
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络容;荣;翁



“王”字英文怎么写?是WONG还是WANG?感谢_百度知道 ... 任 Yam Yung 杨 Yeung ...

中国人姓氏的英文翻译_百度文库 ... 裘/仇/邱: Chiu | 容/: Yung | 单/山: San | ...

欢迎你访问广东省体育信息网 | 广东省体育局 ... 萧 KA LOK Yung 热爱祖国,热爱奥运 S031080 ...

(Yung) 说 Jul 18, 2009 09:28AM 送东西比较实际 机器人对话者myie123 说 Jul 18, 2009 09:32AM 我一般都是包两千哩 玛姬。

香港姓氏的英文拼法!!_TVB剧集_娱乐_西祠胡同 ... ZHANG 张 YUNG YUNG 蓉 ...

yung)和丹纯(DanChung)过去经常访问她,但是,据我所知,她没有表示过愿和他们结婚。我没有听说过您在上次来 …

拉丁化新文字 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... ing 静 yung ia 牙 ...


香港政府粤语拼音 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... yuet 月 yung 雍拥翁用容溶镕蓉 ba 巴 ...

Mr Yung's daughter, Frances, then listed as the company's "director, group finance" , was demoted for her role in the scandal. 荣智健的女儿荣明方(FrancesYung)因其在丑闻中所扮演的角色而被降级。当时她被列为中信泰富的“集团财务部董事”。
Angry yung man of many tkink of him as graven image after die. 死后成为众多愤青追捧的偶像。
In announcing the company's losses back in October 2008, the then-chairman, Larry Yung, said the company had sat on the news for six weeks. 时任董事长荣智健在2008年10月份公布相关亏损时说,公司把这一消息压了六个星期。
Later, CHI ignores his mother, YUNG's, objections and is determined to be with HEI. 后来,赐不理母亲蓉的反对与喜相恋,二人是否白头到老?
June 16 is the birthday of Joey Yung, she said that day she will go for dinner with her friends and asked whether the same Ajiao ? 6月16日是容祖儿的生日,她表示当天应与朋友一起吃饭,问是否会相约阿娇?
A well-known local chemists, openly ridiculed Wang Yung-ching did not know what the plastic, plastic plant start-up money to be sure! 当地一个有名的化学家,公然嘲笑王永庆根本不知道塑胶为何物,开办塑胶厂肯定要倾家荡产!
"China is not close to developing into a global military power, " says Christopher D. Yung of the National Defense University. 美国国防大学(NationalDefenseUniversity)的克里斯托弗•D•扬(ChristopherD.Yung)表示:“中国发展成为世界军事强国尚需时日。”
Speaking at Citic Pacific's results briefing last month, Mr Yung said he did not intend to resign. 在上月的中信泰富业绩发布会上,荣智健曾表示自己无意辞职。
Yung Shue strong vitality, suitable for long-term bonsai culture, is a fine handed down the significance of tree species. 榕树生命力强,适合于长期盆景培养,是具有传世意义的上乘树种。
The company member, Deputy General Manager, Eric Chan Yung read out with party commend 2008-2009 year "-two first peiliangyou " decision. 公司党委委员、副总经理陈建勇宣读了党委关于表彰2008--2009年度“一模两先两优”的决定。
The world the wisdom of the mother to a pair of hard-working hands, a good heart to create a perfect world. Yung love in my heart! 天下母亲以一双勤劳智慧的双手,一颗善良的心创造了一个完美的世界。母爱永在我心中!
At last month's results presentation, Mr. Yung said he didn't expect asset sales to be necessary this year. 在上月对外发布业绩时,荣智健说,他预计今年没有必要出售资产。
This kind of paper would not be burning, as it is made of glass and carbon fiber ren Wu Wai-yung. 这种纸是不会燃烧的,因它是用玻璃纤维和碳纤任维制成的。
Just to know: women are those who have been Yuet Yung, she put her youth, beautiful face buried in that bloody battlefield, do not hesitate. 只清楚:女为悦己者容,她却把自己的青春年华,秀美容貌葬在这腥风血雨的战场,毫不犹豫。
YUNG FRESH: "It has impacted my life in a big way because I never thought I would be doing this. We now give shows. " 该俱乐部对我的人生产生了极大的影响,我从来没想过我能做这个。
Yung flew to Beijing and secured a bailout from his masters on the Central Committee of the Communist party. 荣智健飞赴北京,从中共中央委员会的上司那里获得了担保。
Ju Yung: I'm not sure. It's too early to tell. Sales of our other "health teas " have fallen dramatically, though. 周永:我不清楚。就此断言为时过早。不过,我们其它品种的“健康茶”销售已经出现了大幅下滑。
Li Juan kindergarten director recalled Yung Qu million rescue team found the teacher being the case, broke down in tears. 幼儿园园长李娟回忆起瞿万容老师被救援队发现的情形,泣不成声。
Yung Shue as long a symbol of good fortune. Ronghuafugui implication means. 榕树被视为长寿、吉祥的象征。寓意荣华富贵之意。
Remember that you and I are in under the falling snow, Yung Shue, you in my arms. 还记得那我和你在容树下飘落的雪花么,你依偎在我怀里。
Surprisingly, the still unknown at this time of the ordinary businessman Wang Yung-ching, has offered to invest plastics! 出人意料的是,这时还是个名不见经传的普通商人王永庆,却主动表示愿意投资塑胶业!
Yung Shue pond, the sound calling in the summer of cicada. Playground swing side was only stopped at the top of the butterfly . . . . . . 池塘边的榕树上,知了在声声叫着夏天。操场边得秋千上,只有那蝴蝶停在上面……
"I suffered from the ridiculous headlines saying 'Yvonne Yung Admits Pregnancy out of Wedlock' on the internet, " she added. 翁宏还说:“互联网上那些所谓“翁宏承认自己是婚外孕”的荒谬标题让我感到很痛苦。”
In 2008, Tsao Yung-pin investment 2000 million, in hui ji district was set up in the top-quality packaging base in Henan province. 2008年,曹永彬投资2000多万元,在郑州市惠济区建起了河南精品包装基地。
Chung Ju-yung's empire began with E& C, but it has been owned by bank creditors since the financial crisis in the late 1990s. 郑周永建立其企业帝国是从现代建设开始的,但上世纪90年代末的金融危机爆发后,现代建设就一直为银行债权人所有。
Mr. Yung reports that his business is seeing plenty of traffic: People are still looking at apartments and asking about prices. 容敬思称他公司的业务量仍很大:人们仍在找房、问价。
As a Canadian born Chinese video artist, Wayne Yung has explored issues of race and identity from a queer Chinese-Canadian perspective. 旅居柏林的加拿大籍华人艺术家从一个中国加拿大酷儿的视角、以影像的形式来探索种族与身份的问题。
Yesterday, after in Baoding, Rongcheng County 2 CDC physical examination, "Yung City AIDS female" Yan Deli has not been confirmed AIDS. 昨日,经过在保定市、容城县两级疾控中心的身体检查,“容城艾滋女”闫德利被证实并未患艾滋病。
In life, as a member of the billionaire Wang Yung-ching, on the same strict demands on themselves and their families. 在生活上,身为亿万富翁的王永庆,同样对自己和家人严格要求。
Among the legacies bequeathed by Yung Hong and "the Boy Students" , the spirit of tolerance is energetically carried forward. 容闳和“留美幼童”留下的遗产,当前最值得大力弘扬的是包容精神。