go on

  • na.往前走;继续…下去 (with; doing);日子过得
  • 网络发生;进行;继续下去

第三人称单数:goes on 现在分词:going on 过去式:went on 过去分词:gone on

go ongo on

go on


初中英语介词有哪些_爱问知识人 ... give in 投降 go on 继续
hear of 听说


绝望的主妇第一季中英字幕16 - 豆丁网 ... sleeping: 睡觉【这里指性交】 go on: 发生 get: 使得 ...


四级英语短语大全_百度文库 ... go off 爆炸,响起,断电 116. go on 继续;进行;发生 117. go out 熄灭;过时 118. ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... go in for 从事(某种事业或活动) go on 发生,进行,进展,继续下去 go off 走开 ...


【资源】《生活向前冲》(go on)S01E22下载(本季终) samnanxu 【导航】生活向前冲吧导航、索引、网盘、精品贴汇总…


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go off with 拿去;抢走;拐走 go on 继续下去,进行;接近 go out 走出(房间等);罢工 ...


走出艳阳天》(GO ON)NBC9:30-10:00 PM《23号公寓》(Don’t Trust the B---- in Apt. 23)ABC9:00-10:00 PM《洛杉矶海军犯 …


英语四级考试阅读常考高频词1000个!!_百度知道 ... go into 研究,调查,进入 go on 继续,发生;接近 go through 经历,详 …

Thank you for your kind invitation, but I just learned I have to go on a business trip tomorrow. 谢谢您的邀请,但正好我明天出差。
The other problem had been his response to a decision by the Kandahar-based vaccination teams to go on strike. 另一问题是他对坎大哈种痘队罢工决定的反应。
When you want to continue to go on, and the other party issued a "let the voice" of the signal, you can ignore the views of his eloquence. 当你想继续讲下去,而对方发出了“让出发言权”的信号时,你也可以无视他的意见口才。
And she said unto her young men, Go on before me; behold, I come after you. But she told not her husband Nabal. 对仆人说:「你们前头走,我随著你们去。」这事他却没有告诉丈夫拿八。
I knew that I should shoot myself that night for certain, but how much longer I should go on sitting at the table I did not know. 我知道,我今晚一定会自杀,而在这桌旁还要坐多久——我也说不上。
Maybe I'll go on. . . How much do I owe you? 也许我可以继续走…付你多少?
But since Mr Obama has such a short record in public life, voters have little to go on but their perception of his personality. 但是,由于奥巴马的公共生活记录太短暂了,除了感受他的人格,选民能过细的很少。
Ordinarily they wouldn't have quit until it was too dark to go on, but that horse had taken it out of them. 一般来说,他们不到天黑得不能再走是不会歇脚的,可是那匹马拖得他们很乏。
If you offer a path of entrepreneurship you were lavishing these talents and I guarantee you you'll go on doing amazing things. 如果你选择了创业生涯,你就会发挥这些才能,我敢保证你们会继续,做出令人惊叹的业绩。
As I write this I'm ending a frantic week trying to get everything together before we go on holiday (vacation) to Gozo. 当我写下这篇文章时,我正要结束疯狂的一周,因为我要在去佐戈岛度假之前,把事情都安排妥当。
I want to stop the poaching as much as you do, but you've crossed over the line, and I can't go on like this. 我也和你一样希望阻止偷猎行为,但是你已经越界了,我不想这种情形再继续下去了。
Time eventually gets called on even the greatest of sporting careers, but Fergie Time seems to go on forever. 即便最伟大的体育生涯总会有终结的那一天,但弗格森时间似乎会一直延续下去,直到永远。
Backstage with the modern dancers, Getting ready to go on, She showed me her spin, With a beauty lit from within. 后台与现代舞者,准备好去,她给我看了她的旋转,随着从内部点燃的美丽。
But it was the last thing that I expected, because people think of Kenya as a pretty safe, orderly place where tourists go on holiday. 但我确实没有想到会遇到这种情况,因为人们认为肯尼亚是相当安全和有秩序的地方,是游客们喜爱的度假地。
The same weight, I go on only one person died, you both go on the end of two lives, such a simple formula you do not worthwhile? 一样的重量,我下去只死一个人,你俩下去两个性命就完了,这么简单的算式你们难道不会算吗?。
She wanted to go on like this not to the next smoothly off from nearby vines, stretching from the quagmire of mud stained the ground sway. 她想这样下去不行,就顺手从附近折下一条藤蔓,伸入泥潭,沾上泥浆向地上挥洒。
It is so cold outside that I decide to put on a warm sweater. Things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. 外面太冷了以致于我决定要穿上一件温暖的毛衣。外面太冷了以致于我决定要穿上一件温暖的毛衣。
There also needs to be an international conversation since there is only so far that any one country can go on its own. 我们还需要一场国际会谈,因为任何一个国家自己只能做到这种程度。
You know, we could probably go on talking about this forever and never come to an agreement. 你知道,我们可能继续谈论下去并且永远达不到共鸣。
She hopes to be able to pay for her parents to go on a comfortable tour around Wuhan once she finds her feet. 一旦熟悉了新环境,她希望能够自己出钱为爸妈安排一次舒适的武汉之行。
If you want to go on a trip, it's necessary to take a map with you. 如果你想旅游,随身携带一张地图很有必要。
They fell out over the question of whether they should go on with the experiment. 在是否要继续试验的问题上他们发生了争执。
However, such a move away from the continent can only go on for so long before Europe's own industrial base is harmed deeply. 但这种转移的前提是,欧洲自己的工业基地不会受到明显的伤害。
Do not care the children or the old men's health and we go on to feed many cats, dogs or some others. 不顾小孩和老人的健康,继续喂养许多猫,狗和其他动物。
I plan to go on a fishing trip with some of my friends next week, but I have to get the kitchen pass from my wife. 我打算下周跟我一些朋友去钓鱼,但我必须先得到我太太的允许。
Ben: Yeah. And if I don't get my average up to a B, he's not going to let me go on the class field trip to the Hayden Planetarium . 本:对,如果我不把平均分提到B,他就不让我和班里的同学一起去海登天文馆。
Thatcher and Reagan were determined to go on the ideological offensive. Their political rhetoric began to heat up. 撒切尔和里根决定继续进行意识形态攻击,他们的政治甜言密语开始不断升温。
One morning as the expert approached and beckoned for him to hold out his hand, he was about to blurt out that he could go on no longer. 一天早上专家过来叫他摊开手,他刚想说他再不能这样继续下去了。
antibiotics have sucked all energy out of me. throat feeling better now. can go on the sets & make some noise to feel important hopefully. 抗生素抢走了我所有的能量。喉咙现在好些了。可以去片场了&希望吼叫几声显示出威力
Claude started as he meant to go on, gliding around in front of the defence, disrupting the opposition and distributing the ball with care. 克劳德依照他自己的意愿重新开始,在后防线之前奔跑,瓦解对手的进攻并小心的分球。