so beautiful

  • 网络如此美丽;生命的美好;太漂亮了

so beautifulso beautiful

so beautiful


You're Beautiful_百度百科 ... You were beautiful 你永远是最美 So beautiful 如此美丽 The moment you were made 在这一刻 ...


求野人花园的一首歌_百度知道 ... ★ 10 Affirmation 认定 ★ 11 So Beautiful 生命的美好 ★ 12 California 我的归宿 ...


“一切皆有可能”用英... ... Too beautiful? 太漂亮了? So beautiful! ! 太漂亮了!! Can I have your phone? 我可以要你的电话吗…


deitrick... ... From the sunshine 从阳光 So beautiful 如此的美丽 Only you can make me feel the way 只有你能让我感觉的方式 ...


漂亮的英文怎么说_百度知道 ... adj. 美丽的 so beautiful 如此美丽;如此漂亮 beautiful girl 美丽姑娘 ...


太美了 英文翻译_百度知道 ... 生日快乐 happy birthday 太美了 so beautiful 生日快乐: Happy birthday! ...


幼儿园日常英语 ... We’re so proud of you ! 我们真为你感到骄傲! So beautiful ! 真漂亮! How lovely ! 太可爱了! ...


迪士尼神奇魔法英语... ... 45 All right 你还好吧 46 So beautiful 真美丽 47 Red leaves 红树叶 ...

The jewels sparkled and gleamed with such fire that the children thought they had never seen anything so beautiful. 这些珠宝闪烁着光芒,两个孩子从未见过这么漂亮的东西。
So beautiful is childhood, but he has not experienced such an experience. He has no memory of his childhood. 童年是如此美好,却是他没有体验过的经历,他没有童年的记忆。
It was a night so beautiful that your soul seemed hardly able to bear the prison of the body. 这里的夜这么美,你的灵魂好象都无法忍受肉体的桎梏了。
Her voice just like the crystal-clear water of the river, so beautiful. It would be great of her voice with a graceful melody. 她的歌声清澈透底,所以只要优美的旋律唱起来都会很棒。
The more you know with you more lonely soul is so beautiful, but I can't touch. 越懂你陪着你就越寂寞,灵魂那么美我却碰不得。
He had not thought a simple sound could be so beautiful. “露丝,”他没想到这么简单的声音竟有这么动听。
he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen. 他说树上繁花似锦,芳香扑鼻,令人赏心悦目,这是他所见过的最优美的景致。
I don't know why you stay in such a gloomy room all day when the weather is so beautiful. 我不明白天气这么好为什么你还呆在一个阴沉。
A: You know, our apartment building would be so beautiful if the people who lived here would help to keep it tidy. 你知道的,如果住在这里人愿意帮忙保持整洁的话,我们的公寓楼会漂亮很多。
And tell it my own thoughts, or whisper, or bath in rain of petals . . . Such a life is so beautiful, isn't it? 告诉它自己的心事,或是低声轻唱,抑或是沐浴在花瓣雨中……这样的生活,难道不美吗?
Forrest: (voice-over) I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like an angel. 阿甘:(话外音)我一生从没见过这么美的东西,她就像是天使。
The princess came forth in her royal clothing and with the golden star on her forehead, so beautiful, delicate, and fine. 然后,他提起木桶,公主从里面走出来了。只见她穿着华丽的衣服,额头上有一颗金色的星星,显得非常美丽、温柔、文雅。
Daring, you look so beautiful at this moment. I wish the time stop here. So nice. I'd like you to marry with me in this wedding dress, ok? 亲爱的,这款婚纱真是为你量身定做的.我觉得还不错。
Winter is a cold and beautiful season. There are many snowflakes dance in the sky in winter, everything is all white. It's so beautiful! 冬天是一个寒冷而美丽的季节。在冬天里,会有许多雪花在空中飞舞,瞬间,所有的事物都成白色的了,非常得美丽!
magnificent windows , so beautiful , so large , that i believe a man of your size should pass through each frame . 窗户也华丽得很,很漂亮,很大,我相信象你这样身材的人,从每个窗眼里钻进去是不成问题的。
I never saw her so beautiful as she was in her costume in a fabulous performance. 我从未见过她这么美:她穿著美丽的裙子,和几位女孩带来美妙的演出。
I looked up to see him smiling a crooked smile so beautiful that I could only stare at him like an idiot. 我抬头看着他。他微笑着,弯起的嘴角是那么的迷人,以至于我只能像个白痴一样盯着他看。
I want to tell you, how much I love you. how much I care! Loving you is so beautiful! 宝贝,我想告诉你们,多么的爱你们,多么的在乎你们!爱你们是如此美好的一件事情!
As the erhu is not close to me, I sang American songs "You are so beautiful to me" , to express my true feelings and respect. 由于二胡不在我身边,我即兴演唱了一首美国歌曲《你们是最美丽的人》,来表达我的真情及敬意。
And she grew up to be a beautiful flower, and this corner of the desert became so beautiful because of her. 她长成一朵美丽的花,又因为她的存在,这沙漠的一隅变得如此美丽。
I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like an angel. 在我的一生中我没见过如此美丽的事物,她就像天使。
I love flowers so much, when I first went into the garden - it's so amazing, so beautiful, I actually shouted. 我爱死这些鲜花了,当我一走进这座花园,我情不自禁地大喊‘这太不可思议,太美了’。
the moment, the soul of the Summoner, the sky in the smile, my world is so beautiful, my world is brilliant! 此刻,灵魂在招唤,天空在微笑,我的世界如此美好,我的世界如此闪耀!
I think it was a good use of stainless steel, so beautiful, easy to brush, there is no harm. wok a good one is hard to read. 根据我的经验与炸菜香,美味的砂锅了!和炒锅是最便宜的壶,有一个缺点就是太沉重!
I knew she did not be so beautiful for nothing. 我一向认为她不会白白生得这么美丽
There was one of the Munchkin girls who was so beautiful that I soon grew to love her with all my heart. 有一个芒奇金人的女子,她很美丽,不久就使我全心爱着她。
regardless of what she wanted good things, some people will do for her immediately, she said that every word, the sounds are so beautiful. 无论她想要什么美好的事物,都会有人马上替她做到;她说的每一个字,听起来都那么悦耳。
Yellow stamen and pistil seems to be flowing bright lives, set up a peach is so beautiful charming, and very different from elsewhere. 黄色的花蕊似乎是桃花那灿烂的生命,开出的桃花是那么艳丽迷人,与别处的迥然不同。
The outside world is so beautiful and leisure concept, together for a blue sky, white clouds of is such a quiet and peaceful. 外边的世界是这样的美好而暇观,高远的蓝天,悠游的白云,是这样的宁静而祥和。
Round the garden ran a very lofty wall, but I never cared to ask what lay beyond it, everything about me was so beautiful. 沿着花园有一堵高高的围墙,可我从没想到去围墙那边有什么东西,我身边的一切太美好了。