻辑在于,更加自由的市场可以创造大量产出。
The benefits from freer trade are diffuse and the winners do not always know in advance who they are. 自由贸易是惠及大众的,竞选获胜者并不经常能预知他们的身份。
on the flip side, you'll be freer to focus on your core uniqueness and the demographic to which it applies. 另一方面,你可以自由地专注于自己的核心特色和它适用的人群。
The usual claim is that this will slowly transform the country into a freer, more responsible stakeholder in the world. 通常的说法就是,这会让这个国家慢慢变成世界上一个更加自由的、更加负责任的利益攸关者。
Katz talked freer, laughed harder, stayed up longer and dreamed bigger when he had a drink in his hand, friends say. 朋友们说,Katz手中有一杯酒的时候,他讲话会更自在,笑起来会更不拘束,呆的时间会长一些,而且梦想也会更高远一些。
Mr Freer was leader of the local council, Barnet, until he stepped down in December. Freer先生在去年九月份之前曾是本地理事会Barnet的领袖。
We are freer to meet the stranger, freer to talk to him in depth. 我们更自由地结识陌生人,更自由地与他们深入交谈。
A planned lesson begins in a highly structured way and becomes freer at the end, so students get used to using English all the time. 一次有计划的课堂教学通常以一种结构严密的方式开始,以宽松活跃的气氛结束,使学生习惯于使用英语。
Each time I did it, I felt relieved and just a bit freer. 每当我那么做时就,自己就会感到放松、且又获得了一些自由。
An open economy, with lots of trade, is usually much freer than traditional statistics will make it seem. 统计将显示,开放经济体通常比传统模式能更自由地进行大量贸易活动。
In your earliest incarnations this was not yet the case, and in many ways you were much freer to go and do what you pleased. 在你最早期的肉身还不至于这样的问题,在许多的方面你曾经更加的自由,去行,去做你希望的。
The images seem to suggest that sofas could make people freer, more relaxed, sexier even. 这些图像看上去在暗示沙发可以让人们更自在,更放松甚至更性感。
The trouble is, economists have struggled to establish a strong link between freer capital flows and speedier economic development. 问题是,经济学家们绞尽脑汁,也未能确定更自由的资本流动和更快速的经济增长之间的必然联系。
As soon as he heard the other members of the family stirring he retired to his den, and I breathed freer. 他一听到家里别人在走动了,就退避到他的屋里去,我也呼吸得自在些了。
These tales of a freer life and of the sea-breezes come back amid the grey streets still peopled with the vivid characters of poor Jack. 那些关于更自由的生活和海风的传说,回到了仍然住满了《穷汉杰克》中的栩栩如生的人物的那一条条灰色的街道上。
Above surely hopes for the worst. You also may hope for the best: if he is too busy to keep you company, you may be freer. 当然,以上都是往坏处想,你也可以往好处想,他如果没有时间陪你,你可能获得较多的自由。