
美 [dʒieɪ'o]
  • abbr.〈美(=General Accounting Office)总审计局
  • 网络高;审计总署(General Accounting Office);加奥



Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 刁 diao gao 龚 gong ...

审计总署(General Accounting Office)

美国审计总署(GAO)在一份研究报告中称,美国应该重新评估手机辐射对人体带来的健康威胁。GAO表示,当前标准是美国联 …


法国空军对占据加奥Gao)市的叛军进行密集的空中武力空袭,陆地上的法非联军武力则深入该地突袭叛军9周后,成功的消 …

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 敖 ao gao 谷 gu ...

美国政府问责办公室(Government Accountability Office)

而去年美国政府问责办公室GAO)在调查报告中指出,波音787客机用于制造机身机翼的“复合材料”在使用与维修方面存在4 …

Did not know was not my too good Gao Wuyuan, always wanted to grasp time study some things. 不知道是不是我太好高骛远了,总是想抓紧时间学一些东西。
So I emailed Mr Gao, now back in Beijing, asking him to repeat and expand on what he said yesterday. 为此,我给已经返回北京的高志凯发去了邮件,请他再详细谈谈他日前所说的意思。
Mr Gao said that the fund did not want to see the market fall , but had a duty to manage its exposure to equities . 高西庆表示,社保基金不希望看到市场下跌,但有责任管理其在股票方面的投资。
Western leaders handled Gao's statement as you might have expected in the middle of an economic crisis: they ignored it. 就象你可能已经预计到的,在经济危机中到西方领导人对于高意见的态度是:忽略它。
The FBI plans to analyse where people on the watch list are trying to purchase guns as well as other information, the GAO said. 美国联邦调查局计划分析监视表上的人们正在试图在什么地方购买枪支以及其它的信息,GAO说。
Gao's account provided the first details of what happened to Ai during his detention, when he was allowed only one visit with his wife. 高阁介绍的情况首次披露了艾未未被关押期间的细节,期间艾未未只被允许会见了他的妻子一次。
My new teacher is called Gao, she seems to be an ok person. 我的新老师姓高,看起来人挺好。
She said Miss GAO , her Chinese teacher, told them to write a solicit article "My Father" that evening. But she did not know what to write. 他说语文老师高老师叫他们晚上写一篇以我的父亲为题的记叙文,但他不知道写些什么。
The Gu is to wear to think for you and sound out whether Gao Yi Jin really thinks greatly of you. 孤也是为你着想,试探一下高奕槿是否真的看重你。
But just how much autonomy Mr Gao has is uncertain. 但是他自身有多大权利还是个未知数。
His Gao Yi Jiao low feet downwards wade to, feels the true facts seeming ready to all over. 他高一脚低一脚往下走去,只觉真相呼之欲出。
Month ah, wish to knot with you always for let go of of friend, mutually invite in Gao Yuan3's intergalactic near the bank, see again! 月呀,愿和您永结为忘情之友,相约在高远的银河岸边,再见!
Miss Gao came into the classroom with a book in her hand. 高老师手拿一本书进了教室。
To test whether or not they were loyal to him, Zhao Gao presented a stag to the young emperor one day and deliberately said it was a horse. 为了试探大臣们是否对他忠心,一天,赵高送给皇帝一头阉割过的公鹿,故意说这是匹马。
Gao, in her 20s and an employee of the hotel industry, is one of numerous city dwellers wanting to exchange skills over the Internet. 小高今年20多岁,目前从事于酒店行业;跟很多城市的居住者一样,她希望在网上互换技能。
However, Gao said he believed no more than half of China's youth used condoms or other precautions during first-time sex. 然而,高教授认为,青少年发生初次性行为时使用安全套或采取其它避孕措施的人不到一半。
Gao said he came up with the idea during a discussion with government officials about "commemorative activities" for the 60th anniversary. 高铭暄说,他是在与政府官员讨论国庆60周年“纪念活动”时产生这个想法的。
In 2008 Mr. Gao invested in what he supposed was an iron-rich area, only to discover there was hardly any iron at all. 2008年,高志胜投资于他认为富含铁的一个地方,结果却发现根本没有铁。
The children do not have school today. David is calling Gao Shan. They are talking about their plans for the weekend. 今天孩子们不上课,大卫正在打电话给高山,他们正在讨论关于周末的计划。
Therefore, when South Koreatiao gao throat by hard gallery, the Wang Elimaea do not always listen, to show disdain and warnings. 因之,每当韩增挑高嗓卖力取宠时,王华总是掩耳不听,以示鄙弃和警告。
If you are a round face, so the hair of your top of head should be a little bit fluffy and the Gao is some and stay inclined fringe of hair. 如果你是圆脸,那么你头顶的头发应该蓬松一些,高一些,留斜刘海。
Their English is not good, so looking for Gao Ren help me with the English translation of a dialogue. 自己的英语也不好,所以想找高人帮我用英语翻译一段对话。
Gao said the two guards watched him constantly, never speaking; the officers changed shifts every three hours. 监视艾未未的两名警察寸步不离,从不开口说话。警察每三小时换班一次。
This game, Gao Leilei still appear in the midfield position, but with teammates and the small number of his languishing a bit. 本场比赛,高雷雷依旧出现在中场的位置,但是由于和队友配合不多,他多少显得有些形单影只。
Gao, who used to train in unheated outdoor pools in winter, says the country is now wealthier and less isolated from the rest of the world. 高,谁用来训练在暖气的室外游泳池在冬天说,该国现在富裕和较孤立的,从世界其余地区。
The company did not provide details about Gao's fall. 该公司公告内容未言及高庆昌死因。
You of although statures very Gao, but you be a horoscope leg, do you think not to say me not to know! 你的个子虽然很高,但是你却是八字腿,你以为不说我就不知道吗!
Little Gao: Please come in! Please come in, Li You. Let me introduce you to my older sister, Gao Xiaoyin. 小高:请进,请进!李友,快近来!来,我介绍以下,这是我姐姐,高小音。
Hi! Good to see you. ? I'd like you to meet Mrs Gao. ? She's my colleague. 嗨!很高兴见到你。我想让你见见高太太。她是我的同事。
That the two men "fighting" was full, finally Mr. Gao Wen cripple a small coffee table to be transferred to the Fang. 这下两人“斗”得不可开交,最后高先生把这个拐子纹小茶几转给方先生。