
美 [rɪˈpɔrt]英 [rɪˈpɔː(r)t]
  • v.报告;报道;汇报;举报
  • n.报告;报道;汇报;调查报告
  • 网络报表;报导;传说

第三人称单数:reports 现在分词:reporting 过去式:reported

preliminary report,final report,recent report,official report,interim report
case report,write report,make report,submit report,give report


v. n.

提供信息give information

1.[t][i]汇报;报告;通报to give people information about sth that you have heard, seen, done, etc.


2.[t][i]报道;公布;发表;宣布to present a written or spoken account of an event in a newspaper, on television, etc.

3.[t]~ to do sth(不知传言是否确凿)据说,传闻used to show that sth has been stated, and you do not know if it is true or not

犯罪或事故等crime/accident, etc.

4.[t]举报;告发to tell a person in authority about a crime, an accident, an illness, etc. or about sth bad that sb has done


5.[i]~ (to sb/sth) (for sth)报到to tell sb that you have arrived, for example for work or for a meeting with sb


七年级英语单词表 ... discuss 讨论;议论 report 报告;汇报 sex 性别 ...


  报表(Report)——报表的功能是将数据库中的数据分类汇总,然后打印出来,以便分析。     宏(Macro)——宏相当于DOS中的批处 …


知日_百度百科 ... 有的,机器绝对有精灵! NOHandy-phone,nolife? 报道 Report 现场 Live ...


九年级英语单词表 ... translator 翻译者 report 报导 willing 乐意的 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... discuss 讨论;议论 report 报告;汇报 sex 性别 ...


上海教育出版社七年级《英语》上册单词表_百度文库 ... hurry v. 匆忙;加速 report v. 举报;报告 minute n. 分钟 ...


星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... relieve vt. 减轻;使得到调剂;接替 report v. 报道;报到;告发 n.传说 resource n. 智谋;资源;应变之才 ...


进入金融界研究报告(report)吧,了解更多股市最新资讯。支持(0)反对(0)引用本楼回复主题 非常支持楼主的说法!!! 支持(0)反对(…

The report immediately raised the question of whether the same technique could be used to clone people. 这个报告立即提出了是否同样技术也可以用于克隆人的问题。
China, says the report, "does not appear to have broadened its concept of operations" to encompass sea control in waters beyond Taiwan. 报告说,中国“似乎并未将军事演习范围拓宽”至台海以外。
Campaigners welcomed the publication of the report, calling it the only real attempt to reveal the full scale of the tragedy. 社会活动人士对报告的发行表示欢迎,称之为揭开悲剧全景的唯一真正尝试。
During the report, record producer Pete Waterman said the music industry had become "snobbish" . 在这则报道中,唱片制作人PeteWaterman说道当前的音乐界变得很势利。
The ADP report is often seen as a precursor to the Labor Department's big monthly jobs report due out Friday. ADP就业报告被看做美国劳工部将于周五公布月度就业报告的预兆。
View a summary report showing how much native memory your application is using. 查看应用程序本机内存使用情况的汇总报告。
Once he lost, the dramatic defeat led many -- including me -- to report that this was obviously a blow on the international stage. 这场意料之外的失败使得大量的报道——包括我的报道——认为这是他在国际舞台的重大失误。
The author of this book had in his hands, in 1848, the special report on this subject made to the Prefect of Police in 1832. 关于这件案子,本书的作者在一八四八年手中还有过一份一八三二年写给警署署长的专案调查报告。
Had the oil fire reached that tank, the report said, the resulting explosion could have released a toxic cloud endangering the entire area. 该报告表示,倘若火势蔓延到那个二甲苯储罐的话,那么引起的爆炸可能会造成毒云,危及整个地区。
The report is being released just over a week before Mr. Gioia steps down after six years as the endowment's chairman. 距这则报道发表一个多星期前,做了六年基金会会长的焦亚先生就卸任了。
The report must be completed even if there was no production at the time of the visit. 即使审核期间没有产品生产,也必须完成本报告。
An Incident Report is filled up for Management review and the incident is recorded down in the Assistant Manager log book. 必须做好事件报告以备管理层查阅,同时其经理助理也应该将其记录在日志上。
At number six, not even 61% of North Carolinian adults report much exercise, but in other ways the state seems to be addressing the problem. 排名第六,只有不到61%的成人经常运动,但该州似乎正在从其他方面解决此问题。
"Demand is being sustained by further increases in exports and investment, underpinned by strong corporate profitability, " said the report. 报告指出:“需求得到出口和投资进一步增长的支持,企业盈利能力也保持强劲。”
Yes, here is the form for an expense report. Fill it out and give it to me. I'll get it signed for you. 是的,这是报销单的表格。填好之后交给我。我帮你拿去签字。
You can use a report to quickly analyze your data or to present it a certain way in print or in other formats. 您可以使用报表快速分析数据,或用某种印好的固定格式或其他格式呈现数据。
The audits of 11 suppliers so far followed a meeting in August as the coalition prepared to release a sharply critical report. 在此次针对11家供应商展开审计之前,上述环保组织联盟曾在8月份发表一份严厉批评苹果的报告之前开会。
You can also report on your test suites to see how the testing is progressing for a particular set of tests. 您也可以产生测试套件的报告,以查看特定一组测试的测试进度。
Recently, 1100+ EE developers told us how much time it takes them, and we compiled the results into the Redeploy and Restart Report. 就在最近,有超过1100个EE开发者告诉了我们,他们需要多少时间来组装和部署这样的应用,我们在RedeployandRestartReport一文中汇编了调查的结果。
Report commented that the South Korean military, which had to be said to be an embarrassing thing. 报道评论说,对于韩国军方来说,这不得不说是一件囧事。
He said in a report filed recently in Manhattan bankruptcy court that he has so far recovered more than $1 billion in assets. 他近期向曼哈顿破产法庭提交报告称,目前他已经追回了10多亿美元资产。
Obviously with this the metrics and graphs are already available through GA however this needs to be incorporated into a concise report. 显然与此指标和图表已经可以通过遗传然而,这需要将一个简洁的报告中。
A report showing record U. S. exports in April eased some concerns about a stalled economic recovery, which had been weighing on the market. 今日公布的数据显示,美国4月出口增至创纪录水平,缓和了一直重压市场的对经济复苏放缓的担忧。
Well, there are a few things. First of all, you really need to get your annual credit report, at least once a year. It is free. 嗯,这里有几件事。首先,你真的需要一份你的年度信用结算单,至少每年一次。这是免费的。
Accounting personnel shall also be held liable if they do not submit a report to the head of the superior administrative unit. 会计人员不向上级主管单位行政领导人提出报告的,也负有责任。
The report caused immediate consternation before it was discovered that it had been posted by a hacker. 该报道一发布立即引起慌乱,随后证实是黑客所发布的。
I'm really dissatisfied with your sales report this month. It should have been a lot better. You only brought in one new account. 我对这个月的销售报告很不满意,应该好很多。你只吸纳了一位新客户。
He gave copies of the report to all those present at the meeting, urging that they read and digest its contents. 他给了在会议中所有出席的人一份材料(报导内容……),要求他们读并且摘抄,记录内容。
It is unclear exactly how much the study cost to conduct, although some newspapers report that it formed part of a $899, 769 research grant. 尽管有些报纸报道称进行该研究所用的资金来源是89万9769美元的研究津贴,但是该研究所耗资金目前尚不清楚。
With a new report created (or an existing report imported into your workspace), you're ready to include the report in your JSP. 创建好新报表(或者将已有的报表导入到工作区)之后,就可以将这个报表包括到JSP中。