
美 [si]英 [siː]
  • n.海洋;浪;内海;大(淡水)湖
  • abbr.(=Southeast Asia)东南亚
  • 网络工程与应用科学学院(School of Engineering and Applied Science);海域;海洋型


deep sea,open sea,rough sea,stormy sea,calm sea
cross sea


工程与应用科学学院(School of Engineering and Applied Science)

SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science) Soft Matter Wiki of Harvard University;Poster for “New Concept in Microflu...

Basic English Time ... 8.the earth8. 地球 9.seas9. baths 沐浴 ...


博赞的扑克牌编码中国记忆力训练网 ... cab 出租车 seas 海洋 haze 蔼 ...


reading of prof. liu ... 水域 Waters 海域 Seas 火灾 Fires ...


八达岭特区旅游标准化:国家生态旅游示范区建... ... 湿地型 Wetlands 海洋型 Seas 沙漠戈壁型 Gobi Deserts ...

The oceans are a key part of the natural carbon cycle, in which carbon dioxide is circulated between the land, seas and atmosphere. 在自然的碳循环中,二氧化碳于陆地、海洋和大气中流通,海洋是其中一个关键的环节。
Often, scientists see large chunks drifting in polar seas, and then have to work backwards to figure out the point of origin. 通常来说,科学家们都是先观测到极地洋面漂浮着大面积冰块,之后再追溯它原始的形成过程。
The CLIMAP team also estimated how much ice covered the land and seas during the Wisconsin ice age. CLIMAP小组还估算了在威斯康星冰期覆盖大陆和海面的冰量有多大。
Local media reports said the boat capsized after it was hit by high waves in rough seas. 日媒体称,当时海面波涛汹涌,渔船是被巨浪打翻的。
It was his "think-machine" that had gone wrong, and there was no cure for that except to get away to the South Seas. 出了问题的是他的“思想机器”。要不一走了之,到南海去,就无法治好。
Maritime officials in Pare-Pare said the vessel ran into heavy seas and waves of up to six metres generated by the tropical cyclone. Pare-Pare港海事官员称,渡轮撞上了热带风暴带来的高达6米的汹涌大浪。
Sailing the greats seas there is always an urge to step on land, at least for a bit. Thankfully the urge always passes quickly. 在浩瀚的大海中航行总是有想要登陆的冲动,至少有一点吧。还好这种冲动总是很快就过去了。
Geographically, Britain is ideally placed, enjoying (or enduring) some of the windiest weather and heaviest seas of any European country. 英国地理位置优越,与其它欧洲国家相比,它享受着(或承受着)最风多的天气以及最大海浪的大海。
I'll go with you on ships across seas which, I know, no, no, exist no longer, with you I shall experience them again. 我将随你同行,乘舟漂洋过海去游历那,我心知的,永远,永远,不复的存在;
Productivity of the land and seas is diminishing, and with them the ecosystem services that are crucial for people to get out of poverty. 土地和海洋的生产能力正在减弱,而二者加上生态系统服务对人们脱贫均起着关键作用。
Blue Sky Moon: The dark areas are known as lunar seas because they were once believed to be filled with water. 蓝天月球:黑色的区域叫做月海,因为人们曾经以为那里面全是水。
Moorea is often seen in video footage depicting the ultimate South Seas paradise. 镜头中的莫雷阿岛描绘了终极南海天堂的画面。
It allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases, which had become part of the earth's atmosphere, into the oceans and seas. 它使地球把曾经存在于大气层中的有害气体溶解在海洋里。
Perhaps Hawthorne would have benefited as a writer if he had accepted an offer once made to him to join in a voyage to the South Seas. 要是霍桑当年接受邀请,前往南太平洋作一次航海旅行,在写作上说不定会对他大有裨益。
But it also gives it a much better chance of riding out the rough seas ahead. 但正因如此,中国更有可能安全驶出前方风高浪急的水域。
But I had not set out on this journey to exchange a home beyond the seas for the one on this side. 但是我出来旅行并不是为把海那边的家换成这边的家。
He knew there were no seas or ships in the heart of the barren lands, just as he had known there was no cartridge in the empty rifle. 不过也用不着奇怪,他知道在这荒僻的地方不会有什么大海或大船,正如他知道在他那枝空枪里没有子弹一样。
Of course, wind and sun out in the open seas, over high mountains and across protected regions would not be available. 当然,在大洋、高山和保护区域的风力和阳光是采集不到的。
Marriage was not the safe anchorage he had been taught to think, but a voyage on uncharted seas. 结婚并不象别人告诉他的那样等于安全抛锚,而是在未知的海洋上的一次远航。
He made his way across the seas to USA. 他设法漂洋过海去美国。
The Zetas described roiling seas and occasional tsunami during the sinking of the Sunda Plate, and this seems to be what is happening. 齐塔人描述过在巽他板块下沉期间动荡的海水和偶尔的海啸,而这貌似就是正在发生的。
Apart from man, in the seas, in the air and the vast expanse of the heavens there is an extraordinary sense of purity and orderly existence. 抛开人类不说,在海洋里,在天空中,在宇宙的广阔深处,都有着一种非常意义上的纯净和秩序的存在。
It had no locks because there is no great difference between the levels of the Red and Mediterranean Seas. 运河并没有被锁上因为红海和地中海之间的水位差别并不是很大。
The money saved, he says, from naval vessels ceasing to plough the seas would be enough to build a civil infrastructure in Puntland. 他说,从结束海军军舰护航而省下来的钱将足够为邦特兰建设公众基础设施。
It was not immediately clear what caused the vessel to sink. Officials say severe weather and high seas could have been a factor. 目前还不清楚渡轮沉没的原因,有关官员说,可能是恶劣的天气和巨浪造成的。
If the boat becomes submerged in high seas, the cabins trap enough air to lift the vessel to the surface. 如果船在风高浪大的海面被淹没,船舱里有足够的空气让船重新浮出来。
And yet, at a time of fast-melting glaciers and strange rains, of spreading deserts and rising seas, it is a frail and distant promise. 然而,一个时期中迅速消融的冰川与奇奇怪怪的降雨,沙漠扩大及海平面上升,环保规划显得脆弱而遥远。
Three international agreements govern fishing in these seas, all managed by the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission, based in London. 三个国际协议控制着在这些海域的捕鱼,全部由总部设在伦敦的东北大西洋渔业委员会管理。
The old boatman dived into the green seas, and sent the shivering frost all over the boat. 老船工猛地扎进了碧绿的海里,船上弥漫着一股森森的寒气。
This being said . . . the tides are now subsiding for a time and the calm seas are bringing peace to the once troubled waters. 这么说吧…潮汐现在在下沉,平和的海洋在给充满问题的水域带来平静。