
美 [fɑr]英 [fɑː(r)]
  • adv.远;远远;大大;久
  • adj.较远的;远端的;远方的;遥远的
  • 网络非常;久远的

比较级:farther 比较级:further 最高级:farthest 最高级:furthest

far side,far north,far west
far exceed



1.远a long distance away

2.(问到或谈及距离时说)有多远,远(至)used when you are asking or talking about the distance between two places or the distance that has been travelled or is to be travelled


3.久;远a long time from the present; for a large part of a particular period of time


4.非常;很大程度上;远远;大大very much; to a great degree

5.(问到或谈及程度时说)有多大,直(至)used when you are asking or talking about the degree to which sth is true or possible


6.进展程度used to talk about how much progress has been made in doing or achieving sth


as far as the eye can/could see

极目所尽to the horizon (= where the sky meets the land or sea)

as far as I know|as far as I can remember, see, tell, etc.

就我所知;尽我所记得的;依我看used to say that you think you know, remember, understand, etc. sth but you cannot be completely sure, especially because you do not know all the facts

as/so far as I am concerned

就我而言used to give your personal opinion on sth

as/so far as sb/sth is concerned|as/so far as sb/sth goes

就…而言used to give facts or an opinion about a particular aspect of sth

as/so far as it goes

在一定程度上(通常指不足)to a limited degree, usually less than is sufficient

by far

大大地;…得多by a great amount

carry/take sth too far

做得过分to continue doing sth beyond reasonable limits

far and away

远为;大大地by a very great amount

far and wide

到处;各处;广泛over a large area

far be it from me to do sth (but…)

(要表示不同意和批评但又希望对方感到自己并非真正想要这样做)used when you are just about to disagree with sb or to criticize them and you would like them to think that you do not really want to do this

far from sth/from doing sth

几乎相反;远非almost the opposite of sth or of what is expected

far from it

完全相反;绝非;远非如此used to say that the opposite of what sb says is true

go far

有远大前程to be very successful in the future

go far enough

达到目的to achieve all that is wanted

go so/as far as to…

竟然;甚至to be willing to go to extreme or surprising limits in dealing with sth

go too far|go this/that far

走得太远;做得过分to behave in an extreme way that is not acceptable

in so/as far as

到…程度;在…范围to the degree that

not far off/out/wrong

几乎正确almost correct

not go far

不够买,买不了(许多东西)to not be enough to buy a lot of things

so far|thus far

到目前为止;迄今为止;到这点为止until now; up to this point

so far

仅到一定程度;只在有限范围内only to a limited degree

so far, so good

到目前为止,一切还算顺利used to say that things have been successful until now and you hope that they will continue to be successful, but you know that the task, etc. is not finished yet

Yes Chinese | Learn Chinese Online ... 短 Short Far 近 Near ...


八年级上册英语单词 ... by bus 乘坐公车 far 远的 how far 多远 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... by prep. 表示交通方式 far adj. 远的,遥远的 kilometer n. 公里,千米 ...


华夏每年增长率远远(Far)越过其他亚洲国度。于是人们不会感触奇妙,昨天是经验,今天是努力,明天是理想外资银行到北京 …


新概念英语第二册笔记(修订版)_免费素材_当知网 ... ④ regret that + 从句 遗憾...... ★far adv. 非常 ★act v. 行动 ...


考博英语词汇 ... fantastic adj. 怪诞的,不实际的 far adj. 久远的 fascinate vt. 令人入神,使着迷 ...

