
美 [ɡɪft]英 [ɡɪft]
  • n.礼物;天赋;才能;赠品
  • v.白送;白给
  • 网络礼品;恩赐;赠与


give gift,accept gift,bring gift,get gift,receive gift
small gift,precious gift,special gift,lovely gift,great gift


n. v.

1.礼物;赠品a thing that you give to sb, especially on a special occasion or to say thank you

2.天赋;天才;才能a natural ability

3.[ususing](informal)轻而易举的事;极便宜的东西a thing that is very easy to do or cheap to buy


be in the gift of sb|be in sbs gift

由某人决定;某人有权决定if sth such as an important job or a special right or advantage isin sb's gift , that person can decide who to give it to

the gift of the gab

口才;辩才the ability to speak easily and to persuade other people with your words

look a gift horse in the mouth

拒受馈赠;白送的马还看牙口;对礼物吹毛求疵to refuse or criticize sth that is given to you for nothing


facebook - 搜搜百科 ... 墙( The Wall) 礼物Gift) 捅( Pokes) ...


新乡城市网,一座城市的搜索引擎 ... 优惠 Coupon 礼品 Gift 专题 Project ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... gesture n. 姿势,手势 gift n. 赠品; 礼物 giraffe n. 长颈鹿 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... skeleton n (动物的)骨架;骨骼 gift n 礼物;天赋 cycle n 周期;循环 ...


  这节经文里的“恩赐”(Gift),指的就是神赐给我们的,祂的独生爱子—耶稣基督。耶稣的名是超乎一切之上的名,耶稣基督是神的 …


  赠与gift)是某人将自愿将其财产转让给另一个人,并不附加任何条件和补偿。(A gift  is a present transfer of property by one p…


职称英语等级考试A - 原版英语_馆档网 ... ghost 鬼,幽灵,灵魂 gift 赠品,礼物,天赋,才能 gigantic 庞大的,巨大的 ...


英语一至六级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... get v. 取 gift n. 礼物,赠品;天赋 give vt. 做,作;送给 ...

We have not any relations but she still kept my gift on her desk. I think the place should be put for her new lover's. 我们已经没任何关系了但她还保留着我的礼物,而且还放在桌子显眼的位置上。我想那个地方应该放她恋人的。
Wives love getting a special gift and the wrapping is often as important as what's inside. 妻子喜爱收到特别的礼物,包装往往和里面的东西一样重要。
Because this gift came before their pound search sort of was completed, they made a gift to some of the places they were looking. 由于这件礼物在他们的海选结束之前到来,所以他们向那些原本准备光顾的流浪犬收容所送了一些礼物。
With Venus in Aquarius, you may receive some sort of a career-related gift this month. 金星位于水瓶宫内,本月你可能会收到与职业相关的某种礼物。
It is often given as a gift between lovers, accompanied by roses. 香水配上玫瑰常常是恋人间互赠的礼物。
At least for the last few moments in his life, this man felt wanted and loved. And how amazing it is to be able to give such a gift. 至少在他生命的最后时分,这个男人觉得自己是被人需要的,被人所爱。能够有这样的转变是多么的令人惊奇。
We want you to understand that there are no hidden gimmicks, no special requirements, no strings attached to this gift in any way. 我们想让你明白没有骗局,没有特别的要求,对于这份礼物没有任何的附加条件。
Jenny's grandmother gave her a necklace as a birthday gift. although the necklace came out of the ark, jenny still likes it very much. 珍妮的祖母送她一条项链作为生日礼物。项链虽然年代久远,珍妮却还是非常喜欢它。
No, of course not. I just don't want you to have to rack your brain to think of the perfect gift, that's all. 不,当然不是。我只是不想让你为了送我完美的礼物而绞尽脑汁,仅此而已。
She bought the perfect gift for her boyfriend. It was as though she could read his mind. 她帮男朋友买了一份完美的礼物。她似乎非常了解他。
I just thought that this might be a great moment for you to give me my gift. 我就是想,这个时候正适合你送给我生日礼物。
It was most generous of you to send me such a beautiful gift! 你送给我这么精美的礼物,真是太破费了!
The black leather jacket is a birthday gift given by his wife. It suits him well. 那件黑色皮夹克是妻子送他的生日礼物,很适合他。
Let me kiss you , and just as the gift that we dream of. . . 让我吻你,正如礼物,我们的梦想…
It would be too much of a gift to hardline Republicans if he also extended his hand to Mr Kim's clenched one. 如果他再向金正日抛出橄榄枝,那对国会中强硬的共和党人将是天赐良机。
And, try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother's Christmas gift. 他绞尽脑汁也想不出该送什么圣诞礼物给他母亲。
While Watson was a man of average intelligence, Holmes was a genius, whose gift for ratiocination made him a superb detective. 虽然沃森是一个人的平均智力,霍姆斯是一个天才,他的推理的礼物使他成为出色的侦探。
Not asking you to send a very precious gift, but you should at least send him a thank-you card. 不要求你送很贵重的礼物,但是你至少应该送他一张感谢卡。
Present the gift with both hands as a sign of courtesy and always mention that this is only a small token of appreciation. 目前,礼品,两手都要硬,作为一种标志,在礼貌上,始终何况这只是一个很小的以示谢意。
This kind of article is often bought as a great gift. . . so exquisite and tasteful design is of prime importance. 人们采办这种商品通常用来赠亲友,所以工致精致的设计至关重要。
This was the greatest gift that he had, the talent that fitted him for war. 这是他所具备的最大天赋,这种才能使他适宜参加战争。
You are about to graduate, I had the intention is to bring fragrance of flowers and delicious cake to see you, as a graduation gift to you. 你即将毕业,我本来的打算是带上芬香的鲜花和美味的蛋糕去看望你,作为给你的毕业礼物。
And the first version of this portrait was a gift for a member of the British Parliament who supported American independence. 并且这张画像的第一版本是一件礼物为支持美国独立英国的议会的成员。
You might buy her a whip, but if she does not like pain and has no desire to give you any, the gift is useless. 您可能会购买她的一党党鞭,但如果她不喜欢疼痛,也没有愿望,给你任何,礼品是没用的。
A boy in the class find a nearby company, will be a gift to the blue ribbon of a junior manager, thank him for his employment developments. 班上某位男生找到附近一个公司,将蓝绶带赠于了一个初级经理,感谢他为自己的就业出谋划策。
Jack: My Uncle John sent me a present for my birthday. I can't remember which gift was his, but I want to thank him for it. 杰克:我的叔叔约翰送了我一份生日礼物。我忘记了哪份礼物是他送的,但是我想谢谢他。
Bonera has turned out to be a special gift to Rossoneri fans, as he proves game after game to be a valuable piece in Ancelotti's defence. 对于米兰球迷来说,博内拉有一种特别的天赋,经过一场又一场的比赛他证明了自己是安切洛蒂防守阵容中重要的一份子。
A Valentine's Day gift doesn't say anything about how much I love my wife! 一份情人节礼物的好坏与我有多爱我的妻子毫无关系。
It is bright of him to refuse your gift. 他拒绝接你的礼物是对的。
I understand how disappointed you were when you heard that the gift cannot be completed. Especially after the long - run preparing time. 所以,当妳在准备良久之后突然得悉这份礼物无法完成,妳的失望,我很了解。