the best of both worlds

  • 网络两全其美;两个世界一样美好;最好的两个世界

the best of both worldsthe best of both worlds

the best of both worlds


Note_L_krista_新浪博客 ... haven't a bean 没名气 the best of both worlds 两全其美 meet the bill 付账,承担责任 ...


你说的这首歌叫做两个世界一样美好(The Best of Both Worlds)也是孟汉娜的全部这首歌代表汉娜影集将是用这首最为主题曲第…


... 8.Just Like You( 像你一样─孟汉娜) 6.The Best Of Both Worlds( 最好的两个世界─孟汉娜) 7.Who Say( 谁说的─孟汉娜) ...


The Best Of Both... ... The best of both worlds 两个世界里最棒的 Hear your songs on the radio 听到你的歌在录音机里 ...


孟汉娜 - Rita... ... Disney channel~ 迪士尼频道~ The Best Of Both Worlds~ 最美好的两个世界~ Hannah Montana~ 孟汉娜~ ...


英文学习词汇(一)_冬虫草_新浪博客 ... regular 规则、合格 the best of both worlds 两全其美的 feature 特色、容貌 ...


Related words of... ... telic1. 有目的的;有意图的 the best of both worlds 2. 两方面的优点,两全其美[此短语在句中常与 ...

It's been a long struggle to admit that I'm not fully Chinese nor am I fully American, but a beautiful mix of the best of both worlds. 经过长期的努力我才能面对自己既不是一个完全的中国人也不是一个完全的美国人,但是结合了这两个世界的优点。
This allows her to experience the best of both worlds without having to worry about things like jealousy or sharing. 这让她完全不用担心嫉妒和分享的问题享受着两重天。
Of course I wouldn't ask you this if I wasn't about to tell you that there is a technique that allows you to get the best of both worlds. 当然,在我没有告诉你那些准许你得到两个世界中最合理的那种技术之前我是不会这么问你的。
We'll have the best of both worlds -you -with your faceless neighbors. . . me with my golf and beer. 我们会从两个不同的环境中获得各自的好处。你与你的无个性的邻居们打交道,我去打我的高尔夫球,喝我的啤酒。
Wouldn't it be great if it were somehow possible to have the best of both worlds? 这有没有可能找到一种在两个世界中最佳的方法呢。
The new device, released this summer, has the best of both worlds with a full QWERTY keyboard and a hefty touchscreen. 这款新品将在今夏发布,融合了极为易用的黑莓全键盘以及一个画质亮丽、高清、电容式触控屏幕。
That means you get the best of both worlds - great traction in the racing line, and for those moments where you stray off the racing line. 这意味着你两全其美-伟大的牵引在比赛线路,并为那些时刻你流浪了比赛线路。
This requires teachers to be the difference with agile thinking, divergent thinking, to the best of both worlds, yet we survived. 这就要求教师必须具有敏捷的求异思维、发散思维,才能左右逢源,化险为夷。
To be sure, some jobs offer the best of both worlds: flexible arrangements with plenty of challenges and stimulation. 诚然,有些工作对两方面来说都是最优选择:既允许灵活的工作安排,又有充足的挑战和激励。
With the Keyboard Buddy Case, rest easy knowing that the best of both worlds is at your fingertips. 与键盘巴迪情况下,放心知道最好的两个世界在你的指尖。
Kai-fu Lee on the computer system, enjoying the best of both worlds, two years after graduation, score ranking first in line. 李开复在计算机系如鱼得水,左右逢源,两年后毕业,成绩居全系之首。
That way you get the best of both worlds and you don't have to fly as much, which will massively reduce your carbon footprint. 这样你就不用飞太多次,大大减少了二氧化碳足迹,对你对世界都是最好的。
What it did was to blend a traditional idea of literature with a modern one, thus winning itself the best of both worlds. 它通过融合文学的传统与现代观念,从而在不同领域获得双赢。
Getting an e-book along with your print edition (or, the other way around) could be the best of both worlds, or the worst. 买纸质书送电子版(或者相反)也许对于双方都是最好的,当然也有可能是最坏的办法。
If your data set is of a suitable size, you can have the best of both worlds. 如果数据集的大小合适,那么就可以同时利用这两种方法的长处。
Some approaches allow you to get the best of both worlds: using the best technology while serving as many users as possible. 可以通过一些方法取得两全其美的结果:既使用最好的技术,又可以为尽可能多的用户提供服务。
Ideally, combining the best of both worlds would be most convenient for the user. 理想的情况是,将两者的最佳优点结合起来将给用户带来最大的方便。
Only the Nordics (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, plus the Netherlands) are hailed as combining the best of both worlds. 只有北欧型(丹麦、芬兰、瑞典,加上荷兰)两项标准都得分最高,受到好评。
With The Clone Wars, I get the best of both worlds, because I get a starring role but don't have to do any acting or wear any blue make-up. 靠着《克隆人战争》,我得以两全其美,因为我得到一个主演角色而不用做任何表演,也不用化一点蓝色妆。
If you're in a position to do that, you'll have the best of both worlds. 如果你有能力做到,便可两全其美。
For Merkel and the German political establishment, it's the best of both worlds. 对于默克尔和德国的政治体制,这是两全其美的。
esident, 1961-1963: It might be said now that I have the best of both worlds -- a Harvard education and a Yale degree. 肯尼迪,美国总统,1961-1963年:我获得了世界上最好的一切——哈佛的教育和耶鲁的学位。
Using embedded scripting, you can usually get the best of both worlds, with a slim and perfomant core and easy extensibility. 通过使用嵌入脚本,通常可以同时最好地利用这两方面,获得精干且性能上佳的核心和方便的可扩展性。
Using this approach, as Rails does, you get the best of both worlds: concise code with less repetition without sacrificing flexibility. 像Rails那样使用这种方法,您可以两全其美:具有较少重复的简洁代码而不会失去灵活性。
Psychological remedies, though, combine the best of both worlds: studies show they work without side-effects. 相比之下,心理疗法结合了这二者的优势:研究显示此种方法在治疗过程中无任何副作用。
But the Dubai debacle suggests that the best of both worlds can easily turn into the worst of both worlds. 但迪拜的崩溃说明了两方的最好因素也能很容易的转化为两方的最坏因素。
Though, an ABC competing on this show has an overall edge since we have the best of both worlds. 虽然,ABC在这个相亲节目上有一个整体的优势,因为我们有着中国和美国的背景环境,二者融合。
Only in a Royal Caribbean cruise ship can you experience the best of both worlds, so diverse yet in perfect harmony. 也只有皇家加勒比海的邮轮,能将风格迥异的海陆之旅结合得如此人性化的完美。
This house combines country surroundings with city conveniences, so making the best of both worlds. 这座房子既有位于乡村的优美环境,又有城市的便利,真是两者兼备。
Whether you want to travel to relax or join in spirited partying, New Orleans offers the tourist the best of both worlds. 不管你是要闲情逸致的旅游或者是参加派对狂欢,纽奥良都能满足您的需求。