the birds

  • 网络鸟;群鸟;飞鸟

the birdsthe birds

the birds

指的是the birds), 说明的是鸟在歌唱(chirp)。 【句2】 添加了副词 beautifully, 修饰谓语歌唱(chirp), 表示行为的方式…


群鸟》(The Birds)…动物灾难片先驱,名列希区柯克作品最受欢迎第七位《食人火蜥蜴》(Project Viper)…中美洲热带丛林里 …


...的“海滩男孩”(THE BEACH BOYS)、“飞鸟”(THE BIRDS)、布法罗斯普林菲尔德(BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD)等乐队则为自己的 …


分享加翻译:意象的挽歌_唐凯_新浪博客 ... 照片里面的 From photographs 鸟儿 The birds 男孩 The boy ...


... UFO Swarm 一大群不明飞行物降临你的城市 The Birds 更近看城市上空大群海鸥 nerdz rool 在你的工业区建造环保型工业 ...


《模拟城市3000》... ... i am weak 免费建筑所有的东西 the birds 大群海鸟飞过城市上空 ufo swarm 一大群不明飞行物降临你的 …


乌托邦的诱惑:亚里斯多芬尼兹《鸟剧》(The Birds)初步探讨作者: 翁嘉声 关联: 2007年4月24-26日台湾艺术大学「名剧作 …

The officers who found the birds described them as small with brown and black feathers. They were intact and had not been shot. 公路巡逻人员描述死掉的鸟的特征:个头小,羽毛呈棕黑相间,并且头完好无损,没有被射杀的迹象。
Marriage may be compared to a cage: the birds outside despair to get in, and there within despair to get out. 婚姻像一个鸟笼:外面的鸟儿想飞进去,里面的鸟儿想飞出来。
Hear The Birds: It's so easy to get caught up in all the things you have to do that you forget to notice all the beauty that's around you. 听听鸟叫声:你很容易陷入所有必须做的事情中去,然后忘记周围所有的美好事物。
The birds would not be able to find food until they start to take action and fly out of their comfort zone. 只有当鸟儿们真正采取行动并且飞出它们的安乐窝,它们才能找到食物。
I don't know at the time, I hear the train whistle sounds, far and near, like the music of the birds, marked forest distance. 我不知道那时几点钟了;我听到火车鸣笛的声音,忽远忽近,就象林中鸟儿的啭鸣,标明距离的远近。
Zuckerman says, "Food was the only tool at my disposal for motivating the birds to pose. " 祖克曼表示:“食物是我唯一的工具,我只能靠这样来引导鸟儿们摆姿势。”
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. 你们看天空的飞鸟:它们不撒种,不收割,也不收进仓里,你们的天父尚且养活它们;
So far and way, see the birds as it flies by, gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky. 看着鸟儿掠过,飞向很远很远的地方,滑翔在空中的白云投下的影子之间。
So cold was it that even the animals and the birds did not know what to make of it. 实在是太冷了,连鸟兽们都不知该如何度过这寒夜了。
The only problem is the birds don't seem to have any of the telltale bruises or injuries that a weather-related explanation would cause. 唯一的问题是,这些鸟身上似乎没有任何瘀伤或伤害迹象表明那和天气有关。
The birds appear to be following huge spiraling wind patterns in the atmosphere, avoiding flying into the wind, he said. 他解释到,燕鸥的飞行路线是以大气中螺旋风为根据,他们要尽量避免被风卷走。
Like the birds, they go on singing, like a storm full of wind, rain and thunder and great beauty of light. 就像鸟儿,它们会继续歌唱,就像充满着风、雨和巨大的光之美的暴风雨。
The birds, the people, the blueness of the sky, the clouds floating along, the smell of the fresh air, the warmth of the sun on your cheeks. 鸟儿,人们,蓝蓝的天空,漂浮的云彩,新鲜空气的气息,还有映照在你脸上的暖阳。
And in the uppermost basket there were all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh, but the birds were eating them out of the basket on my head. 17最上面的筐子里有为法老烤的各样食物,但是有飞鸟来吃我头上筐子里的食物。
There is time for you to look and think. You can hear the birds singing. You can get off the bicycle and take a few pictures. 有时间让你去观察去思考,你可以听鸟儿唱歌,跳下自行车拍几张照片。
The birds are a very clever animal, he would elephant and rhinoceros in the animals beating, and to help eliminate them physically garbage. 小鸟是一个很精灵的动物,他会在大象和犀牛这样的动物身上跳动,并且帮他们清除身体上的垃圾。
Standing at the streetcar stop, hearing the birds and watching the sun come up was like an awakening. 站在电车站,聆听着鸟鸣,观望着旭日像梦醒时分似的冉冉升起。
As if to say: "You Do not hurt the birds had! " Said the then miserable and recognition! 好像在说:“你们不要再伤害鸟类了!”说的那么凄惨与肯定!
As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. 撒的时候,有落在路旁的,被人践踏,天上的飞鸟又来吃尽了;
Experience of war in the trenches confirmed that the birds would keep trying to home despite life-threatening injuries. 壕沟之战的经验肯定了信鸽将会不畏致命伤害的危胁,百折不挠地飞回家。
They were dazzlingly white with long necks. They were swans. He did not know what the birds were. 他们有长长的脖子,全身是令人眩目的白色。他们是天鹅,他并不知道这些鸟是什麽鸟。
In case of a continuous surf islands are surrounded with a wide band of sea foam saturated with green algae that are so loved by the birds. 海浪不断的冲刷在岸边形成了丰富的混合着海藻的泡沫,是鸟儿最爱的泡沫浴。
There was a time when a deep blue sky , the song of the birds , moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound . 有一段时间,深蓝色的天空,鸟儿的歌声,月光和花朵并不能迷住我。
Such as "When the wind blows, does not shake the tree, the birds do not call, baby going to bed, eyes closed shut good. " 如“风儿吹,树不摇,鸟儿也不叫,小宝宝要睡觉,眼睛闭闭好。”
Today, I woke up to the sun shining, the birds singing, and an eviction notice. FML. 今天我醒来,看见阳光明媚,百鸟欢唱,以及一张退房通知单。FML。
it sounds like the birds are singing. 3 for her son, and her proud do not give up easily. 它听起来像鸟儿在唱歌。3、她为她的儿子不轻易放弃而感到自豪。
Did St. Francis really preach to the birds? Whatever for? If he really liked birds he would have done better to preach to the cats. 圣方济是不是真的向小鸟讲道?所为何来?如果他真的喜欢小鸟,他应该已向猫讲过道?
He said he could sing as well as the birds. 他说,他去和鸟儿一样能唱歌。
Finance people dead, the birds killed for food, are these words are full of those who do nothing but talk nonsense out of it? 人为财死,鸟为食亡,难道这些话都是那些人吃饱了没事干而乱说出来的吗?
The rate of spreading increased, and the birds "end up spreading all over space, " he said. 它们的分散速度增加,“最后会四散至整片天空。”