two months

  • 网络两个月;二个月;二个月是

two monthstwo months

two months


THE PAINTED VEIL 面纱 中英语字幕 ... Well,that's wonderful. 唤那太好了 Two months. 两个月 Maybe longer. 也许更长 ...


36期 ... 褐飞蝨 Brown planthopper 二个月 Two months 三个月 Three months ...


“半个月”用英语... ... 一个月就是 a month; 二个月是 two months 2009-05-07 13:00萍聚终生| 来自手机知道|五级 half a month …


我在"加&q... ... Third & Fourth Month 已经开始过了平常生活 Two months 满两个月了 Full month 到了外地满一 …


Unit 2, Lesson 2, Dialogue flashcards... ... 你来(来)美国(国)( you have been in American) 已经两个(个)月了( two months) ...


九年级英语外研版小学起点上M... ... two months. 写这份报告花了两个月时间。 grade this fall. 这对双胞胎今年秋季将升到四年 …


Chinese words and Characters ... one student 一个学生 two months 粮堂课 morning 早上 ...

Two months later Birmingham were celebrating automatic promotion and McLeish had delivered what was asked of him. 两个月后伯明翰人开始庆祝他们的直接升级,而McLeish也实现了他的承诺。
He said that it had taken him nearly two months to track his teacher down, and when he finally found her, he wrote to her. 他说他差不多花了两个月才找出老师的下落,最后他终于找到了她,并写了一封信给她。
The doctor reminded me that I should see him in two months. 医生提醒我两个月后应该再去他。
Two months later she left for a good job offer in another country but at least during those two months it was much better. 两个月之后她在另一个国家找到了一份更好的工作,但是至少在这两个月中我们相处的比以前好的多。
In order to help and support the new practitioners, arrangements are being made to hold another gathering within the next two months. 为了帮助和支持新同修,我们决定在两个月之内再聚会一次。
At the end of two months it had left all the watches of the town far behind. 两个月后,它将镇上所有的表远远地抛在了后面。
It appeared that -- after less than two months as president -- Madison had been able to remove the threat of war. 美国人欢迎这项协议,这表明麦迪逊在上任不到两个月时间里就解除了战争的威胁。
But it took two months for her to form a coalition. 但是,她却花了两个月的时间来组成联盟。
At least I tried to be her friend for the last two months. 最后,我打算在最后的两个月里试着成为她的朋友。
He was the first man to ride up in that Phoenix capsule and reach the surface after more than two months underground. 他是被困井下超过两个月之后,第一个乘坐凤凰号救生舱升井的矿工。
It should take no more than one month to produce a decision in the case of a standard claim and two months in more complicated cases. 对于正常投诉,应在不超过一个月之内作出裁决,对于较为复杂的案件,应不超过两个月。
"Until it is normal. No water. Maybe one or two months. Later, I do not know. Now, I do not know about the future, " she said. 庞蒂泊特说:“直到一切恢复正常,没有洪水了,我们才会回去。可能是一个月或两个月。以后,我不知道。现在,我不知道未来会怎样。”
The general election he is likely to call cannot legally be held for a minimum of two months; it will probably not happen before mid-June. 依照法律至少要在两个月后才能进行他期盼的大选,即是说大选不可能在六月中旬之前举行。
CEO Paul Tan said the six Russian patients would first be monitored for two months to see how well their diabetes was controlled. 首席执行官保罗称,将首次对六名俄罗斯患者进行两个月的监控以视其病情控制情况。
Newcastle professor Karim Nayernia has applied for permission to carry out the work and is ready to start the experiments within two months. 纽卡斯尔的教授KarimNayernia已经申请了进行这项研究的许可,并准备在两个月之内开始试验。
Just over a week ago Gerrard made his comeback at Telford after spending two months recovering from a broken metatarsal. 不过,在因脚趾骨折而休战两个月后,杰拉德已经再度复出。
As a factory worker, he had to save up for two months and sell his wife's coats and watch to buy an ordinary camera. 作为一名普通工人,他必须省吃俭用两个月来存钱,甚至要变卖妻子的衣物和手表来购买相机。
It was also revealed that the company's CEO, Steve Jobs, has had a liver transplant two months ago. 同样披露的消息还有苹果公司CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯两个月前进行了肝移植手术。
How much should we worry about what looks like two months of policy drift? 我们应该在多大程度上担心这两个月的政治动向?
It does not limit me, I've been training with it for two months and I've got used to wearing it very easily. I have nothing to fear. 这个头盔并不会限制我,我已经带着它训练了两个月,适应这个头盔的过程很容易,我并不会担心什么。
Consider how much darker the economic picture has grown since the failure of Lehman Brothers, which took place just over two months ago. 想想自从两个月之前雷曼兄弟倒闭以后,经济形势发生了怎样的变化。
But, let's just say, our two months of pseudo-dating was a lot of me knowing what I wanted and him simply not wanting to make a decision. 但是,这么说吧,在我们前两个月的试交往中,我几乎总是知道我要的是什么,而他简直是不愿意做出决断。
"I'm not sure, darling, " I said, "but I think it could be very soon, perhaps two weeks or two months, but you really are dying. " “我说不准,亲爱的,”我说,“但我想那可能会很快的,也许两周,也许两个月,但你确实是会死的。”
AFTER two months convalescing in Saudi Arabia, Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's president, has announced that he is ready to go home. 在沙特阿拉伯经过两个月的康复后,也门总统阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫(AliAbdullahSaleh)宣布他准备回国。
"Shit, " he says forcefully, as he walks out with a plastic bag of bread rolls, the price of which has soared by 50% in the past two months. “狗屁,”他一边激烈地说道,一边提着一个塑料袋的面包卷向外走,那袋面包的价值在过去的两个月已经涨了一半。
As you trust in my ability, so I was able to join the company, and in just two months time to get a lot of opportunities and challenges. 由于您对我的能力的信任,使我得以加入公司,并且在短短的两个多月时间内获得了许多的机遇和挑战。
Every waking hour for two months had been burned up in anticipation of this weekend. 两个月来每一个辗转反侧的夜晚已经燃起了对这个周末所有期待。
And he said, Go. And he sent her away for two months: and she went with her companions, and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains. 耶弗他说,你去吧。就容她去两个月。她便和同伴去了,在山上为她终为处女哀哭。
"The next two months, and really 2009, is all about the reinvention of General Motors, " he said. “在未来两个月内,真正到2009年,是所有的重新设计的通用汽车,”他说。
The model represents his love for his wife, Pope explains, and he hopes to give it to her as a fortieth anniversary present in two months. Pope向他说明,这模型代表了狱长对他妻子的爱,他希望能在两个月后,将它作为他们结婚四十周年的礼物送给她。