make up

  • na.弥补;起草;定;签订
  • 网络组成;化妆;编造

第三人称单数:makes up 现在分词:making up 过去式:made up

make upmake up

make up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... make over 把(财产)转让;改造 make up 拼凑;组成;补偿 make up for 补偿,弥补 ...


关于电影的英文单词_百度知道 ... 26. Best Boy 场务助理 27. Make Up 化妆 28. Hairdresser 发型 ...


初三英语知识点_中考网 ... 一心想做 set one’s mind to do 编造 make up 数百\几百 hundreds of ...


字典中 济 字的解释 ... (12) 增加[ increase;add] (13) 弥补[ make up] (14) 及,比得上[ can compare with] ...


make 用法归纳 ... make up one's mind 下定决心 make up 弥补;构成;编造 make ... into 把……变成 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... make friends with 与……交朋友 make up 和解,化装 make up of 由……组成,构成 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... make out of 用 …… 做,从 …… 得出 make up 构成,拼凑;弥补,赔偿;化装 mix up 混淆,混合,搞 …


冰雪燕子的主页 ... 26.native speakers 说本族话的人 27.make up 编造,虚构,化妆,打扮 28.around the world 全世界 ...

Then, I want him to begin operation we use the software, And as a result, he said he would not, after the make-up examination feasible. 接着,我要他开始操作我们要用的软件,结果他说他不会,以后补考行不行。
But the system itself is in reality a mosaic, composed of thousands of smaller units -- building blocks which together make up the whole. 但是这一体系本身实际上是由成千上万个较小的单位组成的一个“拼图”——就像构成整座楼房的建筑材料。
The admin JSP files make up the front end for the admin part of the Web application. 管理JSP文件组成了Web应用程序管理部分的前端。
Her husband bought her a present to make up for quarreling with her the day before. 为弥补前天吵架的过错,她丈夫给她买了个礼物。
He was to make up classes and I heard old people say that you love what lo, I am silent, said nothing, did not face. 去老何那补课又听见人家说你喜欢上哪个咯,我很沉默,没说什么,也没表情。
"Those born in the 1980s, who make up most new parents now, do not seem to care about the sex of the baby, " he said. Mr. 他说:“那些上世纪80年代出生的人现在开始生育子女,似乎不那么在乎自己孩子的性别。”
His father and I suggest that he make up his own mind and that his future depends on his own dream , interest and perseverence. 我和他的父亲建议他自己拿主意,毕竟他的未来取决于他自己的理想、兴趣和毅力。
Carra pushed himself to the limit at Stamford Bridge to make up for his lack of match fitness and his reading of the game was phenomenal. 卡拉在斯坦福桥拼尽了全力以弥补因为长期缺阵对比赛适应性的不足,但他阅读比赛的能力是现象级的。
They might just choose to ask their employees to work overtime to make up the difference. 他们可能就是要求他们的员工加班已完成任务差额。
Workers in rural areas, who still make up about half the total labour force, never had much coverage of any kind anyway. 处在农村的农民从来就没有得到过任何形式的大量保障,而他们仍然约占整个劳动力的一半。
So he decided to help you if you trust me, I can help you to make up loopholes in the server. 所以才决定帮你,你要是信的过我,我帮你补下服务器漏洞。
The smoothness whether the soul pearls piled up with past event that you and I make up are still taken good care of by us is like the jade! 一件件用你我组成的往事堆砌起来的心灵珍珠是否依然被我们庇护的平滑如玉!
Chain stores throughout the urban and rural system all over, make up a powerful retail network, is just like a mutual connecting the chains. 连锁系统的商店遍布城乡各地,构成了强大的零售网,就如同一条相互连接起来的锁链。
It is as if I'm trying to make up for lost time as I sometimes read a novel a day. 有时候一天读一本小说的时候,就好像自己在弥补以前失去的时光。
She said she couldn't make up her mind. She said she would have to ask her future husband. 她说她还拿不定主意。她说她得问一下她的未婚夫。
The exact nature of this type of matter is unknown, but it seems to make up a quarter of the contents of the universe. 暗物质的具体本质还尚不为人所知,但它们着实占整个宇宙物质的四分之一。
But we have not at all make up our minds upon it, and we find it a very pleasant exercise to discuss the matter, candidly, before we get up. 但是我们已经一点也不在它之上决定,而且我们找它一种非常愉快的练习讨论物质,率直地,在我们起床之前。
It is everything that goes with it, from the hair, to the make-up, to the confidence that you carry with wearing an outfit. 这是一切随之而来的是从头发,到化妆,到穿着的服饰及配饰,直接影响你的自信。
Al Gore did not try hard enough: he wore too much make-up in his first presidential debate. 阿尔•戈尔在他竞选总统的首场辩论中做得就好:化妆过了头。
Lives in the area regarding the yard not to be suitable the total repudiation, but is should take it long to make up short modern community. 对于大院型住区不宜全盘否定,而是应该取其长补现代社区之短。
The child was supposed to be dead. With theatrical make-up on his face, he looked as if he had died of shock. 这个孩子假设已死。他脸上化着装,似乎死于惊吓。
It was only until I decided to make a drastic change in my life that I could make up for this lost time. 直到我决定做出人生中的巨大转变,我才弥补上了那些流失的岁月。
Don't make up any excuses for your being late. What you have to do is to make up for the time you have lost. 不要为你的迟到找借口,你需要做的是补上失去的时间。
But Sir Alex said he won't make up his mind whether to start Rio until the day of the game. 但爵爷说他得到赛前才能决定是否让费迪南的首发。
WE spend a great deal of time putting on make-up to help perfect our look. 我们每天花费大量时间化妆来使我们的面容更加美丽。
She applied so much make-up to her face that I don't recognize her anymore. 她在脸上用了好多化妆品,我都认不出她来了。
The HBS students' classroom preparation will have to be pretty thorough, then, to make up for the brevity of their field trips. 这样,哈佛商学院学生的课堂准备将必须非常充分,以弥补他们实地体验期的短促。
Plastic make-up in recent years made some development at home and abroad, and its significant advantages, unmatched by other methods. 近些年来塑型化装在国内国外取得了一定发展,它的优点非常显著,是其它方法不可比拟的。
All of these make up to be the solid basis for the rapid development of service outsourcing industry of Changsha. 这一切,为长沙服务外包产业的高速发展打下了坚实的基础。
Jenny Lai, head of Taiwan Research at HSBC, said Lenovo's sales in those two markets "would not be enough to make up the $1bn gap" . 汇丰银行(HSBC)台湾研究部门主管赖惠娟(JennyLai)表示,联想在这两个市场的销售额“将不足以填补10亿美元的差距”。