
美 [frend]英 [frend]
  • n.朋友;友人;赞助者;支持者
  • v.〈诗〉与…为友
  • 网络友元;好友;助手


good friend,true friend,close friend,dear friend,special friend
make friend,lose friend,keep friend,win friend



喜欢的人person you like

1.朋友;友人a person you know well and like, and who is not usually a member of your family


2.赞助者;支持者a person who supports an organization, a charity, etc., especially by giving or raising money; a person who supports a particular idea, etc.

不是敌人not enemy

3.自己人;同志;同伙;同盟者a person who has the same interests and opinions as yourself, and will help and support you

愚蠢的╱讨厌的人silly/annoying person

4.(指做傻事或烦人的事而说话者不认识的人)used to talk about sb you do not know who has done sth silly or annoying

议会;法庭in parliament/court

5.(议员间或律师间的一种称呼)朋友,阁下,同人used by a member of parliament to refer to another member of parliament or by a lawyer to refer to another lawyer in a court of law


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友字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 友情〖 amity;friendship〗 友人friend〗 友善〖 friendly;amicable;cordial〗 ...


朋友的英文怎么写_爱问知识人 ... company----- 朋友;客人;交际 friend----- 朋友;友人;赞助者 amigo---- 朋友 ...


四级考试词汇必备 英语词汇 ... ... French n.法国人;法语; friend n.朋友;支持者;友人; frog n.蛙;嗓音沙哑;马的蹄叉;刀剑 …


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Remember one thing, my girls, Mother is always ready too listen to youmto help and advise you, and father to be your good friend. 记住一件事,我的女儿们,母亲随时准备聆听你们、帮助你们和忠告你们,父亲则是你们的朋友。
If you fail to pay back the money, friend may turn out to be enemies and your friendship will be totally damaged. 如果你最终不能还钱,朋友可能会反目成仇,而你们的友谊也会完全被毁。
in a friend's house guest when the long-distance calls to go through the master agreement , left, to leave behind a telephone charges. 在朋友家做客时,打长途电话要经过主人同意,离开的时候,要留下电话费。
Newton invited his best friend to have lunch with him in his dining room. 牛顿邀请他最好的朋友来吃午饭。
You've been a great friend, you've help me so often to see the bright side of my problems, and I never think of you have any. . . 你一直是个很伟大的朋友。你经常帮我从诸多大麻烦中解脱。而我却一直认为你没有任何难题。
Friend- "Man that was the best taco I've ever ate, what did you think of it? " 朋友说:“哥们,这可是我吃到现在最棒的玉米面豆卷!你感觉怎样?”
Colin had not planned to meet his father like this. But perhaps this was the best way, to come running out with his cousin and his friend. 柯林没想到会这样见到他的父亲。但是同他的表妹和朋友一起跑出来,也许这才是最好的方式。
She dared not relate the other half of Mr. Darcy's letter, nor explain to her sister how sincerely she had been valued by his friend. 她不敢谈到达西先生那封信的另外一半,也不敢向姐姐说明:他那位朋友对姐姐是多么竭诚器重。
She says to me about this a lots but she says not any more to be friend with you because this. 她对我说这许多,但她说,没有任何更多,因为这与你的朋友。
In the vestibule, as I'm buttoning my fly, I notice one of them waiting for her friend to come out of the can. 我正在走廊里系裤扣,便看到其中一个女人在等她朋友从厕所里出来。
Once back in Nigeria, Obi stays, once again, in Lagos with his friend Joseph, trying to find a job and a place of his own. 一旦回到尼日利亚,欧停留,再次在拉各斯和他的朋友约瑟夫,试图找到一份工作和一个地方的自己。
In a world where the only other companion is his mother, Bed is his friend as much as anything else. 这一个只有妈妈做伴的世界里,床铺和其他东西一样都是他的朋友。
Arrive on time. It shows respect. Don't be sloppy with your friendship, for eventually your friend will become sloppy with you. 遵守时间,这显示了对别人的尊重。别对你的友谊表现得草率,因为这样的话,最终你的朋友也会对你马马虎虎。
She stood by me, while my other 'friend' yelled at me to get off the floor and clean it up. 玛丽莎说,“她站在我旁边,而我其它的所谓朋友则喊着要我离开地板把地面打扫干净。”
If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you. 如果你最好的男性朋友可以躲开你或者在你男朋友在场的情况下从不出现,他可能是嫉妒了。他也喜欢你。
Brian: If you were a real friend of mine, you would let me move into your nice clean house. 布莱恩:如果你真是我的朋友,你就会让我搬进你那干净的好房子。
A simple friend hates it when you call after he's gone to bed. A real friend worries what happened to you when you call at night. 一位普通朋友在他上床睡觉后接到你的电话会感到厌烦,一位真正的朋友会担心你这么晚打电话来是发生了什么事。
If one makes a mistake, his friend will not hesitate to point it out for him, because he knows the frank criticism will help him. 若一个人犯了错,他的朋友会毫不犹豫地为他指出来,因为他知道真诚的批评会对他有益。
A nice boy I have known for ages asked me if I would have supper with him and a friend of his who, he said, wanted to meet me. 一个好心的青年,我的老相识,问我是不是愿意去跟他一起吃夜宵,他说他有一个朋友非常希望认识我。
That was the most brilliant ping-pong matches I've ever seen. Thanks so much to you and your friend. He must be a ping-pong fan. 我从没看过这么精彩的乒乓球比赛。真要谢谢你和你的那位朋友。他一定是个球迷。
I thought, the poor fool, that I had found a good friend and helper, and I was rejoiced to see the ship. 我--可怜的傻小子--还以为找到了一个好朋友和好帮手呢,满心高兴地要去观光一下船只。
The mother said the incident happened as her son was passing the classroom and stopped at the door to talk with a friend. (受伤学生的)母亲说,事发时她的儿子正好经过这间教室,在教室门边停下脚步跟一名朋友说话。
So she tucked it away under her arm, that it might not escape again, and went back for a little more conversation with her friend. 为了不让红鹤再逃跑,爱丽丝把它夹在胳膊下,又跑回去想同她的朋友多谈一会儿。
He clenched his fist and got ready to hit me, but his friend told him to stop and calmed him down. 他突然攥紧拳头想要打我,不过他的朋友阻止了他并让他冷静下来。
Finally encountered a friend of the United States, talk about the matter before it, I really do not have such a long time to say the words. 好不容易遇到美国朋友,聊聊以前的事吧,我真的很久没有这样想说说话了。
Mercury has been coy in revealing its secrets slowly so far, but in less than two years the innermost planet will become a close friend. 水星一直不愿意在公开的秘密慢慢迄今为止,但在不到两年的时间深处的行星将成为亲密的朋友。
No matter which girls he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice. 无论这个年轻人带什么样子的女孩回家,他的妈妈都不喜欢。他的好朋友给他出了一个主意。
He said he made it at one sitting a few days after the friend's death. 他告诉我,那位朋友去世不久他一口气就作了出来。
Thebest friend is high-minded, let us understand suddenly how much value oneself have on earth. 最好的朋友是高尚的,让我们突然了解多少价值自己在地球上有。
Today, I told a friend that he looked smarter with his glasses on. He took them off and said "oh, and now you look more handsome" . 今天,我告诉我的一个朋友,他戴眼镜的样子看起来更聪明。然后他把眼镜摘了,对我说:“现在你看起来帅多了。”