
美 [ˌef ti ˈpi]英 [ˌef tiː ˈpiː]
  • abbr.文件传送协议(计算机通过互联网传输文件的一系列规则)
  • n.文件传输协议
  • 网络文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol);文件传输服务;档案传输通讯协定

第三人称单数:ftps 现在分词:ftping 过去分词:ftped



文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)

文件传输协议(FTP)操作文件传输协议(FTP)操作文件传输协议(FTP)操作文件传输协议(FTP)操作文件传输协议(FTP)操作文件传 …


除了文件传输服务(FTP)以外,他们还提供电子邮件和邮件组的服务。 首先将互联网定义为使用TCP/IP协议互联的一个网络集 …


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... FTC 预计完工 FTP 文件传送协议 Full and Open Competition 全面公开竞争 ...


档案传输通讯协定 (ftp) 用户端尝试将与使用匿名连线的 Windows NT ftp 伺服器建立工作阶段失败,即使 ftp 报告允许匿名连线…

The FTP operations can be configured to stop the File System task when the operation fails, or to transfer files in ASCII mode. FTP操作可以配置为在操作失败时停止文件系统任务,或以ASCII模式传输文件。
With the FTP Scripting solution, Company A can directly pull files from his account, on the Company F's FTP server. 通过FTP脚本方案,A公司可以直接把文件从F公司的FTP服务器上的自己的帐户中拉出来。
On earlier versions, it was worse: there was an ftp server listening on an unusual port. 在早期的版本中,情况更为糟糕:它启动了一个ftp服务器,在一个不太常见的端口上进行监听。
Software to run off-line immediately, but be ready to go on-line, on our FTP. 软件运行离线立刻退出,但要准备去我们的FTP上线,。
Home Ftp Server is an easy to use FTP server, that allows you to share files directly from your PC with lots of setup possibilities. 首页FTP服务器是一个易于使用的FTP服务器,允许你共享文件从您的PC直接安装很多可能性。
You can publish the Web application to a local or shared folder, to an FTP site, or to a Web site that you access by using a URL. 可将Web应用程序发布到本地文件夹或共享文件夹、FTP网站或者通过URL访问的网站。
Based on the user's credential, this authority decides whether the user should be allowed to use a particular service (such a FTP) or not. 它根据用户的凭证决定是否应该允许用户使用某个服务(比如FTP)。
Go to ftp inspect products from the beginning to container loading, being able to detect the defects and solve problems. 驻工厂验货,从下订单后原材料采购到装柜全程检验,能够发现问题并解决。
Commendably, none of these methods are enabled by default, and each (along with an FTP server) can be individually toggled on and off. 值得称赞的,没有这些方法是默认启用,每个(随着FTP伺服器)可以单独切换和关闭。
You can write the Web site output to a local or shared folder, to an FTP site, or to a Web site that you access with a URL. 可将网站输出写入本地文件夹或共享文件夹、FTP站点或者通过URL访问的网站。
Check with your Administrator to see whether you can bypass the proxy server or whether a full-service FTP proxy server is available. 请向管理员咨询,了解您是否可以绕过代理服务器,是否可以获得FTP代理服务器的全部服务。
A primary mirror site has good bandwidth, is available 24 hours a day, and has an easy to remember name of the form ftp. . . debian. org. 一个主站有更好的带宽,每天24小时在线,以及更容易记住的名字,如。
Over the years a number of systems have been used , including the FTP protocol and custom built protocol systems . 这些年来,人们使用了很多种系统,包括FTP协议和定制的协议系统。
It consists of a web and ftp server, a middle layer which coordinates getting things into and out of the database, and an object database. 它包含web和ftp服务器,一个中间层来协调把东西从数据库中取出和存入,以及一个对象数据库。
You can set this script up to run periodically as a cron job or for FTP and CIFS (Windows file share) use as an automatic converter. 还可以将这个脚本设置成定期运行的cron作业或供FTP和CIFS(Windows文件共享)使用自动转换器。
Query results in a real system indicate that the proposed scheme greatly improves the query efficiency and quality of a FTP search engine. 试验结果表明,该方案能够有效地提高FTP搜索引擎的文件检索效率与质量。
If there was no attempt to connect, then the ftp address is wrong. 如果没有尝试连接,那么ftp地址就是错误的。
A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is usually used to transfer or upload the web pages from a server. 一个文本传输协议(FTP)通常是用来从服务器转移或上传网页的。
Original GetStats interface and support for FTP protocol will allow you to retrieve and analyse remote log files with a few mouse clicks. 原件GetStats接口,并支持FTP协议将允许您检索和分析远程日志文件的点击几下鼠标。
Also, if you want to have the most up-to-date packages, you can use the FTP option as well. 如果你想使用最新软件包的话,你同样可以使用FTP选项。
Allows you to open a Web site running on an FTP server, either locally or on a remote server. 用于在本地或远程服务器上打开运行于FTP服务器上的网站。
The branch offices simply had to put the customer records in a directory on an FTP machine. 分支机构只需将客户记录放在FTP服务器上的某个目录中。
Visual Studio allows you to open and edit Web sites that are available on an FTP server. 通过VisualStudio,您可以打开和编辑FTP服务器上可用的网站。
File resources can be shared with a variety of clients through NetBIOS, FTP, or other protocols. 文件资源可以通过NetBIOS、FTP或者其他协议与其他客户机共享。
You do not directly run an FTP Web site, since FTP is only a transfer protocol. 因为FTP仅仅是一个传输协议,所以不能直接运行FTP网站。
If you use file transfer protocol (FTP) to shuffle files around, you know there are plenty of freeware versions to choose from. 如果使用FTP来传输文件,众所周知有大量的免费版本可供选择。
An easy to use free FTP software, you can let your friends share the FTP server information. 一款简单易用的免费FTP软件,能够让您的朋友同享FTP效劳器上的资料。
Publication is enabled for the Internet, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) can be used to transfer the snapshot files to a subscriber. 为Internet启用发布,此时可以使用文件传输协议(FTP)向订阅服务器传输快照文件。
So in the old one, if I wanted to go on to an airline web page, I went from my computer, to an FTP site, to another airline computer. 过去,如果要到航空公司的网页,我得先从自己的电脑连到FTP站,再连到航空公司的电脑。
Send documents via email or to fax servers , network files , FTP sites, Printers or Flash drives . 通过电子邮件将文档发送到传真服务器、网络文档、FTP站点、打印机或快闪驱动器。