you are not prepared

  • 网络你们这是自寻死路;你还没有准备好

you are not preparedyou are not prepared

you are not prepared


伊利丹·怒风_百度百科 ... You dare enter my realm( 你们竟敢闯入我的领地) You are not prepared( 你们这是自寻死路) ...


《Dota》你还没有准备好you are not prepared

If you are not prepared to make the necessary lifestyle changes as well, then surgery is likely to be a waste of your time and money. 同样如果你没有准备去改变一些必要的生活方式,手术很有可能只是白费时间和金钱而已。
If you are not prepared to fit in with your company's expected behaviour, I would argue that it is best for both of you if you ship out. 如果你不准备去适应公司预期的行为模式,我的观点是你最好退出,这对双方来说都最好。
Smith: I'm sorry that you are not prepared to consider our request for compensation, although the amount of this claim is very small. 史:虽然索赔金额很小,但你方不准备考虑我方的索赔要求,对此我感到遗憾。
If you are not prepared to submit full documentation to the CIO do not apply now. 如果你还没准备好全部文件提交cio那就不要现在递交。
If you are not prepared to submit full documentation to the Visa Office within 120 days do not apply now. 如果你不准备在120天内提交完整文档到签证处不适用了。
OK, now you know what your friend wants, and it is something which you are not prepared to give. 好,现在你知道你朋友想要什么,而且是你没准备好付出的。
Simply put, if you cannot lead yourself through discipline and guided by God's Word, you are not prepared to lead others. 简言之,如果你不能严于律己,让神的话带领自己,你就没有预备好去带领别人。
If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original. 如果你根本没有做错的准备的话,那么你永远不会有独创的东西。
If you are not prepared to compensate our loss, we suggest that case be submitted for arbitration. 如果贵方不打算赔偿我方的损失的话,我方建议由仲裁来解决。
Don't launch if there is turbulence that you are not prepared to deal with. 如果还没有准备好能够对付空中紧急状况处理时,千万不要贸然起飞(气流很乱时)。