
美 [trʌk]英 [trʌk]
  • v.开卡车;用卡车运;〈非正式〉缓慢前进
  • n.【汽】卡车;拖车;货运车厢;【船】旗杆帽
  • 网络货车;载重汽车;手推车

复数:trucks 现在分词:trucking 过去式:trucked

heavy truck,light truck,big truck,large truck,military truck
hit truck,use truck,drive truck,truck dispatch,load truck


n. v.

1.卡车;货运汽车a large vehicle for carrying heavy loads by road

2.(铁路上运送货物或动物的)敞篷车,无盖车皮an open railway vehicle for carrying goods or animals

3.(运送货物、士兵、动物等后面敞开的)载重汽车a vehicle that is open at the back, used for carrying goods, soldiers, animals, etc.


have/want no truck with sb/sth

拒不与…打交道;拒不接受;拒不考虑to refuse to deal with sb; to refuse to accept or consider sth


卡_百度百科 ... ◎ 卡宾枪[ carbine] ◎ 卡车[ truck] ◎ 卡尺[ calipers] ...


机动车行驶证模板 - 豆丁网 ... 团体客车 private coach 货车 truck 微型货车 mini-truck ...


[海明威的《老人与海》词汇表] - 豆丁网 ... ice n. 冰; 冰冻甜食 truck n. 卡车, 载重汽车 market n. 市场, 商场; 销路; 需求 ...


神秘视线I英文单词翻译 ... trident 三叉戟 truck 手推车 tambourine 小手鼓 ...


各行业各学科实用英语单词汇总-趣味英语-考试吧 ... detachment 支队 truck 载货汽车 automotive transmission 汽车变速器 ...


英式英语与美式英语的区别大全 - 浩然考试网 ... 打电话 call 大货车 truck 大衣,大氅 overcoat ...


物流术语中英文对照 - 豆丁网 ... 侧面叉车 side fork lift trucks 敞式货车 truck 缠绕机 stetch wrapping machine ...


巴黎防水涂鸦版壁贴-任2件享79折~即可出货 -... ... 海盗寻宝( Pirats) 嘟嘟卡车( Truck) 相框物语( Hand drawn frames) ...

