give me

  • na.
  • 网络给我;我更喜欢;我宁可选择

give megive me

give me


线上聊天的英文简写 ... 2,STFU=Shut the f uck up!= 他妈的给我闭嘴! 5,gimme=give me= 给我 6,xfer=transfer= 传输 ...


谁知道give的词组... ... 37. give the game away 泄露机密 9. give me… [口语]我宁愿要…,我更喜欢…,我宁可选择 give advic…


谁知道give的词组... ... 37. give the game away 泄露机密 9. give me… [口语]我宁愿要…,我更喜欢…,我宁可选择 give advic…


谁知道give的词组... ... 37. give the game away 泄露机密 9. give me… [口语]我宁愿要…,我更喜欢…,我宁可选择 give advic…


牛津一... ... Please speak louder. / Speak up please. 请说得大声些。 Give me a ….. 给我一个。。。。 Show me your…. 给我 …


...所爱 我要这世上一切幻觉 我要我愤怒 我要你所爱 富有与美丽一切尽接受(GIVE ME) 一切舜间变旧 恍惚只有记忆 让寂寞告诉 …

'Give me your veil, ' he said hastily to the princess. And when she had unwound it from her head he covered the mirror with it. “把你的面纱给我。”他急促地对公主说道。接过她的面纱,他把它罩在了镜子上。
Don't give me that look brother, you know me well. If I was the one who did it, it would be her husband on the table. 大哥你是了解我的,如果我出手,那趴在桌子上的,应该是她老公。
Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us? 您能告诉我,您想要从我们这里预订多少呢?
"How much will you give me for it? " said she. “您肯出多少钱呢?”她说。
Ask for your, and give me a strength, let me not be chicken calls to hear awakened! 祈求您,再赐给我一个力量,让我不再被鸡鸣声给吓醒吧!
I would like to be friends with you ! then do not say friends do not know if you can not give me chance ! 我想和你做朋友,如果你不给我机会,请不要说“不知道”两字!!
Let me buy you a drink, n-no wait you buy me a drink, nah you know what just give me the money. 我来请你喝杯酒。喔,慢着,还是你请我喝吧。那啥,你还是直接把钱给我算了。
I said, I know I'm a lapsed Catholic, but at least give me the last rites, you know? 我说,我知道我不是个天主教徒,但是至少应该给我一次临终祈祷的机会呀。
You know, I really must be going now or I'll be very late. Can you give me a call tomorrow and we'll decide? 你知道,我现在真的必须走了,不然我就晚了。你能不能明天给我打个电话,然后我们再决定好吗?
Chefs like, she said, "you give me a pair of embroidered, well, this will break the two-shoes. " 师傅很喜欢,她说“你再给我绣一双,做好了,这双鞋也就破了。”
It was after dark when we got back, and we were all tired. I wish you would give me a more detailed description of your trip. 我们到家时天已经黑了,我们都有很疲倦。你若能更详细地给我讲讲你的旅行情况,就好了。
The salesgirl could find no small change to give me, so she let me take it out in some sweets. 那个女售货员找不出零钱,就给了我一些糖果。
Chief officer, give me at seven tomorrow morning to calculate how much ore discharge. 大副,明天早上七点给我算算矿石卸了多少。
I can give you all your fantasy dreams if you let me love you-give me a chance to meet you to love and marry you. 我可以给你所有的梦想,幻想,如果你让我爱你,给我一个机会,以满足您的爱和你结婚。
I need this vendor to give me some data, but I can't get a hold of him. 我需要厂商提供一些资料,可是我一直联络不上他。
He the matter at hand, brought me to the back room, returns in a pile of them over a phone, give me the most out of a dowdy to. 他忙完了手头的事,把我带到后面的一个房间,在一摞退货当中翻了一通,给我挑出一套最寒酸的来。
I hope that you are able to give me some advices on these as they've been troubling me for a while now. 因为这些问题已经困扰了我好久,我希望你可以给我一些帮助。
The trick might be something like, "I'll spill all the trash out of your trash can if you don't give me a treat. " 恶作剧有可能是这样玩的,“如果你不请客,我就把你的垃圾都从垃圾筒里倒出来。”
My mother always reminds of me that she is the directer at home. It will give me a favor whenever I need her. 母亲从来不忘记提醒我她是家里的主管,而且每当需要她时,它总会助我一臂之力。
He knew when to give me advice about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me chart my own course. 他总是在适当的时候给我关于课程、课文和人员问题的建议,并总是适时让我自己制定自己的规划。
Give me idea how much trouble you've learned? 给我知道一个观念,了解你知道多少麻烦?
It's been a long drive but give me a cup of tea and I'll soon feel fresh as a daisy. 我开了很长期的车,但是只要喝杯茶,我就立刻又容光焕发了。
What I personally like best is that such a project would give me a place to put the glossary of botanical terms compiled by Herman Busser. 我自己最希望的是,这个计划可以给我一个地方放入HermanBusser编写的植物学术语。
I asked her to give me a hand but she's being a bit unwilling about it. 我请她过来帮忙,但她却有点不乐意。
" Give me your hand . . . " A hand suddenly into my face, heart good young men with outstretched hands and looked at me and said. “把手给我…”一只手突然伸到我面前,心好点的年轻男子伸着手看着我说道。
The organization has been trying to get me to attend for a few years, and wanted to give me an award but I didn't have time to attend. 本来机构有好几年邀请我出席,希望颁奖给我,可惜我没有时间出席,反正我想要领奖什麽时候也可以领吧。
If you were to give me forty such men, I never could be so happy as you. 你即使给我几十个这样的人,我也决不会象你这样幸福。
Because he said he would give me a good beating if I told you. 因为他说如果我告诉你他就要揍我一顿。
Sure if you give me a good reason why you missed the class. Yo u promised me that you would be in class on time today. 如果你给我一个好理由你为什么错过了上课。你答应我,你今天会准时上课。
"Give me $500 each, " he said, "and I'll return you to earth as if the whole thing never happened. " “每人给我500英镑,”他说“那么我就将你们送回地球就像这整个事情都没发生一样。”