time out

  • n.(英国)《暂停》周刊
  • 网络超时;闲暇;逾时

复数:time outs

time outtime out

time out


如果出现超时time out),说明路由器到电脑的这段线路有问题。多半是网线接触不好的问题。


暂停time out)当儿童出现不当行为时,暂时地禁止该儿童参与音乐活动,并将他安排在集体活动区域范围之外,让他观察和 …


... www.newsociety.com 6)、 《闲暇》 (Time Out) www.timeout.com/london/ (是伦敦一本很好的休闲杂志,它的网站也很棒!


以下是会让收信时,出现逾时time out)的几种情况:可能一:网路频宽不够。


out -... ... look out on 面向,朝向 time out 时间到(了),中止联接,暂停时间,休息,超时 map out 拟定,制订,计划;在地图上标出 ...


...【人性挣扎】(Human Resources)、【失序年代】(Time Out)与【南方失乐园】(Heading South) 也均曾在台北电影节中参展…


...普受尊重与欢迎的公爵先生;另一位则是前一年刚发表「节奏实验」(Time Out)专辑,创意和演奏俱佳的白人希望戴夫布 …

Does it make sense for the president of the United States to carve time out of his busy schedule to read novels? 美国总统打算从繁忙的公务中腾出时间来看看小说,你觉得合理吗?
Then physically lead your child to a time-out area. Do not impose a time limit, but let him rejoin you when he's regained control. 然后把孩子带去一个地方并计算时间,不要增加时间限制,但是当他恢复理智的时候就要让他重新加入你们。
Without taking time out to reflect, he says, "you might stay in a state of chronic stress until you're exhausted or dead" . 他毫不迟疑地说:“你可以呆在一个充满慢性压力的地方,直到崩溃或者死亡”。
The connection time-out on the Web site that hosts the RPC over HTTP proxy networking component cannot be less than 30 seconds. 驻留RPCoverHTTP代理网络组件的Web站点上的连接超时不能少于30秒。
Not so much time out of a busy day. So what if she got home a little later than she had planned? 在忙碌的一天中,这点时间也算不上多,哪怕她会因此比原计划要迟一点到家又怎样呢?
Spend some time out of the office, it can be as simple as going out to a bar, mingling with your team and your customers. 在办公室之外花费一些时间,可以让你的团队和客户一起去酒吧,就这么简单。
When he was just a child have the last time out, North Hongran wall collapsed, the dust stirred up by Tong Shi Meng-an . 当他刚刚把最后一个小孩子抱出来的时候,北墙轰然倒塌,激起的灰尘蒙了童世强一身。
The few dates she had were disasters everything reminded her of her ex or made her anxious so she took a time out. 为数不多的日期,她已被灾害一切提醒她,她当然还是使她焦虑,使她采取了时间。
We'll look at some of these things in the following items, but it starts with taking a time out to think and plan. 我们来看一下下面列出的事情,但是它是以你花时间去思考和计划开始的。
You can be a very short period of time out to think about it slips, it can be very long You leave the city slips. 这段时间可以很短牗出去想一想牍,也可以很长牗离开这座城市牍。
Massimo Oddo is with the Azzurri Italian national team, but he took time out to give a telephone interview on Milan Channel. 奥多已经和意大利国家队在一起了,但是他还是挤出接受了米兰频道的电话采访。
To help to prevent shutting down the application while you are debugging , do not set this time- out to a large value . 若要帮助避免在调试期间关闭应用程序,请不要将此超时属性设置为较大值。
Our souls are sparks of light, the little twinkling lights you see from time to time out of the periphery of your of field of vision. 我们的灵魂是光的火花,你有时看见的来自你视野外小小闪光。
To specify a time-out for the Receive method, use a TimeSpan object to specify the length of time that you want the method to wait. 若要为Receive方法指定超时,请使用TimeSpan对象指定希望该方法等待的时间长度。
The returns are repaid, at least for a time, out of new investors' principal, not from profits. 投资者很快拿到回报,至少有一次是这样的。而这并非来源于投资盈利,而是出于新投资者的本金。
Thank you for taking time out in his busy schedule I examined the material, and hopes to give me a chance! 你好!感谢你在百忙之中抽空审阅我的材料,希望给我一个机会!
When I've taken the time out of my life to spend time with you, I've made a commitment to you. 当我抽出我的时间与你共度,我已经为你做出了承诺。
Neal was gracious enough to take time out of his busy schedule to sit down with Ecorazzi for a chat. 尼尔博士在百忙中抽出时间来到Ecorazzi与大家亲切交谈。
I told him that his mistakes were quite acceptable and it he was ever so lovely to take the time out to speak with his fans. 我告诉他,他的错误是完全可以接受和他以往任何时候都这么漂亮花时间了发言,他的球迷。
Not allowed to bully me, curse me, to trust me, people bully me, you want the first time out to help me. 不许欺负我,骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我。
When my 3-year-old is having a tantrum, I pick him up and bring him into another room -- even if it's to put him in his crib for a time-out. 当我3岁的孩子发脾气时,我就把他抱起来,带他到另外一间房间或他的床上。
Initiates an asynchronous peek operation that has no time-out. The operation is not complete until a message becomes available in the queue. 通过通知“消息队列”开始查看消息并在完成后通知事件处理程序,启动一个异步查看操作。
9 And a voice answered a second time out of heaven, The things that God has cleansed, do not make common. 徒十一9第二次有声音从天上说,神所洁净的,你不可当作俗物。
Various page elements like images may have to time out, as well, so you could be stuck twiddling your thumbs waiting for a site to resolve. 各种各样的网页元素,如图片,可能一样要等待超时,因此你可能需要在桌面敲着手指来等待网站的解析。
Working hard is often required of us, but taking time out for fun is taken for granted. 我们经常要求努力工作,但是留出一点时间来玩也是理所当然的事情。
I would have thought that even the press and my adversaries would take a time-out on the day of my mother's death. 我本以为,即使是媒体和我的对手,也会在我母亲去世这天暂停一下。
Thank you for taking time out of your busy 80-hours-a-week schedule to talk with us! 感谢你在每周需工作80个小时的进度表中抽取时间与我们对话!
But she never caved--if he hit a sibling, no matter how much he screamed or banged his head, his mother would not let him out of time-out. 但是她绝不退步–不管他怎么欺负兄弟姐妹,吼叫或撞头,他的妈妈都不会让他超出一定的限度。
I know, this sounds very arrogant -- allotting my time out to specific groups of people as if it were some precious and priceless resource. 我知道,这听上去太傲慢了——分配我的时间给特定的人群,如果其中有一些珍贵和无价的资源。
Setting a connection time - out either as a property or in the connection string has no effect , and the value returned is always zero . 作为属性或在连接字符串中设置连接超时没有效果,而且返回的值总是零。