So she found a flat truck and took him to the doctor for acupuncturing every other day. 她找来一辆平板车,每两天就拉着他翻山去扎一次针。
I knew a little boy once who lost his blue toy truck at the movies, and cried as if his heart would break. 我曾经见过一个小男孩丢了他的蓝色玩具卡车,哭得跟心碎了似的。
The effect is sort of like moving a truck by throwing baseballs at it. 效果是有点像通过向卡车投掷棒球来移动的卡车一样。
The triumphs, and often even the failures, in-off-road truck racing are often spectacular, making it a thrilling spectacle for fans. 凯旋,而且时常使~相等失败,在-远-道路的卡车竞赛时常是公开展示的,为狂热者使它成为毛骨悚然的值得看的东西。
As we waited, a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo, in contravention of a court ban on logging. 等待时,一辆满载竹子的大货车驶出了保护区,而当地法院早就禁止在保护区内砍伐树木。
"I had to leave my truck miles away, so I decided to do something about it myself, " Das said by telephone. “我只能把卡车停在几英里外的地方,所以我决定自己行动,”Das在电话中表示。
One day as he was crossing an intersection, the light changed and a semi-truck caught the handles of Ben's wheelchair in its grille. 有一天,在他穿越十字路口时,交通灯改变,一辆小卡车的车头铁栏卡住了轮椅的把手。
If only I had bought him another truck, since the first two hadn't been adequate proof of how much I loved him. 要是我给他买了另一辆车,既然前两辆车不足以证明我有多爱他。
So when Kristi uses the truck to see her mother outside Washington, people are disappointed that she cannot stop to sell them cupcakes. 所以,当克莉斯蒂从华盛顿开着货车去看望她母亲时,市外的人们会感到失望,因为她不能停下车来把纸杯蛋糕卖给他们。
He had a red-checked kaffiyeh wrapped around his head and was sitting with three or four guys twice his size on the bed of a pickup truck. 他用一块红方块头巾包头,跟三四个伙计坐一部皮卡的床上,那几个家伙块头足足比他大一倍。
It didn't dawn on her until later that his truck was not in its usual place in front of the house. 直到没在以往的地方看见他的卡车,坎迪才觉得有点不对劲。
During the Depression, when nobody had any money, he would invite boys to ride the ice truck with him just to get them off the street. 大萧条时期,人人都没钱,他总是主动让小孩子们跟他一起送冰,只是为了不让他们在街上瞎混。
The humanization of a mechanized world, through our identification with it, is what takes place in Tony the Tow Truck. 机械化世界的人格化,我们确认后这样认为,这是《拖车托尼》的特点。
Just before I reached them, a truck pulled up along-side of them and asked how much the man wanted for the older dog. 我还没到它们跟前,一辆卡车就停在它们旁边,有人问那大点儿的狗卖多少钱。
If no one can truck in fresh veggies from across the country, we might be inclined to go back to basics and grow our own food. 如果没有人能跨越全国地运输新鲜蔬菜,我们可能要回到过去,自己种植食物。
Sure, they make money, but it is insulting to see completely irrelevant truck ads when a user is looking at Freedman's latest book. 当然这些广告条会带来不少收益,但是当我在搜索一本书的时候看到一个毫不相关的卡车广告时,这简直是对用户的一种羞辱。
The house had no telephone, so they decided to drive the Smalley family's pickup truck to a neighbor's home to call 911. 房子里没有电话,他们决定开斯莫利家的皮卡去邻居家拨打911电话。
Police said, "We do not know why the truck was open to move in that direction, when the truck is going downhill. " 警方表示,“我们还不清楚当时卡车为何朝着那个方向开去,当时,这辆卡车正在下坡。”
He said the truck was parked at a stand near a market where there are a chemical store. 他说,卡车是停在靠近一家化学品商店的站点上的。
A driver for an air-freight company radioed the dispatcher and asked to have the people at one of his stops meet him at his truck. 空运公司的一位司机给调度员发报,要求在他的某个站点有人到他的卡车上来会见他。
Colin: A young man in a sports car pulled out to overtake a bus and collided head-on with a truck travelling in the opposite direction. 科林:一个年轻人开跑车,转到另一条车道上,要超越一辆巴士,和迎面而来的卡车撞个正着。
He crashed into the tree because he was trying not to hit a box that had fallen off the truck ahead of him. 女士回答:“也不完全如此,他为了躲开前面卡车上掉下来的箱子才撞到了树上。”
He said he has heard that truck drivers are afraid to enter the city with supplies. 安部说他曾经听说有运送物资的卡车司机不敢进入南相马。
One night Anne sneaks out of her room, hops into the back of a delivery truck and escapes her luxurious confinement. 一天晚上,安妮偷偷摸摸溜出房间,跳上一辆运载卡车的后部,逃离了那奢华高贵而束缚重重的地方。
Back in the truck, Michael muses on how, as a child, his mother seemed to know him better than he knew himself. 在货车里,迈克尔回想着,在他小时候,他的母亲似乎比他自己还了解他。
In the morning I wait for Serge to load the truck. I ask him to take me in to Paris. I haven't the heart to tell him I'm leaving. 到了早晨我等着谢尔盖装车,我叫他把我带到巴黎去,却不忍心告诉他我就要走了。
Cyclists pedal along the long shore road and the only vehicles are a police car and a workers' truck. 江畔的道路上都是自行车,所能见到的机动车全是警车和运送工人的卡车。
Tragically, along the way, the wind blast from a semi knocked our trailers out of control and pushed our truck off a 40' bridge. 可悲的是,在路上一辆半拖车呼啸而过,强烈的侧风气流使我们的拖车失控,货柜继而被抛到40英尺的桥下。
Assembled in the European XRAY factory, the ready-to-run micro nitro monster truck is ready to hit the track or your backyard! 聚集在欧洲X射线厂,准备到运行的微观硝基怪物卡车准备击中轨道或您的后院!
And he said, "I had a truck, before I went over there, and it had a stick. You think I'll be able to drive it? " Sure. 接着他说,“我有一辆卡车,在我去那边之前,它有一个棍子。你觉得我还能再开它么?”当然。