
美 [ɡæs]英 [ɡæs]
  • n.气体;气体燃料;煤气;天然气
  • v.用毒气杀伤;使吸入毒气;闲聊;空谈
  • abbr.(=gasoline)
  • adj.〈美俚〉喝醉酒的
  • 网络汽油;瓦斯;胃泌素(gastrin)

复数:gases 复数:gasses 现在分词:gassing 过去式:gassed

natural gas,high gas,hot gas,poisonous gas,large gas
use gas,produce gas,buy gas,vent gas,take gas


n. v.

非固体╱液体not solid/liquid

1.[c][u]气体any substance like air that is neither a solid nor a liquid, for example hydrogen and oxygen are both gases

2.[u]气体燃料;煤气;天然气a particular type of gas or mixture of gases used as fuel for heating and cooking

3.[u](外科手术用)麻醉气a particular type of gas used during a medical operation, to make the patient sleep or to make the pain less

4.[u](战争用)毒气;(警察用)瓦斯a particular type of gas used in war to kill or injure people, or used by the police to control people

车辆in vehicle

5.[u]汽油a liquid obtained from petroleum , used as fuel in car engines, etc.


6.[sing]有趣的人(或事物)a person or an event that is fun


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... glove n 手套 gas n 气体 liquid n 液体;液态物 ...


生活英语单词大全 - 豆丁网 ... 烤架 grill 煤气 gas 锅 pot ...


高中新课标英语单词大全_百度文库 ... petrol <美>汽油;(=<美> ) gas 汽油;气体;煤气;毒气 voyage 航海;航行 ...


谢孟媛初级文法讲义 - 豆丁网 ... air 空气 gas 瓦斯 water 水 ...


胃泌素gas)mixing gas gas heater combined-cycle gas turbine unit 燃气轮机联合循环机组(1) 燃气轮机联合循环机组 查询“c…


人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... movie n. 电影 gas n. 煤气; 气油; 天然气 store n. 商店; 大百货商店 ...


人教版高一英语单词表_百度文库 ... petrol < 英>汽油 ) gas 汽油.气体.煤气;毒气。 official adj 官方的.正式的.公务的 ...

