there must be

  • 网络肯定有;一定有;必须有

there must bethere must be

there must be


九下短语综合原件 - 豆丁网 ... there have been 已经有 there must be 肯定有 12. in a few years’ time 几年后 13. ...


新目标九年级英语4--6单元重点及练习 ... 18.his or her own idea 她(他)自己的看法 19.there must be 一定有 20.late night 深 …


Psicólogos Córdoba ALBALAT... ... the relentless advance of the story 无情的故事之前 there must be 必须有 thereof 有 ...


九年级英语总复习练习题 -... ... 29.这些杂志可能属于她。( belong to ) 32.一定有东西拜访我的家。( There must be ) ...


there must be a long way to be along... ... along: 沿....走 的意思 there must be ... 会有.... a long way 一段很长的路.. ...

She said this "cannot be business as usual" adding there must be an "international response. " 她说,“不能一切如常”,而必须有“国际回应”。
There must be videos of the protests that would make it easy to do so. 有抗议的视频,肯定可以作为很好的证据。
He didn't approve of her approach and said that if he was going to appoint anybody, there must be a written application. 他不赞成她的方式并告诉她如果他打算任命某人,必须先有书面申请。
The maximum must at least be the average, so there must be a state where 120 students share in common. 最大值最小也是平均值,因此至少有120名学生来自同一个州。
If the recruitment of women to see the door, the premise is that there must be security personnel, or have people feel ungrounded. 如果是招聘女看大门的,前提就是一定要有保安人员,否则也给人感觉不踏实。
For this program to work there must be short time lapse between saying the word and moving the arm for the food. 在说“YES”和移动手臂拿食物之间必须有一个短暂的停顿。
What? You're kidding! Let me see that. . . There must be some mistake. 怎么会呢?你在开玩笑!让我看看……肯定是弄错了
If Gaia and Nebadon are to be settled in Light and Life, then there must be a method and a measure of control to ensure that will happen. 如果盖亚(地球母亲的灵魂)和内巴顿(银河系)要被安置于光与生命中,那么必须要有一种控制的方法和措施来确保那会实现。
our classic style, very elegant. It has different colors for options, there must be one of your interesting. 这一款是我们的经典款,非常高雅,有不同颜色供选,必然有一款适合您
I figured there must be some kind of explanation, you know, if it even happened, which, I'm sure it didn't. 我想这一定是事出有因,即使事情果真如此…我相信这肯定不是真的。
The conviction came that there must be a purpose in the whole, and that man was part of that purpose. 我不由得不深信:这整个现象一定有一个意义,而且与人息息相关。
In Seattle if a woman is sitting on a man's lap while riding a bus, train, or trolley, there must be a pillow between them. 在西雅图,乘汽车、火车或电车时,如果一个女人坐在男人大腿上,必须要垫一个枕头。
The little mermaid wanted so much to be with the prince to live together, she knew the witch there must be a way, then she found a witch. 小人鱼是多么的想和王子在一起生活,她知道女巫一定有办法,于是她找到了女巫。
The experience of a goalkeeper is not the only factor, there must be many parameters. 对于一个门将而言经验并不是唯一的参数,还有很多其他的必要参数。
With such a catalogue of potential disasters waiting to unfold, there must be a law against geoengineering? 有这么一系列将会随之发生的潜在灾难,必须要有一部针对地球工程学的法律吧?
I believe there must be a door of opportunity for me in my life. It is waiting there for me to open. 我相信在人生的长廊上,终会有扇门是属于自己且适合自己的,它定在等我走向它,开启它。
The court may sit in divisions but there must be at least one judge and two other members to hear a case. 法庭可以设在高等法院各分庭,但必须由至少一名法官和两名其他成员组成方可审理案件。
"When this ends, " she said, "there must be new arrangements in place, not a return to the status quo ante. " 她说,“当这一切都结束了,必须有一个适当的新的安排,绝不能再回到原来的状态。”
SOA governance must assure that this becomes a reality and there must be a clear means of communicating that to all stakeholders. SOA治理必须确保这个承诺成为现实,而且必须以明确的方式让所有相关人员了解这一承诺。
For two or more than two units to establish a newspaper, there must be a major sponsoring unit that shall make application. 第十条两个以上主办单位合办报纸,须确定一个主要主办单位,并由主要主办单位提出申请。
There must be an angel, with a smile on her face, When she thought that I should be with you. 当她认为我们将在一起时脸上的笑容犹如天使
There must be a way, if I only hat wit enough to find it out. 只要我开动脑筋,一定能找到办法。
But he said there must be a more "comprehensive, integrated" plan to shore up the region's finances and calm investor fears. 但他表示,必须拟定一份更加“全面、完整”的计划,以改善欧元区财政状况,并化解投资者的担忧。
Before a woman, man likes to unfold himself in men's way. Sometimes there must be androcentrism. 这样才像个男人,所以大男子主义有时侯是必需的。
I feel sure there must be some misunderstanding about this matter, and I trust that this letter will help to bring about a solution. 我肯定,关于这件事,一定存大误会,并相信这封信将有助于解决此事。
In Profiles there must be at least one profile active, otherwise you won't be able to create new SMS alert. 在配置文件中必须有至少一个配置文件活动,否则你将无法创建新的SMS警报。
Behind each fence and barnyard wall there must be a risk that we hadn't though of, you know, like the red coats retreating from Lexington. 在每一个篱笆和空场围墙的后面肯定会有一个我们没有想到的风险,你知道,就象当年红衣军团撤出莱克星顿一样。
Someday that may cannot be predict now , I know there must be someday i 'll smile from the bottom of my heart . 我也许不能预测我的现在的某一天,但我知道有朝一日,我的微笑会出自我的心底。
But bear in mind that there must be a special thing and professors to talk about, or a professor will not have time to chat with you in the. 但切记,一定要有特殊的事和教授谈,否则教授是不会有时间与你闲聊的。
I started to think, if the boy could survive without breathing, for that long, there must be a way that I could do it. 我开始思索,如果这个男孩可以如此长时间不呼吸而活下来,那么必定有某种途径让我也可以做到。