take care

  • v.当心;留心
  • 网络保重;小心;注意

take caretake care

take care


单车&音乐~~ - 月白风清 - 网易博客 ... No problem 没问题 take care 保重 bottoms up (干杯)见底 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... care for 关怀,照管;愿意 take care 当心,注意 take care of 爱护,照顾,照料 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... catch one's breath 屏息,歇口气 take care 小心,当心 take care of 照顾,照料 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... care for 关怀,照管;愿意 take care 当心,注意 take care of 爱护,照顾,照料 ...


英语礼貌用语100句 ... 97. I'll do that. 我一定来。 99. Take care. 多保重。 59. What time is it? 几点了? ...


1000实用英语口语短句循环朗读速记 - 豆丁网 ... Sorry about that. 很抱歉。 Take care. 请多保重。 Thanks a million. 非常感谢 …


九年级人教版英语4单元总结_百度知道 ... 喜欢 care for 留神 take care 照顾 take care of ...


出国旅游英语篇_漂流伐_新浪博客 ... Have a nice day. 愿你有个美好的一天. Take care 请保重. Good night. 晚安. ...

Not exactly, though I shall be happy to do both, but _that_ would be exercise only to my body, and I must take care of my mind. 不完全是,尽管我很乐意做这两件事。不过,那只是活动身体,我还要注意我的心灵呢。
Lord, I'm not in the best of health and would not be able to take care of all three husbands, so THAT'S why I said 'yes' to George Clooney. 可是,主啊,我现在身体不太好,不能照顾三个丈夫,所以这就是为什么我说乔治克鲁尼“是”。
Take care of me and I'll take care of you. I'll encourage my friends to come to see you. I'll come back when I need more of what you sell. 照顾好我,那么我也会照顾好你,我会鼓励我的朋友们到你这儿来,当我还需要你卖的东西时,我会再回来的。
You baby it a little, take care not to aggravate it, and eventually, it's stronger where it was broken than it was before. 你稍微呵护它,小心不要加剧它,最终,折断的地方比过去更强了。
a: that's the point. he once lost his briefcase by asking a "blind man" to take care of it for him. 对啦,这才是要害。他曾丢过一个公文包,原因是让一个“盲人”帮他看包。
You'll just have to take care of him. You know what I mean. 你只要好好“照看”他就行了,你知道我的意思。
I stay home and I take care of you, cause what I make is pretty much just a joke. 我留在家里照顾你,因为我所做的一切不过都是笑话。
However, the matter of remuneration will take care of itself, as it always does, if other things are all right. 不过,如其他条件具备,待遇问题,自会解决。
Ricky is totally fine and I'm going to take care of him. 卡卡没什么问题,他很好。我会继续关照、照顾他的。
My in another school friend is ill, I got to take him to the hospital and take care of him. 我的在另一所学校的朋友病了,我得送他去医院并照顾他。帮我对班主任…
She stayed at home for a few days so that she might take care of her sick mother. 她在家里呆了好几天,以便能照顾生病的母亲。
I'll take care of him for you. 我替你照顾他。
To take care of him, I dropped out of college to work a factory job that provides mental health insurance coverage. 为了照顾他,我从学院退学,来到了一家提供心理健康保险的工厂工作。
I hear he falling in love with her because she like take care of him. 我听说他爱上她,因为她很会照顾他。
After a pause she said, with a just perceptible chill in her voice: "May asked you to take care of me? " 停了一会儿,她语气略显冷淡地说:“是梅请你来照顾我的吧?”
Many bring along the children they need to take care of at home, transforming the seminar into a heartwarming family gathering. 不少志工带著需要照顾的孩子一同参加,让这次研习会也像凝聚爱心的家庭聚会。
Booth: Oh, no. Okay, hold on. Sorry, I apologize. Here. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise okay? Ice cream later? Take care. 不用,好的,挺住,对不起,我道歉。我会送你去,我发誓,行吗?稍后来点冰激凌?保重。
You would not believe how much reaction your ball looses over a 100 game period if you don't take care of it. 你可能想像不到,球一旦疏于保养,用了100局后会减损多少击瓶的能量。
There's so much work to do around the house and, with five children to take care of, it's almost impossible. 原来在家里竟然有这么多的事情要做,加上还要照顾5个孩子,这简直是不可能的。
Who does take care of him? His wife? 谁在照顾他呢?他妻子吗?
Within a man, he said he would love me, to take care of me, but only once commitments. 内个男人、他说他要爱我、要照顾我、但只是曾经的承诺。
I'll take care of it and pick you up in ten. Hey, I've been wondering where you were. you mean all of your life? 我搞定后十点来接你。我一直在想你去哪里了?,-你是说你一生都在想?。
Boys must win the support of his good, but it is not always good, as long as when he was sick to take care of him on the list . 收服男生就得对他好,但不是时时都好,只要在他生病的时候照顾他就行了。
Sabrina Johnson used to be assistant manager at a discount retail store before leaving to take care of her mother. 萨布里娜•约翰逊(SabrinaJohnson)为照顾母亲而辞职之前,是一家折扣零售店的经理助理。
Early when his wife is pregnant, he will take care of her so she can give birth to a fine healthy baby. 早期,他的妻子已经怀孕,他将照顾她,让她能生下一个健康的婴儿罚款。
"You've got to take care of your turtles, so they can take care of you, " he said in a priestly way. “你必须好好地照顾你的龟,这样它们才能照顾好你。”他说这话的时候,有一种神父一样的语气。
Hamster very cute, small size, easy to take care of, than a cat or rabbit cheap, almost all day in bed. 仓鼠很可爱,身形小巧,容易照顾,比猫or兔子便宜,几乎一天都在睡觉。
Jehu went in and ate and drank. 'Take care of that cursed woman, ' he said, 'and bury her, for she was a king's daughter. ' 耶户进去,吃了喝了,吩咐说,你们把这被咒诅的妇人葬埋了,因为她是王的女儿。
The shepherd dog does not know as much about most things as some other dogs, and yet he understands very well how to take care of sheep. 虽然牧羊犬不懂得基他种狗所懂的绝大部分事物,可是牧羊犬却精通于怎样看护好羊群。
This zombie will dig under your plants and attack from the back. Use magnet-shrooms or split-peas to take care of him. 这只僵尸会从直接穿到植物的背后攻击它们,用磁力菇或者双向射手来干掉它们!