The very gas we are busy pumping into the air at the rate of 30bn tonnes a year, mostly by burning fossil fuels. 就是我们主要通过燃烧矿物燃料,忙着以每年三百亿吨的速度排入空气的那种气体。
The Zeta concur, for once, with official pronouncements. This was just a fireball, releasing gas, and thus the spin. 齐塔人这一次赞同官方的声明。这仅仅是个正在释放气体的火球,因此具有旋转的感觉。
Speculation that China would be supplied via a dedicated gas field in Russia, perhaps developed jointly, is incorrect, he said. 他说,有猜测说中国将通过俄罗斯境内一个专门气田接受供应,有可能是联合开发,这种猜测不正确。
He struck a match and, lighting the gas, sat down in the dining-room without even greeting her. 他擦了一根火柴,点亮了煤气灯,也没有招呼她,就在餐室里坐下了。
Then again, as gas prices hovering around $4. 00 and with no ceiling in sight, we may have little choice in the matter. 油价涨到了4美元并且还在无限制的增长,我们可能只有很小的选择空间了。
Gas issues seem to be taking up most of the day's agenda in the meeting between the leaders. 能源议题似乎是促成两国领导人这次会晤的重要议程。
So more, relatively more, of A, A is going to be higher up in the gas phase. 因此相对更多地,在气相中的,the,mole,fraction,of,A,摩尔分数更高。
Under such a policy, there would be a cap on greenhouse gas emissions from most sources, including electric utilities. 在这种政策的指导下,对于包括电力设施在内的多数温室气体来源,其温室气体排放量会被设置上限。
Let's Compare If the oven is not used for a long time, plug off from power source and place it in a airy and no erosive gas environment. 微波炉若长期不用,应拔掉电源插头,放在通风干燥,无腐蚀性的环境中。
The gas has been a problem since people first began burning fuels to cook food or to create heat. 煤气泄漏了一个问题,因为人们首先开始燃烧燃料烹调食物或产生热能。
No one to speak, even Tangwan example, she did not understand, but also the terror of the gas field shook not dare to speak. 谁都没有说话,甚至包括唐宛如,她并没有听懂,但也被整个恐怖的气场震得不敢说话。
Insulated containers in a good sate of repair are suitable for fumigation and do not require to BE covered with gas tight sheets. 状态良好的保温集装箱适合于熏蒸,不需要用气密性帐幕苫盖。
He remembered his mother's statuesque body bending over the gas ring to stir at something in a saucepan. 他记得他母亲高大的身子弯在煤气灶上搅动着锅里的什么东西。
The fire service began to wonder whether a gas might have caused the fire. 消防队开始怀疑是否有一种汽油可能会引起火灾。
Its spending continues to grow, but the short-term boost to its coffers from the tax increase on oil and gas seems to have run out. 燃料补贴金支出持续增加,但来自石油天然气业的增税对于国库的短期挹注似乎已经用罄。
"It's $4. 26 a gallon here now, and I'd constantly be worrying how much gas would cost next week. " “现在这儿的油价是每加仑4.26美元,而我会经常担心下周要花费多少油钱。”
A customer came into the gas station where I work, glanced at me and exclaimed, "My God, what happened to you? " 一个顾客走进我工作的加油站,看了我一眼就大呼小叫起来:“我的天啊,你出什么事啦?”
The Spanish oil company Repsol says it has found a huge quantity of natural gas off the coast of Venezuela. 西班牙石油公司Repsol宣布其在委内瑞拉海岸发现巨大储量天然气。
And, he said, despite an easing of oil and gas prices, consumer spending is likely to be sluggish in the near term. 他还说,尽管石油和汽油价格有所平缓,但近期内消费者的消费量很可能低落。
Example applications for this type of sensor would be in the measuring of combustion pressure in an engine cylinder or in a gas turbine. 这一类型的传感器的应用实例为,发动机汽缸内或燃气轮机内燃烧压力的测量。
Complaining that it was being used for "ultra-rightist" activities, they hurled tear-gas grenades and fired shots. 声称其被“超右翼分子”的活动所利用,他们又是扔催泪弹又是开枪。
The surface physicochemical properties of hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene(HTPB)were studied by means of inverse gas chromatography(IGC). 采用气相反相色谱技术(IGC)研究了端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)粘合剂的表面物理化学性质。
Taiwan is only able to produce a little coal and natural gas, but Taiwan has a plenty of water power, forests and fishery resources. 台湾虽然自产能源只有少量煤、天然气,但是台湾却有丰富的水力、森林、渔业资源。
Some inhibitors have been used in the gas field. The best inhibition efficiency is higher than 90%. 监测结果表明,缓蚀剂能有效地减缓气田腐蚀,缓蚀率最高达90%以上。
Another Chinese colleague was robbed by knifepoint at a nearby gas station a week later, but she refused to report the crime. 例如就在加油站附近,我另一位中国同事被持刀抢劫了,但她拒绝报警。
While walking up two blocks to a gas station, I turn around only to see a woman stealing things from inside my car in broad daylight. 我走了两条街找到一个加油站,回来发现一个女人正在光天化日之下偷我车里的东西。
When it comes to natural gas, think of the U. S. and the rest of North America as an island of its own. 在谈到天然气时,不妨将美国和北美其他地区视为一个自成一体的岛屿。
The impact of radiation is not global, that of soot and greenhouse gas emissions is - making nuclear preferable to coal, whatever the price. 核辐射的危险不是全球性的,而温室气体则不然,这使得核能比煤炭更具吸引力。
For transportation, you think you see what look like normal cars. you see someone pull into a gas station. 就拿交通来说,想想你看到跟普通汽车一样的东西。你看到有人开着它进入加油站。
Rescue personnel said that the scene did not smell gas flavor, it is food poisoning or gas poisoning at the enemy. 抢救人员说,现场并没有闻到煤气味,到底是食物中毒还是煤气中毒一时难辨。