
美 [rɪˈtaɪr]英 [rɪˈtaɪə(r)]
  • n.退隐;【军】退兵信号;〈罕〉退隐所
  • v.(令)退职;(使)退休;(因伤)退出(比赛等)
  • 网络退役;就寝;撤退

第三人称单数:retires 现在分词:retiring 过去式:retired

retire year,father retire,retire month,retire debt
people retire,member retire



工作from job

1.[i][t](令)退职;(使)退休to stop doing your job, especially because you have reached a particular age or because you are ill/sick; to tell sb they must stop doing their job

体育运动in sport

2.[i](因伤)退出(比赛等)to stop competing during a game, race, etc., usually because you are injured

地点from/to a place

3.[i]离开(尤指去僻静处)to leave a place, especially to go somewhere quieter or more private

睡觉go to bed

5.[i]睡觉;就寝to go to bed

棒球in baseball

6.[t]~ sb使(击球员、击球方)出局to make a player or team have to stop their turn at batting


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... retailer n. 零售商 retire v. 退休 sack v. n. 解雇 ...


八年级上册英语单词表人教版 - 豆丁网 ... p.61 travel v. 旅行;长途旅行 p.61 retire v. 退休;退役 p.61 yet adv. 到此时;至今 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... retell vt. 再讲,重述,复述 retire vi. 退下;引退;就寝 retreat vi. (被迫)退却,后退 ...


李笑来21天突破托福词汇(第一天)_天道留学 ... request 请求,恳求 retire 退休,退职 secrete 分泌 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... entire a 完整的,完全的 retire v 退休;撤退 retired a 退休的;隐退的 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... respectable a. 值得尊敬的 retire v. 退下; 离开 reveal v. 披露 ...


2002-2008年考研英语已考过的高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... resulted 成效,计算结果‖导致 retire 撤退;退却;退休 retirement 退休; …


新托福ibt词汇分类突破 翻译_百度知道 ... provide 规定 retire 就寝,去睡觉 run 丝袜上的洞 ...

By taking cash out of the business, Neal was able to semi-retire but remain in control of daily business operations with her daughter. 通过公司套现,Neal进入了半退休状态,但仍然可以和女儿一起控制公司日常业务运营。
It has the wisest way, however perilous it might be, to retire with an air of confidence. 尽管十分危险,最聪明的办法还是装作毫不介意地回来。
"I will still be very active, " he said. "It is impossible for me to retire. " “我仍将非常活跃,”他说。“想让我提前退休是不可能的。”
He regaled everyone with tales of his wife asking him when he would retire (his riposte: "In the future. . . " ). 他强大的故事都以他的妻子问他什么时候会退(他说:“在将来对……”)。
We came into the company with a clear contract to work 40 years and retire. 我们来到这个公司时有明确的合同,工作40年退休。
A generation of bosses who founded their firms after the war are ready to retire but lack successors. 在战后创建了自己的公司的一代企业老板发现他们即将退休,但还没有后继之人。
If we were to total the amounts of these projections and then actually hit those annual figures, we would be in a position to retire! 如果我们把这些预测数字加起来,然后就当成是年度销售额,那么我们就该退休了!
If no new users are added over the course of a year, a DPAR starts to lose users (they leave the company, retire, and so on). 如果一年期间没有新用户加入,DPAR就会开始损失用户(因为他们可能离职、退休等)。
One day the old worker told his boss that he decided to retire, because he wanted to live a more comfortable life with his wife. 一天他告诉自己的老板,他决定退休,因为他想和妻子过一种更加舒服的生活。
The first speaker of the day was Rand Paul, who by then had said he might run for the Senate if Bunning were to retire. 这天第一位演讲者就是兰德·保罗,他在那之前已经说过,如果邦宁决定退休,他也许会竞选参议员。
He said he would retire at the end of this season after forty-six years as head coach. 在担任46年主教练之后,他说他将在本赛季结束后退役。
Deng: To be quite frank, I am trying to persuade people to let me retire at the Party's Thirteenth National Congress next year. 邓:坦率地告诉你,我正在说服人们,我明年在党的十三大时就退下来。
Our goal is to make it possible for new players to actually have a chance to be top of the game for a time before they too have to retire . 我们的目标是使得新的玩家在他们引退之前有机会在一段时间成为游戏里最强的选手。
I didn't get a full season in like I wanted to see if it's really time for me to retire. 我没有像我想的那样得到一个完整的赛季,从而决定我是否应该退役。
Much as I might want to retire, that doesn't look financially feasible for a while, not with two kids ready to head off to college. 虽然我挺想提前退休的,不过短时间内经济上不可行,还有两个小孩要上大学呢。
How much money can we receive after we retire? At what age should we start planning our retirement? 退休后我们到底能领多少钱?到什么年龄应该计划养老问题?
THIS SPECIAL REPORT has shown how the cost of providing pensions is rising across the developed world as the baby-boomers retire. 本期的特别报道说明,在发达国家中,随着婴儿潮时代出生的人们正在逐渐退休,提供养老金的费用正在不断攀升。
Many people seem to have dropped out of the labour force for good, perhaps to retire, collect disability, or return to education. 许多人似乎已经永远退出了劳动力群体,也许是退休了,也许领取了残疾证,或接受继续教育。
After years of hard work, you've decided to call it quits and retire. 辛勤工作多年之后,你终于决定要退休了。
At the age of nearly 65, an age when many men retire, he began the greatest voyage of his life. 在他快满六十五的时候,许多人在他这个年纪已经退休,他开始了一生中最了不起的一次航海。
He said he might not retire. 他说他可能不退休。
In August 1966, at the age of nearly sixty-five, an age when many men retire, he began the greatest voyage of his life. 1966年8月,在他快满六十五岁的时候—许多人在这个年龄已经退休—他开始了一生中最了不起的一次航海。
It was also agreed that he would be allowed to retire from the voyage whenever he liked. 他们还同意只要达尔文本人喜欢,他可以随时退出航行。
Then , cool as can be , she would turn on her heel , close the door , and retire to the bedroom . 然后,尽可能的冷淡,她会突然转身进门,把门关了,退到寝室。
Presently he began to retire backward, step by step, never for an instant removing his eyes from what he saw, or thought he saw. 他慢慢向后退,一步接着一步,而眼神从未离开他盯着的或认为他盯着的地方。
So let's answer the question: how much savings do we need to retire? 那么让我来回答这个问题:我们需要为退休准备多少钱?
Wedge was able to retire once more after the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong, but the interim of peace did not last. 遇战疯人被击败后,韦奇得以再次退役,但和平没有持续多久。
Everywhere Kutuzov retreated, but the enemy, without waiting for him to retire, fled back in the opposite direction. 库图佐夫到处都在退却,但是敌人不等他退却,就向相反的方向逃跑。
Henry's company asked him to retire early but he was able to pay off his mortgage with the golden handshake they gave him. 亨利的公司要他提前退休,不过他能够用他们付给他的退职金归还抵押款。
When he dies -- he has said he has no plan to retire -- the company will split his job into a CEO role and a CIO position. 如果他过世,公司将会把他的工作分成两个职位--首席执行官与首席资讯官(CIO),巴菲特本人表示自己没有退休计划。