"So we are to travel far away to a ship where people might be held hostage, " Anakin said shrewdly. "It sure sounds like a mission to me. " “那么我们要经过遥远的旅途,去一艘可能上面的人被扣为人质的大飞船,”安纳金敏锐地说,“对我来说,听起来确实是个任务。”
Pessimists, however, say that it is still far from clear that the measures are dramatic or speedy enough to allay all attack. 不过,悲观主义者表示,我们尚不清楚,这些措施的力度和速度是否足以缓和所有抨击。
While the President had declared an end to major hostilities, the harsh reality was that the war was far from over. 虽然总统已宣布大规模冲突行动已经结束,可残酷的现实告诉他,战争远未结束。
I had fallen so far behind that it seemed pointless trying to catch up. 我落后太多,似乎追赶下去也毫无意义。
Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help. 求你不要远离我。因为急难临近了,没有人帮助我。
But NATO is far from winning the war, and the ragged Afghan insurgents seem to have more staying power than the Wests mighty alliance. 衣衫褴褛的阿富汗反叛者似乎比强大的西方联盟更有生存力。
And so far, not even the combined official powers of the Fed and Treasury have been able to stop the cascading disasters. 到目前为止,即便美联储和财政部的权力合为一体,也无力阻止层层叠叠的灾难发生。
Yet, if Shahabpur is any guide at all, the boom may be more far-reaching than is often supposed. 然而,如果沙哈普尔不稍加引导,繁荣兴旺的到来就可能比人们通常所能想象的更加遥远。
Google hasn't disclosed how much money the company has devoted to the project so far. 谷歌还没有透露到目前为止向该项目投入的资金量。
So far the early movers are trying to demonstrate that their funds will benefit China's broader interests. 到目前为止,这批先行者正试图证明,各自的基金有利于中国广泛的利益。
Such a fate is perhaps just the beginning of a story, you and I can only feel the traction with, how far can complete involuntarily. 这样的际遇或许只是一个故事的开始,你我也只能凭借感觉的牵引,能走多远完全的不由自主。
As the number of those killed continued to mount, it became clear that this was one of the most deadly single bomb attacks so far this year. 随着死亡人数不断上升,这显然成为今年来死亡人数最多的单次爆炸事件。
And I said that youth are poetry, high style, Yun by far-reaching and meaningful resistance implicitly read-resistant materials. 而我却说青春是诗,格调高昂,蕴藉深远,隽永含蓄耐读耐品。
It got her far enough that the prince could not see her . She looked at her feet, and discovered that she had left a glass slipper behind . 马车飞驰起来,王子根本来不及追上来,当她看了看自己的双脚时,突然发现遗落了一只水晶鞋。
Despite saying it stands ready to produce more oil, Saudi Arabia has so far been reluctant to turn its stop cocks. 尽管一直对外宣称已做好增加石油产量的准备,沙特目前行动上还是举棋不定。
So far, those employees say the extra responsibility, and time at work, have not been a particular burden. 截止到目前,员工称额外的职责及加班还没有特别的负担感。
About three-quarters of the companies that have reported so far have done better than analysts expected. 迄今为止,已经公布业绩的公司中,大约有四分之三的表现超出了分析师的预期。
So far, pragmatism and dialogue seem to have prevailed. 到目前为止,实用主义和对话似乎占据了主流。
As far as I can tell the study is looking at how much people in one "region" communicate with another. 就我所看这个研究主要是看某个“区域”间人们的交流。
Then a dog began to howl somewhere in a farm house far down the road--a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear . 接着,路尽头一所农舍附近响起狗的汪汪声,那是一声长长的哀鸣,似乎是因恐惧而发出的声音。
But for the sector as a whole, any other way of reducing excessive liabilities is far too slow, collectively ruinous, or both. 但对整个金融行业而言,其它减少过度负债的方式不仅过于缓慢,而且具有全面的破坏性,抑或两者兼而有之。
The Elizabeth that she had been was buried far away-with her lost and silent father, with her aunt, in Richard's grave. 过去的伊丽莎白,连同她失去了的、杳无音信的父亲以及她的姨母一起,已经埋葬在那远方的理查德的坟墓里了。
This also suggests that the technology is far from perfect --it may well require quite some time to build up to a really large quake. 这也看出这个技术还远没完美---它也许需要相当一段时间来制造一个真正的大地震。
Like all things Arnold and Maria, the arrangement is far from conventional, but it seems to work. 像阿诺和马丽的所有事一样,一切的安排和布局都打破惯例,但是它们看上去都不错。
Now, with Europe in recession, many Chinese feel that their system has proved far superior to those of any of its competitors. 如今,随着欧洲步入衰退,很多中国人认为,本国的体系比所有竞争者都要优越得多。
It was interesting. But the point the teacher was trying to make seemed a little far-fetched. 有意思。但是老师提出的观点似乎有点牵强。
The exceeding this range, skin piece of far end pole are easy to incomplete blood necrosis happened. 超出这个范围,皮瓣的远端极易发生缺血坏死。
But in so far as either process must have the priority, it should be that of appreciation by use. 但若必须分先后,从使用价值来讲,当是鉴赏为先。
The unification ministry admitted it was far less than needed but said the North must mend relations before shipments could be increased. 统一部承认,这远远低于需要的,但表示,朝鲜必须修补之前的出货量可能增加的关系。
One of its subsidiaries is the only company to so far accept blame for a role in the Wenzhou accident. 公司旗下一个附属机构是目前为止唯一一家承认在温州事故中负有责任的公司。