give away

  • na.赠送;分发;放弃;露马脚
  • 网络泄露;出卖;分送

第三人称单数:gives away 现在分词:giving away 过去式:gave away 过去分词:given away

give awaygive away

give away


九年级英语单词表 ... fix up 修理;修补 give away 赠送;分发 repair 修理;修补 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get together 聚集;会面;装配 give away 泄露(秘密等);增送 give back 归还;恢复;后退 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... fix up 修理;修补 give away 赠送;分发 repair 修理;修补 ...


考博英语词汇 ... get up to 到达;赶上 give away 背弃;出卖;泄露;散掉,给掉(钱财) give out 分发;分配;失灵;报废;用尽;耗光 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... get up 起床;增加,增强 give away 泄露;分送 give back 送还,恢复 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... put away 收拾起来,存起来 give away 背弃,泄漏,赠送 wear away 磨掉,消耗 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... give attention to 考虑;注意;关心 give away 放弃;泄露;分发;出卖 give advice 劝告,忠告 ...


九年级英语上册重点短语归纳总结 - 豆丁网 ... fix up 修理 22. give away 捐赠 23. be similar to 与...相似 24. ...

If she had only a shilling in the world, she would be very likely to give away sixpence of it. 假设在世界上她有一个先令的话,她会捐出六个便士的。
"No publisher in their right mind would sign up to give away 10 percent of Web-based revenues, " he said. “没有发布商在正常思维下会拱手让出10%的网络来源收入。”他如此说道。
It is not good enough to say that people like Mr Buffett are free to give away as much of their wealth as they please. 声称巴菲特等人愿意捐出多少财富是他们的自由,并不是一种令人满意的说法。
Instead of giving up, McConnell decided to give away a free gift, a small vial of perfume, which he made himself. 麦克康奈尔没有灰心丧气。相反,他决定送一送小礼物,一种他自己做的小瓶香水。
You can have your subs emit sonar pings to see other objects, but these pings will give away their location to any listening devices. 你可以让你的潜艇发出声纳响声去寻找其他的目标,但是这些响声会把你的位置暴露给任何收听设备。
Perhaps a give away sign is the system of colored lights used to identify your own, which are not to be found on ours. 也许也表现出色彩斑斓的灯光,如你们经常鉴别的,那些不是来自我们的。
When you remain angry with another person, you give away your emotional control to that person each time you think of him or her. 如果你生别人的气,每次一想起那个人,你的情绪就会失去控制,那么从长远来看,是别人控制你的情绪。
He may give away many Rwandan state secrets if he is handed over to the Congolese authorities, who want to try him for war crimes. 一旦被移交给一心想判他战争罪的刚果当局,恩昆达可能就会供出许多卢旺达的国家机密。
It's not a question of how much power you can hoard for yourself, but how much you can give away. 问题不在于你能为自己积聚多少权力,而在于你能放弃多少权力。
It is all part of plans Buffett kicked off in 2006 to give away the bulk of his vast fortune to charity. 巴菲特在2006年启动了一个将其巨额财富中的大部分捐给慈善事业的计划,而对盖茨基金会的捐献是该计划的全部内容。
It seems like such a strange concept, but when you give away what you want -- you really do get more of it. 这乍看起来是一个相当奇怪的概念——把你想要得到的东西布施出去,你就会得到的更多。
I'm not going to give away any secrets, you have to go and find out for yourself, but I will say that the town is famous for it. 除非你自己去体验,并自己找出含义来,否则我是不会透露秘密的。提醒一下,这个城镇是以此为出名的哦。
In other words, at some point Gates might stop selling stock, and he might give away much of his money. 换句话说,在某个时候,比尔可能会停止出售股票,也许他会付出很多他的钱。
Video cameras could require another set of hands and eyes, and the setting and his appearance could give away minute clues. 录像需要他人在场,而背景和他本人的出现会暴露重要的线索。
I would give away my whole life for you to discover, that I have always been here by your side, never far away from your life. 宁愿用这一生等你发现我一直在你身边从未走远
If the enemy has vehicles they may accidentally run down trees, bushes, or other obstacles and give away where they 've been. 如果敌人有载具,他们可能偶然地撞倒树、灌木丛和其他的障碍物,结果泄漏了他们的行踪。
She tried to hide her feelings, but the tears in her eyes were a give-away. 她试图掩饰自己的感情,但眼中的泪水表露了她的真情。
The serial numbers are a third give away. The type use by the United States government cannot be purchased anywhere else. 序列号是第三个辨别的特征,美国政府制造序列号的机器类型,不可能在任何地方都买到。
Here's the give-away, a pair of tusks two metres long, the trademark of a Columbian mammoth, the biggest animal to roam the ice age plains. 这是赠品,一对两米长的象牙,一个哥伦比亚猛犸象的商标,冰河时代的平原上最大的动物。
Make sure you come across as determined and definitely unhappy, but don't give away what you know. 确保自己给人的印象是坚决的、非常不开心的,但不要透露你知道的事。
You can present your own short video, containing as much or as little information about yourself as you choose to give away. 你可以上传自己的简短视频录像,包含多少信息都可以,随你自己喜欢。
No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or give away. 也不必再去买那些昂贵的课本,这些课本只能用一两年,之后不是卖掉,就是送人。
But according to a recent study, simply walking across the road could be enough to give away her sexual prowess. 不过,根据最近的一项研究,单单横跨马路的步姿就已经足够泄露她的性能力。
Did those conservative Swiss bankers panic and unnecessarily give away a chunk of the bank owned by existing shareholders? 这些保守的瑞士银行家是否在毫无必要地恐慌抛售现有股东持有的一大块资产?
It does not, however, obviously make sense to give away in advance of a negotiation that you are likely to lie or cheat in it. 然而,在谈判进行之前先行放弃显然没有意义,你可能会在谈判中说谎或欺骗。
Had he been in his right senses, he could not have thought of such a thing as begging you to give away half of your fortune. 如果他神志清醒的话,他就不会要求你放弃自己的一半财产。
They give away money in the form of grants or provide free services. Governments generally do not tax these organizations. 他们送的钱补助或免费提供服务。政府通常不收这些组织税。
No matter what you make, all that you can take is what you give away. 无论你有多少成就,你最终所能得到的一切,就是你给予他人的一切。
Memories of a lost love and a son she had to give away caused Jenna to never marry. 对失去的爱情和一个她不得不遗弃的儿子的回忆导致简娜下决心永不结婚。
Rather, happier people are more likely to volunteer, to give away money, to persist in problem-solving, to help others, and to be friendly. 更快乐的人更有可能做自愿者、捐钱、对解决问题坚持不懈、帮助别人及友善。