get off

  • na.下车;脱下(衣服等);脱(衣);下(马)
  • 网络下来;动身;离开

第三人称单数:gets off 现在分词:getting off 过去式:got off 过去分词:gotten off

get offget off

get off


初中英语短语大全 ... 33.get on 上车 34.get off 下车 35.wait for 等待某人 ...


冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... get married 结婚 get off 下来;从...下来 get on 上(车) ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... carry off 携走带走,赢得 get off 脱下(衣服等) give off 散发出 ...


get的动词短语有哪些? ... get in 收割,插话 get off 离开; 动身 get on 继续,上车 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get into the act 插手…以便得到好处 get off 下车;离开;开始 get on 骑上(马等);过活 ...


高中英语:必修一至必修四英语短语总结 - 豆丁网 ... get on 进展 get off 动身;出发 get through 顺利通过 第31 期 ...


动词加副词词组有哪些_百度知道 ... carry out 进行,开展,执行(计划,命令) get off 从……下来,下车 get back 取回,回来 ...

buses Britain did not get off easy in Australia, get off early to be ready, come from the turmoil of the upper class. 公交车上下车英国没有澳洲从容,下车时必须早早准备,从动荡的上层走到下层。
You got to have your starters get off to a great start and a bench that comes in and maintains that. 首发队员打开了一个好开局,一定要下场休息,板凳队员这时上场维持住好局面。
Why on earth would a man take a woman to a strip club if he were trying to get off with her? 为什么一个男人要带一个女人去脱衣舞夜总会,如果他想跟她亲热的话?
Sometimes, it seems as though civilian drivers merely failed to get off the road fast enough. 有时候,好像是平民司机离开道路的速度不够快。
He forgot, however, to check the melting point of aluminum, and his rocket did not get off the ground. 但是,他忘了检查铝的熔点,结果他的火箭没有飞离地面。
The former Udinese forward was called up to the Italy squad for Tuesday's game with Brazil but failed to get off the bench. 意大利队在本周二同巴西队进行了一场友谊赛,前乌迪内斯前锋也被征召进了蓝衣军团,但他没有获得出场的机会。
Well, he convinced me and actually I was ready to get off the train with him after talking to him a short while. 他说服了我,事实上我在和他聊了一会儿以后就决定和他一块下车了,
It was a long shot, but maybe I could convince the hijacker to get off the plane with me in New Jersey. 航程很长,但是我有可能说服劫机者随我在新泽西下飞机。
A. By the way, how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train? 顺便问一下,我下车后怎么出站台呢?
"After their first sail, they were all ready to get off-and some of them still get a little seasick, " Craig Bach says. “继他们首次航海之后,他们已经准备好一切,然而,他们之中还有个别人还有晕船的现象。”克雷格巴赫说。
Consultation with a physician and prescription medication to "get off" the decongestant nasal sprays is often necessary. 谘询医师处方药“下车”减充血剂的鼻喷剂,往往是必要的。
" I was hesitant when my aunt took one of her seat to sit down, and then smile to me: " Let the children sit, I will have to get off you. 我正在犹豫时,阿姨一把将我拉到她的座位上坐下,然后微笑的对我说:“小朋友坐吧,我一会就要下车啦。”
Walk Around - The moment you feel your body weaken, get off your chair and walk out of the office. 四处走走——当你感到身体虚弱时,从椅子上起来,走出办公室。
Once you get off the plane in Tokyo and past customs and immigration, the wreckage is everywhere to be seen -- on television, at least. 在东京,一下飞机,过完海关和移民局的检查,地震造成的破坏就随处可见,至少电视中随时都在报道。
Students like personal stories and anecdotes almost everywhere: "Get off the textbooks. They love insider-type talk. A bit of reality. " 几乎各地的学生都喜欢个人化的故事和轶事。“扔下教科书。他们喜爱内部式的谈话。讲点真实的东西。”
Get off! Damn it, what the hell is the point of Wild Empathy if I can't get a horse off my friggin' chest? ? 下来!该死,要是连让马从我胸口离开都做不到,还要野性认同干什么用??
He was trying to tell me how to do my job, but I soon told him where to get off. 他要告诉我怎么做,我叫他哪儿凉快哪儿呆着去
Ten minutes later the young man wanted to get off the bus, but two very strong men blocked his way and wouldn't let him get out of his seat. 十分钟年轻人后想下车,但是二个很强壮的人阻拦了他的去路,并且不让他离开他的位子。
We've just got to be consistent and get off to a good start because we don't want to be playing catch- up to Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool. 他说:“我只是需要坚持不懈并且取得一个好的开头因为我们不希望我们一直追赶切尔西,阿森那和利物浦。”
Ben got angry. "Get out of here! " he said. "I told you before and I am telling you again: get off my land! " 本活力了淘宝弓弩。“分开那里!”他说:“我之前告知过你,我再说一次:离开我的地皮!”
I wait him for a long time. Suddenly, the tain coming and many people get off the train. I look around and try to find the Mr Smith. 我一直等了好长时间,突然有火车来了,许多旅客下车,我四处寻找史密斯先生。
Oh yea, everyone get off their high horse and talk about whats at hand. If you don't have something of value to say, move along. 每个人都停下来谈论自己手头的事儿,如果你说不出什么有价值的东西,请走开。
Well, so far, none of his plans have managed to get off the ground . 咳,到目前为止,他的计划还没有一项取得进展。
Today is a new start. If you get off the day with a dish not to your liking, you probably will find more dishes not so to your taste. 今天是新的一页的开始,有一个菜不喜欢吃,以后就会有十个菜不爱吃。
"Did George get off? " asked Jessica of her mother another day, thus revealing something that Hurstwood had heard nothing about. “乔治走了吗?”又有一天杰西卡问她母亲。要不是她问起,赫斯渥一点不知道这件事。
Today there is a girl on the train lost her train ticket, so the conductor asked her to get off the train. 今天车上有个女孩把车票弄丢了,所以列车长要赶她下车。
It had to do with the day he forgot to take his personal name-stamp to work, and had to get off the bus. 全是因为那天,那个“他忘了带自己的姓名章去上班,所以不得不中途下车”的那天。
Changfeng is about to fall asleep, the phone rings desperately as if a rat is struggling to get off the clip. 长风将要入睡的那一刻,电话忽然垂死一般尖叫起来,仿佛一只被老鼠夹夹住的老鼠一样,垂死挣扎着。
'Drivers scream at me to get off the road, ' says the medical-billing clerk. “司机冲我大叫大嚷,让我离开主路。”担任医疗帐单文员的罗德里格兹说道。
In which case, one might have hoped that such a list could help me get off the train at the right station. 照此看来,或许会有人以为,列一张清单,会帮助我在正确的车站下车。